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GOALS How To Get Everything You Want-Faster Than You Ever Imagined

GOALS How To Get Everything You Want-Faster Than You Ever Imagined

Brian Tracy Goals Book Cover


Author: Brian Tracy

Year Published: 2010

Average Cost: $11.41 to $16.57


[genericbox color=”white”] Title: GOALS: How To Get Everything You Want-Faster Than You Ever Imagined

GOALS by Brian Tracy is a goal setting hand book inside the 412 (ibook) pages. This is the most comprehensive book on goals that we have read yet. Brian has added in so any valued features such as getting started guides in chapters, how to’s, and chapter summaries takes reading this book to a whole new level.

The chapters are broken down into smaller sub chapters that detail and breakdown the chapter’s meaning and main points even further. This allows us as readers to make no assumptions as to what Mr. Tracy means when we go to apply this information into our daily lives.

Most people when they read a book tend to love the information but when the book ends and the information that the book has provided you, tends to end with it. If we do not apply the information that is in the book, it will have no affect on our lives except that it would have been “A good read”.

Brian’s breakdowns inside the main chapter headings allow an easier transition from reading this material to applying this material in your life.

GOALS: How To Get Everything You Want-Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible

(Your time and life are precious. The biggest waste of time and life is to spend years accomplishing something that you could have achieved in only a few months.)

Chapter 1: Get Started: Unlock Your Potential
(The regular and systematic practice of goals setting has taken us from poverty to prosperity, from frustration to fulfillment, from underachievement to success and satisfaction)

Chapter 2: Take Charge Of Your Life
(I later learned that when you accept responsibility for your life, you take the giant step from childhood to adulthood.)

Chapter 3: Clarify Your Values
(Most people are confused about their goals, values, and ideals, and as a result, they go back and forth and accomplish very little.)

Chapter 4: Analyze Your Beliefs
(Overcoming self-limiting beliefs and self-imposed limitations is often the biggest obstacle standing between you and the realization of your full potential.)

Chapter 5: Create Your Own Future
(In more than thirty-three hundred studies of leaders conducted over the years, there is one special quality that stands out, one quality that all great leaders have in common. It is the quality of vision. Leaders have vision. Non-leaders do not.)

Chapter 6: Determine Your True Goals
(A goal must be specific, concrete, and tangible and something that you can clearly visualize and imagine in your mind)

Chapter 7: Decide Upon Your Major Definite Purpose
(It has been said, “Attention is the key to life.” Wherever your attention goes, your life goes as well. When you decide upon a major definite purpose, you increase your level of attentiveness and become increasingly sensitive to anything in your environment that can help you to achieve that goal faster.)

Chapter 8: Start At The Beginning
(If you want to be the best you can be and achieve what is truly possible for you, you must be brutally honest with yourself about your point of departure. You must sit down and analyze yourself in detail and decide exactly where you are today in each area.)

Chapter 9: Set And Achieve All Your Financial Goals
(One of the biggest responsibilities in life, something that you and only you can take care of, is to manage your money, control your finances, and achieve financial independence in the course of your working life.)

Chapter 10: Become An Expert In Your Field
(No one is better than you and no one is smarter that you. People are just better or smarter in different areas.)

Chapter 11: Improve Your Family Life And Relationships
(Your beliefs about yourself and your relationships become your realities)

Chapter 12: Optimize Your Health And Wellness
(The starting point of achieving ideal levels of health and fitness is fro you to make a decision to get into the best physical condition of your life, and then maintain that level of physical conditioning and well-being indefinitely.)

Chapter 13: Measure Your Progress
(The three keys to peak performance in achieving your goals are commitment, completion, and closure.)

Chapter 14: Remove The Road Blocks
(Often people give up on their goals before they make the first try. And the reason they give up is because of all the obstacles, difficulties, problems, and roadblocks that immediately appear as son as they decide to act.)

Chapter 15: Associate With the Right People
(Your ability to form the right relationships with the right people at every stage of your life and career will be the critical determinant of your success and achievement and will have an inordinate impact on how quickly you will achieve your goals.)

Chapter 16: Make An Action Plan
(Your ability to master the skill of planning and completing multitask jobs will enable you to accomplish vastly more than most people and is critical to your success.)

Chapter 17: Manage Your Time Well
(The fact is that you can’t manage time; you can only manage yourself. That is why time management requires self-discipline, self-control, and self-mastery.)

Chapter 18: Review Your Goals Daily
(You must proceed completely without doubt. You must be so resolute and determined, so convinced of your ultimate success, that nothing can stop you.)

Chapter 19: Visualize Your Goals Continually
(Visualization activates the Law Of Attraction, which draws into your life the people, circumstances, and resources that you need to achieve your goals.)

Chapter 20: Activate Your Superconscious Mind
(The superconscious mind has been known about and discussed for thousands of years, throughout all of human history. For most of this time, it was the secret knowledge of the mystics and sages.)

Chapter 21: Persist Until You Succeed
(Every great success in life will represent a triumph of persistence.)

Conclusion: Take Action Today
(The most important quality you can develop for lifelong success is the habit of taking action on your plans, goals, ideas, and insights.)


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Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
- Napoleon Hill