Conversations That Create Trajectory Moments

Posts Tagged excuses

Are You A Cookie Thief? What’s Your Perspective?

Are You A Cookie Thief? What’s Your Perspective?

I was driving to a meeting the other day listening to Dr. Wayne Dyer. As with you I bet, there is always a great inspirational or motivational mp3, cd, Inspiration_Your_Ultimate_Calling_Dr_Wayne_Dyer_abridged_compact_discs_Tor podcast playing in my car. As the late GREAT Zig Ziglar used to say “When you are on the road listening to inspirational, life changing material it is called automobile university”.

In continuing my education, Dr. Dyer shared a poem that Valerie Cox wrote called The Cookie Thief. This poem was so good that I had to pull over, pull out my laptop, find the poem online and write this blog. (You have gotta love technology!!!)

Here is the poem


“A woman was waiting at an airport one night,
With several long hours before her flight.
She hunted for a book in the airport shops.
Bought a bag of cookies and found a place to drop.
She was engrossed in her book but happened to see,
That the man sitting beside her, as bold as could be.
Grabbed a cookie or two from the bag in between,
Which she tried to ignore to avoid a scene.
So she munched the cookies and watched the clock,
As the gutsy cookie thief diminished her stock.
She was getting more irritated as the minutes ticked by,
Thinking, “If I wasn’t so nice, I would blacken his eye.”
With each cookie she took, he took one too,
When only one was left, she wondered what he would do.
With a smile on his face, and a nervous laugh,
He took the last cookie and broke it in half.
He offered her half, as he ate the other,
She snatched it from him and thought… oooh,
brother.This guy has some nerve and he’s also rude,
Why he didn’t even show any gratitude!
She had never known when she had been so galled,
And sighed with relief when her flight was called.
She gathered her belongings and headed to the gate,
Refusing to look back at the thieving ingrate.
She boarded the plane, and sank in her seat,
Then she sought her book, which was almost complete.
As she reached in her baggage, she gasped with surprise,
There was her bag of cookies, in front of her eyes.
If mine are here, she moaned in despair,
The others were his, and he tried to share.
Too late to apologize, she realized with grief,
That she was the rude one, the ingrate, the thief.”


CookieThiefSo the big question we can take out of this poem is. Are you the cookie thief? Does your perception of filters if you will block your vision of what’s truly going on? There is also something else playing out here,  lets take a step back and think about this turn of events from the other persons end. What would you do if your intuition at the same time as your cookies were being depleted was saying “I think she is actually getting angry because I am eating my own cookies”.  As I sit here and type I can feel my insides kind of crunching up, yet I am giggling at the same time. The person who’s cookies were being eaten is a definite We-Go driven person not an Ego driven person. He’s a Go-Giver not a Go-Taker.

So lets really start to look at every situation from as many angles as you can. Is what you see as happening to you, in truth, the only way to see the situation?



Fear Does Have Boundaries

Fear Does Have Boundaries

<br /> Fear Does Have Boundaries<br />

Fear is a paralyzing emotion, there is no doubting or denying that. If you have a fear/phobia to say Spiders, dogs, or even enclosed spaces. The paralyzing feeling that takes over you as these phobias/fears close in on you is like nothing you would wish on your worst enemy.

The fear of success and the fear of failure have the same paralyzing effect for your life goals. The difference is that they just don’t feel anything like the fear you may have for spiders, dogs, or enclosed spaces but the effect of not facing and conquering these fears is far greater.

Fear Pic

Have you ever made excuses about going after your big goal, dream, or aspiration? Have you ever created obstacles or missed important deadlines? Have you ever had opportunities that you downgraded or dismissed but deep inside you knew they would have been beneficial to you in reaching your goals?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, you quite possibly might have a fear of either failure, or success. These fears can sabotage you in more ways than you can imagine. The fear of both success and failure are common things, they are experienced by millions of people all of the globe.

Either of these fears can derail your dreams in a heart beat, you will just never realize it until you don’t accomplish your goals. These fears might not be as paralyzing in the moment like the fear of heights but they are far more crippling than any fear you will face. Why? Well they can ruin your dreams and cause you to live a life you don’t want to live, a life that’s not in line with your purpose.

Tackle these two fears head on, challenge yourself to overcome them and breakthrough into the freedom you deserve. Break these boundaries and create a new paradigm, a creative, powerful, success orientated, and limitless paradigm. Create the paradigm you deserve. Ask yourself the questions we shared an be honest with yourself when you answer. If you are saying yes to any of them, it is time to say no! Step outside your cocoon of comfort and truly start to make a dynamic shift in your life.

Self Talk And Thinking

Self Talk And Thinking

<br /> Self Talk And Thinking<br />

The importance of self talk is nothing new, I am sure that you have heard about it before. If you are reading this article, blog, or post. You know about self talk! For the past 20 years learning and growing with personal development leaders, teachers, and friends. One thing remains so apparent that it just has to be said again and again.

