Conversations That Create Trajectory Moments

Challenge Yourself Breakthrough Your limiting Beliefs

<br /> Challenge Yourself Breakthrough Your Limiting Beliefs<br />

It is time you entered the challenge zone! When was the last time you challenged yourself to do something better? Made the internal challenge to create or do something that scares the hell out of you? Or experienced breakthroughs that took your breath away.

To challenge yourself and create breakthroughs with your present limiting beliefs is one thing that in my opinion, you should do as often as possible. Breakthroughs come in all shapes and sizes, the key is to see them. This can prove to be a little more difficult that you might think. In today’s world, we are moving at such a high speed, you might miss many of your daily breakthroughs that can lead to higher self confidence that will intern lead to more breakthroughs.

Challenge Yourself

So challenge yourself to be aware of your daily actions and you will soon see that breakthroughs are a daily experience for you. Have you ever walked through the door and when your spouse asks you how your day went, you have this reply. “We’ll it was really busy, but it was one of those days were I felt like I got nothing accomplished.”

Yeh, we have all had those days haven’t we? What is you were to try to write down your wins everyday? Write down all the breakthroughs you have in a day! This challenge we present to you today can make a massive difference in your productivity at both work and your home. Share this with your spouse or children and tomorrow at the dinner table, share your breakthroughs with your family as they share theirs.

Limiting beliefs are only as powerful as you make them. If you are limitless so are your beliefs. This exercise is also really good for your “bad days”, when you are having a day she your moral, energy, or mood are below par. Go back though your breakthroughs and you will see your energy, moral, and mood change as you relive the memories of your breakthroughs and smile as you realize that you have take your challenge by the horns and you are conquering your limited beliefs.



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Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
- Napoleon Hill