Conversations That Create Trajectory Moments

Posts Tagged SUCCESS

Failure, The Other Form Of Success

Failure, The Other Form Of Success

<br /> Failure, The Other Form Of Success<br />

If failure was the final point, where would our world as we know it be? If failure was final, what do you think the great inventions that changed the word would look like? If there was not a single part of failure to learn from, what would things like cars, the space shuttle, vacuums, t.v’s, or tablets look like? Would they even exist?Where would they be? Not in our hands or available for us to use as we know of them today, that is certain!

Challenge Yourself

Failure is a part of life, finding the learning lesson in this word is really what has created everything around you. So in essence, failure is a really good thing. It allows us to see where we went “wrong” and correct it. Failure is simply success with an unintended ending. It is the emotions and story that we associate with this “F” word that creates our thoughts, feelings, and actions about it.

The story is the key, the story is the gold nugget of every “failure.” When experience one of these learning moments, what story do you associate with it? Is it a story of blame? Is it a story of defeat? Or is it a story of learning? A story of faith? A story of joy to have had the pleasure of this educational moment?

Granted, sometimes when we hit these educational times, finding that educational moment is not always the easiest thing to do. Believe it or not, it can serve as the greatest breakthrough you have ever experienced. Change your story, change your life in every way.

Fear Does Have Boundaries

Fear Does Have Boundaries

<br /> Fear Does Have Boundaries<br />

Fear is a paralyzing emotion, there is no doubting or denying that. If you have a fear/phobia to say Spiders, dogs, or even enclosed spaces. The paralyzing feeling that takes over you as these phobias/fears close in on you is like nothing you would wish on your worst enemy.

The fear of success and the fear of failure have the same paralyzing effect for your life goals. The difference is that they just don’t feel anything like the fear you may have for spiders, dogs, or enclosed spaces but the effect of not facing and conquering these fears is far greater.

Fear Pic

Have you ever made excuses about going after your big goal, dream, or aspiration? Have you ever created obstacles or missed important deadlines? Have you ever had opportunities that you downgraded or dismissed but deep inside you knew they would have been beneficial to you in reaching your goals?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, you quite possibly might have a fear of either failure, or success. These fears can sabotage you in more ways than you can imagine. The fear of both success and failure are common things, they are experienced by millions of people all of the globe.

Either of these fears can derail your dreams in a heart beat, you will just never realize it until you don’t accomplish your goals. These fears might not be as paralyzing in the moment like the fear of heights but they are far more crippling than any fear you will face. Why? Well they can ruin your dreams and cause you to live a life you don’t want to live, a life that’s not in line with your purpose.

Tackle these two fears head on, challenge yourself to overcome them and breakthrough into the freedom you deserve. Break these boundaries and create a new paradigm, a creative, powerful, success orientated, and limitless paradigm. Create the paradigm you deserve. Ask yourself the questions we shared an be honest with yourself when you answer. If you are saying yes to any of them, it is time to say no! Step outside your cocoon of comfort and truly start to make a dynamic shift in your life.

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Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
- Napoleon Hill