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Enjoy these videos from today’s thought leaders on how you can overcome adversity


On your path toward you goals, dreams, and desires, you are going to face adversity. These videos share steps, techniques, and different thought processes you can use to overcome adversity today to achieve your dreams tomorrow. 

Susan Fitzell | Steps To Overcome Adversity

Susan Fitzell | Steps To Overcome Adversity

Once you face adversity, the next step is to overcome it and for this, you will need some action steps.
Susan Fitzell | Adversity And Beliefs

Susan Fitzell | Adversity And Beliefs

Your belief about adversity, failure, and defeat will in fact drive your life.
Steve Rizzo | Responding To Adversity

Steve Rizzo | Responding To Adversity

Reacting VS Responding, We have discussed it in the past. Responding to adversity can have the biggest growth moment you can ever experience!
Rico Racosky | Adversity Is A Gift

Rico Racosky | Adversity Is A Gift

You control how you deal with adversity. You truly do control the outcome of all adversities in your life.
Rich Okun | Found The Gold Nugget

Rich Okun | Found The Gold Nugget

It is extremely important to ensure we always look for the gold nugget. In tis video, Rich shares how he finds his nugget of glory in every adversity.
Paulette Shimabukuro | Personal Stories Of Overcoming Adversity

Paulette Shimabukuro | Personal Stories Of Overcoming Adversity

In this video Paulette shares her personal stories of adversity and how her and her family would deal with it all.
Paulette Shimabukuro | Benefits Of Adversity

Paulette Shimabukuro | Benefits Of Adversity

Looking at the positive of every situation can help in more ways than you believe.
Paulette Shimabukuro | Adversity And Personal Growth

Paulette Shimabukuro | Adversity And Personal Growth

In this video Paulette shares her personal stories on adversity and personal growth.
Lynn Fitzsimmons | Adversities We All Face

Lynn Fitzsimmons | Adversities We All Face

If you are breathing...You have faced adversity!
Lisa Jimenez | Biggest Life Blocks

Lisa Jimenez | Biggest Life Blocks

Life or mental blocks that we all have can stop us from achieving our dreams. These blocks need to come down before we can truly go after our highest dreams, visions, and aspirations.
Judy Lawrence | Seemingly Insurmountable Obstacles

Judy Lawrence | Seemingly Insurmountable Obstacles

Facing obstacles in life is a given. Facing those seemingly insurmountable obstacles can not only be scary but they can send you back into your comfort zone, which doubles as the CONFINEMENT zone.
Ian Humphrey | Our Biggest Opponent

Ian Humphrey | Our Biggest Opponent

In life we are our biggest asset or biggest pitfall.
Ian Humphrey | Its Not About The Knockdown

Ian Humphrey | Its Not About The Knockdown

It's all about the GET UP in life!
Ian Humphrey | Getting Knocked Down

Ian Humphrey | Getting Knocked Down

So here you are, knocked down. Let Ian share how you can get back up!
Elizabeth Anderson | Why Is Change So Difficult

Elizabeth Anderson | Why Is Change So Difficult

The question: Why is change so difficult? Might seem like a simple question and it is, the answer is a completely other story.
Elizabeth Anderson | How Do You Embrace Adversity

Elizabeth Anderson | How Do You Embrace Adversity

Learning to embrace adversity is a key element in achieving success in your life. Success comes with many challenges or adversities especially if we stand of the edge of uncertainty.
Mertileen Mahabeer | The Fight Gets Fierce

Mertileen Mahabeer | The Fight Gets Fierce

When you get closer to your goal, your fight gets fierce. Monica shares how to battle back!
Mertileen Mahabeer | Why Do Most People Abandon Their Goals

Mertileen Mahabeer | Why Do Most People Abandon Their Goals

Do you abandon your goals just before you reach greatness? Most do, why? Well watch Monica's video and find out!
Bob Burg | Acknowledging Adversity Exists

Bob Burg | Acknowledging Adversity Exists

Adversity hits us all. The only thing that we have to realize is that no matter what goal we set, we will find adversity.
Bob Burg | The Underlined Gold Nugget

Bob Burg | The Underlined Gold Nugget

Bob Burg discusses how there is an underlined gold nugget, a seed that is planed that has an equal or greater benefit in every adversity you face. The secret is believing.

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Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
- Napoleon Hill