Conversations That Create Trajectory Moments

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Breakthroughs With Your Family

Breakthroughs With Your Family

<br /> Breakthroughs With Your Family<br />

The feeling you get through your breakthroughs is like nothing else, except if you share your breakthroughs with your family. Having family breakthroughs can change not only your thoughts, feelings, and actions about certain elements of your life but they can change your families dynamics is amazing and mystical ways.

Breakthroughs of any great magnitude change you for life, if you could take those changes and apply them within your family, would you not want to? Of course you would. They are fairly simple to arrange, the action and completion on the other hand can be quite difficult, however, with the power of a family. The power of people that truly care for you and want you to breakthrough. There is but only one thing that can stop you and that thing is YOU.

Fear Pic

Sit down with your family, lay out your goals over the next three months. What do all of you want to accomplish and how can you help each other with your breakthroughs? Children and our “better halves” have such a magnificent effect on us it is incredible.

You can move mountains for your family and at the same time move them for yourself. Many people today have fears about the breakthroughs they really want. Until that is their children breakthrough and share their amazing tales of adventure with you. Then what are you going to do? You guessed it….breakthrough yourself.

By sharing your breakthroughs you will give others the confidence to breakthrough themselves. Share the joy and energy that comes from breaking through from fear to freedom, from failure to faith, from confinement to freedom and take your family with you.

Change today for a better tomorrow!

Your Challenge Is Your Legacy

Your Challenge Is Your Legacy

<br /> Your Challenge Is Your Legacy<br />

We all want to leave a legacy when we go, don’t we? Either for our children or the population in general. Is the legacy that someone leaves behind nothing more than the story associated with every challenge they faced? This question deserves looking into.

If you look at the legacy of Henry Ford for example. Is his legacy based on the challenge of making the V8 engine work or is it based on building cars? It can go either way right? Yes he did introduce us to this new way of traveling but would his legacy have been so great if he gave up on the challenge of building that ole V8? This engine is just one of the legacy lessons Henry Ford left behind right? Possibly, that also depends on your perception. Maybe Mr. Ford’s biggest legacy was the millions of single style cars he built with the Model A. Maybe it was his determination to be the best. Go ahead and research other great inspirational leaders like Winston Churchill for example.

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Was Mr. Churchill’s legacy the inspiration he left behind from overcoming a particular challenge he faced? Maybe his legacy to you is the way he overcame multiple challenges. In fact with Mr. Churchill is he faced many, many adversities that would have sent most into hiding for the rest of their lives. However, Mr. Churchill prevailed over all of them and that made him the great person he still is by living through his legacy you her about today and will hear about once again tomorrow.

You can find similar stories in all of our leader’s legacies and the leaders of today that are creating their legacies. All of them overcome challenge to bring you these breakthroughs and the benefits you get to take on and enjoy.

Embrace the challenge, leave a legacy for others to learn from. Pay it forward!

Failure, The Other Form Of Success

Failure, The Other Form Of Success

<br /> Failure, The Other Form Of Success<br />

If failure was the final point, where would our world as we know it be? If failure was final, what do you think the great inventions that changed the word would look like? If there was not a single part of failure to learn from, what would things like cars, the space shuttle, vacuums, t.v’s, or tablets look like? Would they even exist?Where would they be? Not in our hands or available for us to use as we know of them today, that is certain!

Challenge Yourself

Failure is a part of life, finding the learning lesson in this word is really what has created everything around you. So in essence, failure is a really good thing. It allows us to see where we went “wrong” and correct it. Failure is simply success with an unintended ending. It is the emotions and story that we associate with this “F” word that creates our thoughts, feelings, and actions about it.

The story is the key, the story is the gold nugget of every “failure.” When experience one of these learning moments, what story do you associate with it? Is it a story of blame? Is it a story of defeat? Or is it a story of learning? A story of faith? A story of joy to have had the pleasure of this educational moment?

Granted, sometimes when we hit these educational times, finding that educational moment is not always the easiest thing to do. Believe it or not, it can serve as the greatest breakthrough you have ever experienced. Change your story, change your life in every way.

Fear Does Have Boundaries

Fear Does Have Boundaries

<br /> Fear Does Have Boundaries<br />

Fear is a paralyzing emotion, there is no doubting or denying that. If you have a fear/phobia to say Spiders, dogs, or even enclosed spaces. The paralyzing feeling that takes over you as these phobias/fears close in on you is like nothing you would wish on your worst enemy.

The fear of success and the fear of failure have the same paralyzing effect for your life goals. The difference is that they just don’t feel anything like the fear you may have for spiders, dogs, or enclosed spaces but the effect of not facing and conquering these fears is far greater.

Fear Pic

Have you ever made excuses about going after your big goal, dream, or aspiration? Have you ever created obstacles or missed important deadlines? Have you ever had opportunities that you downgraded or dismissed but deep inside you knew they would have been beneficial to you in reaching your goals?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, you quite possibly might have a fear of either failure, or success. These fears can sabotage you in more ways than you can imagine. The fear of both success and failure are common things, they are experienced by millions of people all of the globe.

