Conversations That Create Trajectory Moments

Archive for the Perspective Category

Shela Dean | This Isn’t The Same Person I Met

Shela Dean | This Isn’t The Same Person I Met

Jim Rohrbach | Reality Distortion Field

Jim Rohrbach | Reality Distortion Field

Bob Burg |Consider The Source

Bob Burg |Consider The Source

Bob Burg | What Is A Positive Frame

Bob Burg | What Is A Positive Frame

Bob Burg | Being Ego Conscious

Bob Burg | Being Ego Conscious

Bob Burg | Ultimate Influence

Bob Burg | Ultimate Influence

Jane Goldner | Curious Relationship With Power

Jane Goldner | Curious Relationship With Power

Jane Goldner | The 80/20 Rule

Jane Goldner | The 80/20 Rule

Jane Goldner | Key Elements Of Negotiating

Jane Goldner | Key Elements Of Negotiating

Michelle Prince | The Four P’s Of Prosperity

Michelle Prince | The Four P’s Of Prosperity

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Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
- Napoleon Hill