Conversations That Create Trajectory Moments

Success & Careers | Videos To Help You Overcome Adversity Challenges And Fear With You Success And Career

Kimanzi Constable | Believing You Can Do it

Kimanzi Constable | Believing You Can Do it

Do you believe that you can accomplish anything you want? We don't mean think you can, we mean believe you can!
Kimanzi Constable | Giving Your Best

Kimanzi Constable | Giving Your Best

In this video, Kimanzi speaks about the need to give your goals your best. He shares what happened when he really didn't give his vision, goal, and dream his absolute best effort.
Kimanzi Constable | Action Plan

Kimanzi Constable | Action Plan

In this video, Kimanzi shares his action plan that brought him success. Another solid plan from someone who has been down the road you are on and knows the way up the mountain.
Kimanzi Constable | Be The Master Of Your Emotions

Kimanzi Constable | Be The Master Of Your Emotions

Are you a master of your emotions? Do you react or respond in situations that challenge your paradigms?
Kimanzi Constable | Are You Living Or Just Existing

Kimanzi Constable | Are You Living Or Just Existing

Kimanzi Contable has encountered many challenges, however, he has come through and is now Living not just existing.
Judy Lawrence | Steps To Believing In Yourself

Judy Lawrence | Steps To Believing In Yourself

Self-Confidence is critical in everything we do. In this video, Judy shares a few steps you can take to start believing in yourself.
Judy Lawrence | Staying Present And Responding

Judy Lawrence | Staying Present And Responding

Most people react and don't respond. Staying present is a key element to ensure you think and respond to situations and not react.
Judy Lawrence | Seemingly Insurmountable Obstacles

Judy Lawrence | Seemingly Insurmountable Obstacles

Facing obstacles in life is a given. Facing those seemingly insurmountable obstacles can not only be scary but they can send you back into your comfort zone, which doubles as the CONFINEMENT zone.
Judy Lawrence | Passion

Judy Lawrence | Passion

Having passion for what you do is a key element toward your internal satisfaction and success. In this video, Judy shares her passion.
Judy Lawrence | Internal Vocabulary

Judy Lawrence | Internal Vocabulary

In this video, Judy shares the importance of maintaining a positive internal vocabulary. If we speak negatively internally, how are we supposed to live a positive and joyful life on the outside?
Judy Lawrence | Finding The Underlined Gold Nugget

Judy Lawrence | Finding The Underlined Gold Nugget

Finding the underlined gold nugget in every adversity is one of the most important things you can do
Judy Lawrence | Course Correction

Judy Lawrence | Course Correction

On our journey to our goal, we have an action plan all set and now comes our course correction.
Judy Lawrence | Changing Your Perspective

Judy Lawrence | Changing Your Perspective

We all have perspectives and our perspective tells us what we believe the situation to be, either in health, wealth, success and relationships. Change your perspective and the thing you face changes.
Judy Lawrence | Action Plan

Judy Lawrence | Action Plan

Everyone has an action plan, Judy shares a precise plan that can help you create the abundance you have always been looking for in life
Josh Hinds | Where Should We Focus Our Thoughts

Josh Hinds | Where Should We Focus Our Thoughts

Just like trying to control a situation that is completely out of our control, we also tend to focus our thoughts on things that will get us nowhere
Josh Hinds | Where Does Persistence Rank

Josh Hinds | Where Does Persistence Rank

Persistence when going after anything in life should be way up there on your list right? In this video, Josh shares where he believes persistence ranks.
Josh Hinds | What Can I Change In This Situation

Josh Hinds | What Can I Change In This Situation

We have all been there. Staring into the depths of a situation, allowing it to consume us. When the real fact is that deep in our hearts, we know we have no control over it.
Josh Hinds | The Work Around Conclusion

Josh Hinds | The Work Around Conclusion

We are coming to the end of the work around video. Here is the conclusion.
Josh Hinds | The Work Around

Josh Hinds | The Work Around

When you are facing a wall of adversity, there is only two things you can do. One is to give up and never go after your dreams or two, you can find a work around.
Josh Hinds | Success Points

Josh Hinds | Success Points

When you are traveling down the road to your dreams, do you ever seem to slip off track? Sure, we all do.

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Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
- Napoleon Hill