Conversations That Create Trajectory Moments

Working With The Law

Working With The Law


Author: Dr. Raymond Holliwell

Year Published: 1964

Average Cost: $7- $10.00


[genericbox color=”white”] Title: Working With The Law

Raymond Holliwell wrote a masterpiece when he wrote Working With The Law. Dr.
Holliwell reviews (in detail) the 11 laws of life, success, and happiness. This 171 page
manual will teach you so much about the natural laws of the universe. Throughout
most if not all books on life development-You can call it personal development, self
development, or even success development…Regardless of what you call it, there are
always references to “The Laws”. The hit movie “The Secret” was solely based on the
Law Of Attraction, Raymond Holliwell give us an inside look at these 11 laws like no
other book we’ve read to date.

Chapter 1: Working The Law
(A fatalistic belief is contagious, and when man submits to its influence, believing that
the circumstances around him are stronger than the power within him, that man is
defeated before the race IS run)

(We wanted to add here: Throughout this book humans are referred to as Man.)

(Just thought you would want to know…..) 🙂

Chapter 2: The Law Of Thinking
(The progress of the individual is largely determined by his ruling mental state)

Chapter 3: The Law Of Supply
(every person, consciously or unconsciously, is operating this law in one or more of its

Chapter 4: The Law Of Attraction
(To desire is to expect, to expect is to achieve)

Chapter 5: The Law Of Receiving
(give and it shall be given unto you)

Chapter 6: The Law Of Increase
(If one learns the simple method of praise, that alone will stimulate and increase his

Chapter 7: The Law Of Compensation
(What you sow, so shall you reap)

Chapter 8: The Law Of Non-Resistance
(There are so many other names given to this law that we may not recognize it always
as the primal Law Of Non-Resistance)

Chapter 9: The Law Of Forgiveness
(A man who is great enough to forgive, is ALWAYS greater than the forgiven)

Chapter 10: The Law Of Sacrifice
(How much are you willing to give?)

Chapter 11: The Law Of Obedience
(Many people, when they learn that the science of living is governed by exacting laws,
immediately assume that to live rightly is to live the hard way)

Chapter 12: The Law Of Success
(Each normal person is endowed with a complete set of faculties which, if properly
developed and scientifically applied, will insure success, ever-growing success)

If you are looking to understand why you might not have accomplished what you wanted
to, not caught that “Big Fish”, why you might not be connecting with your children the
way you would like to, why you have not created the life you truly want to live, or why
you seem to always be getting the short end of every life obstacle. Maybe you are not
working in harmony with the law? The laws of the universe are exact, precise, and

always work the way they should. Bob Proctor said something in one of his seminars
that stuck in my head like glue.

He said “If you plant an oak tree, should you expect a pine tree to grow from the oak
tree seed?”

Read this book and you will see that sometimes in life we plant an oak tree and expect
a pine tree. This will never happen, so why not understand the process of how this
universe truly works. Dr. Holliwell shows us in Working With The Law.


Available in:

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Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
- Napoleon Hill