Either of these fears can derail your dreams in a heart beat, you will just never realize it until you don’t accomplish your goals. These fears might not be as paralyzing in the moment like the fear of heights but they are far more crippling than any fear you will face. Why? Well they can ruin your dreams and cause you to live a life you don’t want to live, a life that’s not in line with your purpose.

Tackle these two fears head on, challenge yourself to overcome them and breakthrough into the freedom you deserve. Break these boundaries and create a new paradigm, a creative, powerful, success orientated, and limitless paradigm. Create the paradigm you deserve. Ask yourself the questions we shared an be honest with yourself when you answer. If you are saying yes to any of them, it is time to say no! Step outside your cocoon of comfort and truly start to make a dynamic shift in your life.

Fear And Her Brother Faith

Fear And Her Brother Faith

<br /> Fear And Her Brother Faith<br />

You have heard the saying before fear knocked at the door, faith opened it and nothing was there. Or even you have nothing to fear but fear itself. These quotes or statements are very true but none the less, they are still some of the most difficult emotions to overcome.

Fear is a responsive emotion that is meant to keep us safe. So it is really a good thing, the issue is not fear itself. It’s more of what’s been programmed in our subconscious minds that creates these feelings we get when we have to step outside our comfort zone and act on situations or circumstances we have never acted on before.

Challenge Yourself

This new action is what triggers these feelings inside that in turn create the fear you and I face. Does knowing this make it easier to overcome? Maybe, maybe not. Most likely no but there is a way to keep this imbalance of emotions “in-check” by first excepting that you have a fear about your situation, then telling yourself that is it normal to have these feelings. This sets up your mind to take responsibility for the fear and only when you take responsibility and own the fear, can you truly act on overcoming it.

One last thing, if you fear going for that goal in your life. Look for people who have overcome the same or remarkably close fear. Discussing it with people that have never come close to overcoming what you are looking to conquer will have very little real life help to offer. You wouldn’t get great advise about creating a life of abundance if you searched out a homeless man under a bridge and asked him to share his wisdom would you?

Challenge Yourself Breakthrough Your limiting Beliefs

Challenge Yourself Breakthrough Your limiting Beliefs

<br /> Challenge Yourself Breakthrough Your Limiting Beliefs<br />

It is time you entered the challenge zone! When was the last time you challenged yourself to do something better? Made the internal challenge to create or do something that scares the hell out of you? Or experienced breakthroughs that took your breath away.

To challenge yourself and create breakthroughs with your present limiting beliefs is one thing that in my opinion, you should do as often as possible. Breakthroughs come in all shapes and sizes, the key is to see them. This can prove to be a little more difficult that you might think. In today’s world, we are moving at such a high speed, you might miss many of your daily breakthroughs that can lead to higher self confidence that will intern lead to more breakthroughs.

Challenge Yourself

So challenge yourself to be aware of your daily actions and you will soon see that breakthroughs are a daily experience for you. Have you ever walked through the door and when your spouse asks you how your day went, you have this reply. “We’ll it was really busy, but it was one of those days were I felt like I got nothing accomplished.”

Yeh, we have all had those days haven’t we? What is you were to try to write down your wins everyday? Write down all the breakthroughs you have in a day! This challenge we present to you today can make a massive difference in your productivity at both work and your home. Share this with your spouse or children and tomorrow at the dinner table, share your breakthroughs with your family as they share theirs.

Limiting beliefs are only as powerful as you make them. If you are limitless so are your beliefs. This exercise is also really good for your “bad days”, when you are having a day she your moral, energy, or mood are below par. Go back though your breakthroughs and you will see your energy, moral, and mood change as you relive the memories of your breakthroughs and smile as you realize that you have take your challenge by the horns and you are conquering your limited beliefs.

Own The Adversity – Own The Breakthroughs

Own The Adversity – Own The Breakthroughs

<br /> Own The Adversity Own The Breakthroughs<br />

Adversity is like death and taxes, it’s given! If you are breathing, you are going to face adversity. The challenge is how do we experience our life breakthroughs when face adversity?

If you want to expire nice breakthroughs like never before from any adversity you face. The first lesson is to take ownership of your adversity. You got it. Own the adversity and you will own your breakthroughs. This will entail you checking your unhealthy ego at the door. Now this could be difficult for some and understandably so. Owning your adversity is to the easiest thing to do. Owning your breakthroughs on the other hand is an awesome feeling isn’t it?

Breakthrough Adversity

What if you can change the beliefs you have with your adversity to create the same pleasure you have when you own your breakthroughs as you do when you own your adversity? You might just have the winning formula no? I am willing to be you will my friend.

When you own your adversity and come to the realization that you in fact attracted this adversity into your life. That you and only you are responsible for this adversity. Then and only then can you truly own it and turn the beliefs you have related to this adversity around and create your breakthroughs. If you own your adversity, you will own your breakthroughs!

