Conversations That Create Trajectory Moments

The Go-Giver: A Little Story About A Powerful Business Idea

Through The Eyes Of A Coach

Author: Bob Burg & John David Mann

Year Published: 2007

Average Cost: $17.89 to $20.99

[genericbox color=”white”] Title: The Go-Giver: A Little Story About A Powerful Business Idea

This book was a really great read, it is inspiring and we will all find a part of us in the main character Joe. Joe goes on a life altering journey in pursuit of making his Third quarter numbers on the 7th floor of the Clason-Hills Trust Corporation. Joe seeks help from the ”Big Guy” with all the clout, only to find himself spun into a web of development that changes his life for the better and for good.

This 100 page (iBooks version, read on my iPad) will keep you glued to this story from beginning to end. Sometimes in life when we think we are looking for something, we find something even more special than what we thought we were after. Like ourselves!

Chapter 1: The Go Getter
(Joe was desperately trying to land a large account, an account he felt he richly deserved-one he needed)

Chapter 2: The Secret
(The Man known as the Chairman had had a very successful career with a wide range of enterprises)

Chapter 3: The Law Of Value
(“Wow. Really? The best Hot Dog stand in the city?”)

Chapter 4: The Condition
(He knew the key was there. Somehow, he just couldn’t see it.)

Chapter 5: The Law Of Compensation
(He has stepped out of the world of corporate culture and fallen back through time to a kindergarden classroom)

Chapter 6: Serving Coffee
(The aroma announced itself immediately)

Chapter 7: Rachel
(He had always taken it for granted that getting a lot done invariably meant a high level of stress)

Chapter 8: The Law Of Influence
(“You must be the best insurance salesman in the world?”)

Chapter 9: Susan
(Suddenly Joe realized that Susan had stopped talking mid-sentence and was looking at him)

Chapter 10: The Law Of Authenticity
(Joe Felt the room take a deep breath and hold it)

Chapter 11: Gus
(Gus left Joe alone that afternoon. He sensed the younger man needed some space)

Chapter 12: The Law Of Receptivity
(“It’s not better to give than receive. It’s insane to try to give and not receive”)

Chapter 13: Full Circle
(I suppose I screwed up big time-but if I had to do it all over, I think I’d do the same thing)

Chapter 14: The Go-Giver
(“You’ll do fine.” she repeated and headed down the block)

This story shares the Five Laws Of Stratospheric Success. These laws can help you in every aspect of your life. Let Joe, Pindar, Gus, and Rachel take you on a journey you will never forget.


Available At:

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Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
- Napoleon Hill