Conversations That Create Trajectory Moments

What Pushes Obstacles Away?

<br /> What makes mountains seem like mole hills?<br />

What turns obstacles that seem like mountains into mole hills?


Could it be Passion, Belief, Faith, Courage, Or Understanding?

Sure it can, but how many of us truly believe that these drives, feelings, and inner thoughts can take us to that promised land? This is a question that many of us think about indirectly. You see when you think thoughts of disbelief, lack, or even failure…(Sorry had to use that word) You are telling yourself that you have no faith, belief, and passion in yourself.

First off, we have all and we all still have these feelings so the statement is not to say that if these thoughts come to mind you are a failure, no not at all. The people who believe these silly self thoughts are the ones that will not get where they truly want to go. These are the people that will allow these thoughts to remain in their head that they are not worthy enough, educated enough, or even just believe

There is no way I could do that, I have no credentials or means to get that going.

When Pig Fly Picture

I believe you could also use the old saying

“When Pigs Fly”

Could you not?

But that does this do to our goals, aspirations, and dreams? It crushes them right? Well how do we turn these mountains of fear, disbelief, and lack in to mole hills that you can roll over without a single thought. I believe that it is as simple as Passion, belief in thyself, and understanding that you really can do what you really want to do in life. Now once again and I have said this MANY times. Simple and easy are not the same thing.

Any one who tells you something like this is easy, well….They have simply never done it before. Plain and “simple”

So lets tale making mountains into mole hills for a while shall we? Mountains represents that seemingly insurmountable wall that fear of failure, that lack, that “what will my friends think” mentality. This mentality is a true fear for most, but with belief and we mean unwavering belief, that mountain starts loosing it’s height.

All the experts that we have spoke to, interviewed, and recorded have similar thoughts on this one subject, it is the the ingrained “I can’t that has been programmed into our sub conscious mind that take us down this path of disbelief. Let me ask you this, as a baby, or even look at any baby around you. Do you think that they believe that they can’t walk when they first fall down? DO they stop after the first time they “fail” to walk? Or course not, they have people all around them telling them that they can do it, and they do.

This is one of the biggest issues we face as adults. Having ourselves surrounded with people that Truly believe in us. Now we say truly because there are many factors here to consider. One is that you have friends and family members right now that say they believe in you but inside they don’t want anything to change, they are happy with YOU right where you are.

How do we get back to the environment that we had as a baby? The environment where everyone you knew believed in you unconditionally? That my friends is the question of the century!

Here is something to REALLY consider

1) Believe in yourself.

2) Understand that your friends will not fully believe in you the way that you think they should.

3) Be prepared the best you can for what ever venture you start out on.

4) STOP listening to the disbelievers…This includes your inner disbelieving self by the way

5) And Your PASSION has to be there. You have to be passionate about what you are going after or at the first sign of trouble, you will abandon your vision and retreat back to the thoughts of…..

Well I never really could have done that anyway, what was I thinking? Man am I ever glad I didn’t tell anon about it, they would be laughing at me now wouldn’t they?

Joy to YOU!




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Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
- Napoleon Hill