Conversations That Create Trajectory Moments

Relationships | Videos To Help You Overcome Adversity Challenges And Fear With Relationships

Michelle Prince | Balance In Your Life

Michelle Prince | Balance In Your Life

Ah yes, the age old question... How do I achieve balance in my life?
Michelle Prince | The Four P's Of Prosperity

Michelle Prince | The Four P’s Of Prosperity

If you apply them, these four P's can transform your life.
Michelle Prince | Becoming A Happier You

Michelle Prince | Becoming A Happier You

There's you (you) then there's the happier you (happier you) what one do you want to be?
Don Green | The Three Stages Of Life

Don Green | The Three Stages Of Life

Just like everything else, life has it's stages. In this video, Don Green discusses the three main stages of life and shares how we can achieve greatness in each of them.
Don Green | The Key Element Of Persistence

Don Green | The Key Element Of Persistence

Just like a child that REALLY wants that cookie... If they don't give up, usually they get their way. Persistence is an element that can help you achieve your dreams without fail.
Don Green | How Can We Realize Our Definite Purpose

Don Green | How Can We Realize Our Definite Purpose

This is the BIG QUESTION How oh How do we realize what we were put on this planet to do, achieve, and become?
Don Green | The Importance Of Self-Reliance

Don Green | The Importance Of Self-Reliance

The ability of Self-Reliance! In this video, CEO of The Napoleon Hill Foundation shares how important it is to be self reliant to achieve your greatness.
Don Green | The Kind Of Thinking That Is now So Rare But Needed

Don Green | The Kind Of Thinking That Is now So Rare But Needed

This king of thinking is the thinking that separates success from drifting. This thinking is the kind of thinking we need to adapt in order to truly be successful.
Don Green | Accept Your Mistakes As Lessons Not Failures

Don Green | Accept Your Mistakes As Lessons Not Failures

How do you take your mistakes in life? Do you take them as failures or learning experiences? In this video, Don Green discusses how we MUST take our mistakes in life and learn from them.
Dondi Scumaci | Who We Are And Who We Aren't

Dondi Scumaci | Who We Are And Who We Aren’t

Who we are is one thing, who we aren't is something else. Throughout life people seem to act like who they aren't instead of who they were created to be.
Dondi Scumaci | What Do You Need?

Dondi Scumaci | What Do You Need?

There are four words that can diffuse almost any situation. These four words can be the deal maker in business, they can be the ending of issues in our personal life, they can even be the ice breaker with people you first meet.
Dondi Scumaci | Worry Our Constant Companion

Dondi Scumaci | Worry Our Constant Companion

We always have this companion with us, its called worry and no matter how hard we try, he will always be there to tell us we can't do something and share all of the horrible things that can happen if our objective fails.
Joachim De Posada | The Thirty Second Rule

Joachim De Posada | The Thirty Second Rule

Wasn't it the 3 second rule? Not this time around my friend! Joachim's 30 second rule will alter your present paradigm!
Joachim De Posada | Assuming Responsibility

Joachim De Posada | Assuming Responsibility

Yes, the idea that every parents tries to instil in their child.. Assuming responsibility for our actions, accomplishments, and even "failures" (sshh I said the F-Word!) is something that we MUST do without exception.
Joachim De Posada | Success Depends On Your Willingness

Joachim De Posada | Success Depends On Your Willingness

Success depends on you willingness to what? Fail? Sacrifice? Learn? Grow? Organize? Well the answer is simply YES!
Joachim De Posada | Every Morning In Africa

Joachim De Posada | Every Morning In Africa

There is something that happens day in and day out not only in Africa but can also be happening in your life as well. What is it?
Joachim De Posada | Instand Vs Delayed Gratification

Joachim De Posada | Instand Vs Delayed Gratification

This is a big one my friends! Instant Vs Delayed Gratification can change or be the difference in so many areas of your life it is almost infinite.
Joachim De Posada | The Purpose Passion Action Combination

Joachim De Posada | The Purpose Passion Action Combination

There is a trinity of habits and ideas that we will need embrace in order to achieve our desires.
Rene Godefroy | What Is A Why And Why Do You Need It?

Rene Godefroy | What Is A Why And Why Do You Need It?

The Almighty WHY! What is a why and why do we really need it in our lives? This question can be heard in every city on the planet and it does deserve an answer. In this video, Rene answers this massive question!
Rene Godefroy | Using The Word Because And How It Can Change Someone's Vibration

Rene Godefroy | Using The Word Because And How It Can Change Someone’s Vibration

Did you know that the word "Because" can change the outcome of a question dramatically? In this video, Rene shares how this simple word when used properly can have a drastic affect on an outcome

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Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
- Napoleon Hill