Check your unhealthy ego at the door. Unhealthy egos have no place in the classroom called growth. Own your adversity and you will own your breakthroughs. Unhealthy egos cause you to cast blame, anger, and attitude toward your adversity or people that might be included in your adversity and there are no breakthroughs for you in that scenario.

The responsibility is yours for the taking, go ahead take it and enjoy it! Learn something new about yourself. Own your adversity and you will own all your breakthroughs.

Failure To Launch

Failure To Launch

<br /> Failure To Launch<br />

Failure to launch your dream life can be a crushing feeling. In his book Fail Up, Tavis Smiley shared a statement that had an extremely impactful emotional attachment. He said ” success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go.” What a dynamic statement.

Stopping three feet from gold is so common today. The failure to launch your life can be as fine as a razors edge. Hanging onto your dreams and not letting them fall to the waste side can be a minor adjustment in your thoughts which control your feelings, which in turn create your actions, which then create your results right?

Faulure To Launch

Failure is not the end all of you. Failure means one thing and one thing only. You never found that growth lesson It’s that simple. If you never give up, meaning if you take the growth moment from every “failure” you will find that this word “failure” is just another word in your vocabulary that has this negative belief around it.

The problem with this word is the meanings you have associated with it. The meanings or beliefs about what it means to face it head on and “lose”.

Failure is what you make it, it is what you believe it is. In her book Conquer Fear, Lisa Jimenez shares this profound statement that will make you change these thoughts.

“Change your beliefs-and you change your behaviors, change your behaviors-change your results, change your results-change your life.”

Digest that statement for a while and you will should come to the conclusion that this word failure is just what we believe it is, nothing more. Change your belief about failure and your failure will change as well. Change into what? Great question! What do you believe it will change into?

The Challenge That Comes With Adversity

The Challenge That Comes With Adversity

<br /> The Challenge That Comes With Adversity<br />

When we face adversities of major magnitude, our ability to control our beliefs about the adversity can help in your challenge. Our beliefs are the guiding factors in all adversities.

What would you say if we suggested that every adversity you have faced to date every challenge you have experienced, you manifested in your life? If you are like most, the first reply is “NO I haven’t.” Well in fact you have.

Napoleon Hill said “With every adversity is planted the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” Now he came to this conclusion after over 20 years of researching the most successful people of his time. The likes of Edison, Ford, and Wrigley. Which makes it just a little hard to try to deny his findings doesn’t it?

Josh HInds It's Your Life LIVE BIG Book Cover

Well here is where the internal challenge lies. How do we see the gold nugget inside every adversity? This is definitely a tough thing to do, but, there is hope. Here are a few suggestions you can use to start to see the seed, that beautiful gold nugget inside your adversity.

  1. Stop: Step out of the present situation. You need to get out of the heat of the moment.
  2. Ask yourself some possibility questions. These are questions that enable you to think. I mean critically think about how you can overcome your adversity, not be stopped by it.
  3. Take ownership of your challenge. Taking ownership is a key to climbing this seemingly insurmountable wall.

These three suggestions can turn any challenge into unlimited possibilities for growth.

Self Talk And Thinking

Self Talk And Thinking

<br /> Self Talk And Thinking<br />

The importance of self talk is nothing new, I am sure that you have heard about it before. If you are reading this article, blog, or post. You know about self talk! For the past 20 years learning and growing with personal development leaders, teachers, and friends. One thing remains so apparent that it just has to be said again and again.

We become what we think about. Now do you realize that 90% of our thoughts are unconscious, we don’t even know we are having these “Little Conversations” with ourselves. This self talk, self thoughts are so powerful and controlling it is unbelievable.

The mass of the population believe they are speaking to themselves in a positive manner but they are doing the exact opposite. I have just recently finished Ryan C. Lowe’s book called Get Off Your Attitude. For those reading this that have not had the honor of reading his book, please do your self a favor and get it. What an amazing read.

In it he discusses self talk and he has a paragraph that I would love to share and discuss in further detail it goes:

I was once told by a friend.”You know, there’s no way I would let other people say to me what I say to myself. I wouldn’t let other people call me fat or ugly, but that’s what I call myself all day long.”

Now, before you go any further, please just digest that for a moment and apply it to your life, to things that you say to yourself when no one else but the most important person in your life is listening….YOU.

Are you critical of the things you do? Do you say you can be better but when the time comes to do it, you retract all the positive things you “say” you believe? Do you ever do just as Ryan’s friend says he does, do you say things to yourself that you would never in a million years let others say to you?

These are really deep questions aren’t they? The second big realization of this is that the single biggest law of this universe is that “You become what you think about” and if we are thinking the complete opposite of what we should be thinking, then why are we so surprised when more of the “same” comes to us?

I took this page on Ryan’s book and had to of read it about 20 times. The information we get in books – I know, I have said it a many times in our expert videos, interviews, many other blogs, and almost daily in my life speaking with people, BUT I will say it again. The information we get in books is so valuable but yet most do nothing with it.

Start To Use The Information You Get Today To Help You Create A Better Tomorrow!

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Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
- Napoleon Hill