We become what we think about. Now do you realize that 90% of our thoughts are unconscious, we don’t even know we are having these “Little Conversations” with ourselves. This self talk, self thoughts are so powerful and controlling it is unbelievable.

The mass of the population believe they are speaking to themselves in a positive manner but they are doing the exact opposite. I have just recently finished Ryan C. Lowe’s book called Get Off Your Attitude. For those reading this that have not had the honor of reading his book, please do your self a favor and get it. What an amazing read.

In it he discusses self talk and he has a paragraph that I would love to share and discuss in further detail it goes:

I was once told by a friend.”You know, there’s no way I would let other people say to me what I say to myself. I wouldn’t let other people call me fat or ugly, but that’s what I call myself all day long.”

Now, before you go any further, please just digest that for a moment and apply it to your life, to things that you say to yourself when no one else but the most important person in your life is listening….YOU.

Are you critical of the things you do? Do you say you can be better but when the time comes to do it, you retract all the positive things you “say” you believe? Do you ever do just as Ryan’s friend says he does, do you say things to yourself that you would never in a million years let others say to you?

These are really deep questions aren’t they? The second big realization of this is that the single biggest law of this universe is that “You become what you think about” and if we are thinking the complete opposite of what we should be thinking, then why are we so surprised when more of the “same” comes to us?

I took this page on Ryan’s book and had to of read it about 20 times. The information we get in books – I know, I have said it a many times in our expert videos, interviews, many other blogs, and almost daily in my life speaking with people, BUT I will say it again. The information we get in books is so valuable but yet most do nothing with it.

Start To Use The Information You Get Today To Help You Create A Better Tomorrow!

An Amazing Adversity Story About A Hero In His Field And His Massive Adversity

An Amazing Adversity Story About A Hero In His Field And His Massive Adversity

An Amazing Adversity Story About A Hero In His Field And His Massive Adversity

[dropcap_2]L[/dropcap_2]iving in Quebec most of my life and being born in Ontario, I guess some would say that it is natural for me to “love” snowmobiling right? I mean the joke has always and I believe still is that we live in igloo’s up here in the ole Great White North right?

Snow Storm

Maybe so I guess if you believe in those Urban Legends. Now speaking of legends, this blog is going to focus on a legend that most of you will have never heard of. If you have Well then… You are a “Sledneck” just like Christine and I are. Even though at this point our weekends and extra time is taken up by our children and their social lives, extra curricular activities, and their School work. None the less we still are “Slednecks” to the bone!

I guess first off, what is a Sledneck? A Sledneck is a group of people that ride snowmobiles to the ultimate EXTREEM. Not just the extreem, we mean it when we say the ULTIMATE Extreem. Have a look here at a video from You Tube.

Now that is extreem snowmobiling!
This is also where our story of overcoming adversity begins!

[dropcap_2]H[/dropcap_2]ere is another accomplishment above and beyond what you saw in the video on Paul Thacker. Paul holds the world record for the longest snowmobile jump, he flew over 300 feet from ramp to ramp. He is an icon in the snowmobiling world, he is fearless AND he is also now overcoming one of the biggest adversities anyone of us can face. Here is the video of his world record jump.

On November 18th 2010, Paul was practcing for the upcoming season when he had an accient. Read the whole story Here. Paul now has no feeling from the chest down, he is now facing the biggest and most challenging moment in his life. What is it that takes us from the top of the world down into a place where you need to choose to either create a legacy of fall away into the darkness? My personal belief is “A Decision”.

[bq_left] Hello all! Its PT checkin in! Wow things are crazy as usual! I have been traveling all over. I have been doing physical therapy daily and rehab like you read about! Things are really going well. Things are improving and I am doing my best not to let this injury slow me down one bit.

To the left is a segment of a post that Paul added to his blog. (Check Out Paul’s Blog Here).

If you have had or especially if you have yourself been through anything like this. No one can really every even begin to imagine the feelings and emotions that would shoot through you like a lightning bolt. To one day have full use of your body, then the next not is something above and beyond anyone’s imagination unless you are living it. There are two roads you can take if you hit a trajectory point in life such as this.

One road can lead to great things such as helping others believe in themselves, achieve their dreams, understand how they too can overcoem the adversity they face, and give people JOY, Inspiration, excitement, and mos tof all belief.

Then there is a second road you can take, this is the road to defeat, the road to darkness, the road to a place, I believe, none if us really want to go. So you can:


[list type="arrow teal"] [li] You can choose to be defeated, to lay down and let what ever is going to happen happen.[/li] [li] You can begin a new chapter (As difficult as it will be), you can start creating YOUR legacy to leave with the world [/li] [/list]


Paul Thacker has taken the road less traveled, the road to leaving not only his legacy in the snowmobile industry but his new and even more profound legacy.

The legacy of not letting an accident control his life

Paul knows he is the CEO fo his life and he has made an irrevocable decision to help others and be their inspiration. Today Paul is on the road with Ekso Bionics sharing his story and providing hope, inspiration, and most of all belief that you too can overcome


adversity that hits you, with everyone he meets. You can see all that Paul is doing on his site Here

What Pushes Obstacles Away?

