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Posts Tagged REACTING

Reacting VS Responding

Reacting VS Responding

Are You reacting or responding?

Reacting Vs Responding

He absolutely blew a gasket. The reaction of this man was as if I just cut them off to the point that they had to drive on the sidewalk.

He started throwing me the bird, screaming absolutely disgusting profanities that R rated movies can’t repeat. Screaming at the top of his lungs while my 7 year old daughter is watching with the most astonishing look I have ever seen on her face.

My crime, I just swerved a little while I was looking into the back seat at my daughter when she was asking me a question and my vehicle moved about a foot to a foot and a half into his lane.

Sound familiar? Ever happened to you?

This is a reaction that we see all to much these days. People absolutely loosing their cool over something that in the grand scheme of things is totally irrelevant. These people choose to react instead of respond.

We have all been there at some point in our lives but where has it got you? Did it change the situation for the better or did you say or do something that makes you wish that you could turn back the clocks of time and change your “reaction”?

Me too! Reacting is simply letting your emotions control you not the other way around. By taking a step back or even if you want to look at it like taking a step out of your body and changing the way you are looking at the situation….You will find the situation will change.

If the gentleman that was loosing his cool over a car swerving slightly into his lane would have simply put his internal body filter up and not lost his cool, he most likely would have said to himself “Ya I’ve been there, it is so simple to just loose that line when you are doing something other than driving.

I mean we have all done it and when we correct ourselves and get back in our lane, our heart is pounding and all of a sudden you are paying better attention to the road than you have in ages. Why? Well for starters most of us driver through Paradigms but that is another post.

It scares us just as much as it scares the drivers around us right? When we react to something instead of respond we will miss so many of the benefits that come out of any situation.

With every adversity is planted the seed of an equal or greater benefit

– Napoleon Hill –

Napoleon Hills quote is not only true it is something that you should repeat anytime you are faced with a situation that you face that you feel is an adversity.

Now responding comes from a calm mind, a quite thought, and the chance to look at any situation from at least (I believe anyway) two other angles before you respond to it. Now this could be sleeping on an email that really got your juices flowing, waiting a few second to respond to a friend asking your advice, smiling at the gentlemen that is screaming at you for moving over into his lane, or even disciplining your children.

All situations can wait for a response rather than a reaction. No matter how severe you believe the situation to be, you can help by responding not reacting.

Think of what you say every time you speak. Remember, you can take the words back but not the feelings that the person you were speaking to felt when you said them.

Watch your words, respond don’t react, and have a great day!



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Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
- Napoleon Hill