What Pushes Obstacles Away?

<br /> What makes mountains seem like mole hills?<br />

What turns obstacles that seem like mountains into mole hills?


Could it be Passion, Belief, Faith, Courage, Or Understanding?

Sure it can, but how many of us truly believe that these drives, feelings, and inner thoughts can take us to that promised land? This is a question that many of us think about indirectly. You see when you think thoughts of disbelief, lack, or even failure…(Sorry had to use that word) You are telling yourself that you have no faith, belief, and passion in yourself.

First off, we have all and we all still have these feelings so the statement is not to say that if these thoughts come to mind you are a failure, no not at all. The people who believe these silly self thoughts are the ones that will not get where they truly want to go. These are the people that will allow these thoughts to remain in their head that they are not worthy enough, educated enough, or even just believe

There is no way I could do that, I have no credentials or means to get that going.

When Pig Fly Picture

I believe you could also use the old saying

“When Pigs Fly”

Could you not?

But that does this do to our goals, aspirations, and dreams? It crushes them right? Well how do we turn these mountains of fear, disbelief, and lack in to mole hills that you can roll over without a single thought. I believe that it is as simple as Passion, belief in thyself, and understanding that you really can do what you really want to do in life. Now once again and I have said this MANY times. Simple and easy are not the same thing.

Any one who tells you something like this is easy, well….They have simply never done it before. Plain and “simple”

So lets tale making mountains into mole hills for a while shall we? Mountains represents that seemingly insurmountable wall that fear of failure, that lack, that “what will my friends think” mentality. This mentality is a true fear for most, but with belief and we mean unwavering belief, that mountain starts loosing it’s height.

All the experts that we have spoke to, interviewed, and recorded have similar thoughts on this one subject, it is the the ingrained “I can’t that has been programmed into our sub conscious mind that take us down this path of disbelief. Let me ask you this, as a baby, or even look at any baby around you. Do you think that they believe that they can’t walk when they first fall down? DO they stop after the first time they “fail” to walk? Or course not, they have people all around them telling them that they can do it, and they do.

This is one of the biggest issues we face as adults. Having ourselves surrounded with people that Truly believe in us. Now we say truly because there are many factors here to consider. One is that you have friends and family members right now that say they believe in you but inside they don’t want anything to change, they are happy with YOU right where you are.

How do we get back to the environment that we had as a baby? The environment where everyone you knew believed in you unconditionally? That my friends is the question of the century!

Here is something to REALLY consider

1) Believe in yourself.

2) Understand that your friends will not fully believe in you the way that you think they should.

3) Be prepared the best you can for what ever venture you start out on.

4) STOP listening to the disbelievers…This includes your inner disbelieving self by the way

5) And Your PASSION has to be there. You have to be passionate about what you are going after or at the first sign of trouble, you will abandon your vision and retreat back to the thoughts of…..

Well I never really could have done that anyway, what was I thinking? Man am I ever glad I didn’t tell anon about it, they would be laughing at me now wouldn’t they?

Joy to YOU!


The Actor Observer Effect

The Actor Observer Effect

The Actor Observer Effect

The Actor Observer Effect

Recently I read an amazing little book by Dr. Suzanne L. Davis, this book is entitled Ten Interesting Things About Human Behavior.

There is a section that I would like to share and dive a bit deeper into. Chapter 8 is called

-We Use Double-Standards When We Judge Ourselves Relative To Others-

Dr. Davis goes on to use an example of dropping off some wedding invitations and says “ I didn’t mail the wedding invitations because my boss made me stay late again.” Dr. Davis goes on to explain that we make excuses for ourselves and usually

-Give ourselves a break –

Then Dr. Davis says “However, we don’t give others a break. When we judge someone else’s actions, as a general rule we attribute their behavior to internal factors (“but you drive right past the post office on the way home. You didn’t mail the invitations because you are having second thoughts about the marriage aren’t you?)

Does this sound like something you can do or have done in the past. Now obviously not with wedding invitations but I am sure you can think of other things or situations where you have not given others a break. When I was reading that chapter, a smile just came over my face and I had to shake my head.

Why is it that we do that? Why do we give ourselves so many breaks and let ourselves except all these personal excuses but when other people look for the same thing, we jump all over them with other possible scenarios except the real one that maybe they just created their own excuse and stuck to it, as we ALL have done right?

So lets try to give others a break too shall we? How do we do that, well I am in the same boat here. As I said, I just learnt the same thing you did… Wild isn’t it?

Here is what I am going to do. Not try, do! They are two completely different things remember?

Stop and really think about what the other person’s excuse is and think…”Would I have used that one?” look at it from their point not yours.

Not give myself so many breaks, I really don’t deserve them…….

And lastly, I am going to judge myself just as I would others

(This one is going to be tough!!!)



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Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
- Napoleon Hill