Conversations That Create Trajectory Moments

Success & Careers | Videos To Help You Overcome Adversity Challenges And Fear With You Success And Career

Dennis Merritt Jones | Examine Your Story

Dennis Merritt Jones | Examine Your Story

We should all examine the stories we share both with people and in our heads. These stories could be holding us back from our dreams, enjoying a great relationship, or attaining wealth.
Dennis Merritt Jones | Creative Thinking

Dennis Merritt Jones | Creative Thinking

If you are going to think, why not make it as creative as possible! Creative thinking is not reserved for our children, it is for all to enjoy!
Dennis Merritt Jones | Conscious Choices

Dennis Merritt Jones | Conscious Choices

Do you choose to use conscious thoughts? This falls alongside thinking creatively doesn't it?
Della Menechella | Your Vision Steps

Della Menechella | Your Vision Steps

In this video Della gives us an amazing step by step action plan to reach our success. It is a simple plan but not an easy one! Remember that to reach your success it will take guts, strength, belief, and sacrifice!
Della Menechella | Three Feet From Gold

Della Menechella | Three Feet From Gold

In this video Della Menechella shares her personal Three Feet From Gold story of faith and overcoming adversity.
Della Menechella | The Underline Of Success

Della Menechella | The Underline Of Success

In this video Della shares that there is an underline of success. Just like here is always an underlining layer in adversity.
Della Menechella | Staying Positive Is Hard Work

Della Menechella | Staying Positive Is Hard Work

Staying Positive is a lot of work and In this video Della shares the facts and some of her stories about times when she had to stop and remember that the positive approach has to be backed with belief in yourself and the outcome of EVERY situation.
Della Menechella | Giving And Receiving

Della Menechella | Giving And Receiving

In this video Della shares the importance of giving and receiving. When you give to someone, wether it be time, faith, love, information, or belief.
Della Menechella | Changing Beliefs

Della Menechella | Changing Beliefs

We all have heard to think positively and that positive thinking will get you further than negative thinking but has anyone ever told you that you nee to change the deep down embedded beliefs before any positive change can occur?
Della Menechella | Cancelling Out Negative Thoughts

Della Menechella | Cancelling Out Negative Thoughts

In this video Della shares some great tips on how to help cancel out those negative thoughts that seems to just keep popping up their ugly head.
Della Menechella | Beliefs About Failure

Della Menechella | Beliefs About Failure

In this video Della share her beliefs about failure and how that word can effect us if we believe in it.
Della Menechella | Being Prepared For Success

Della Menechella | Being Prepared For Success

In this video Della discusses about the need for us to be prepared for success. Wanting success and being prepared to receive it are two separate things and we need to know the difference.
Dave Arnold | Why Do We Ache

Dave Arnold | Why Do We Ache

Very interesting question. In this video, Dave shares the answer!
Dave Arnold | Sister Lawrence

Dave Arnold | Sister Lawrence

We don't want to give it away so you will just have to watch the video!
Dave Arnold | Not Deficient In Anyway

Dave Arnold | Not Deficient In Anyway

The title says it all. You are unique and one of a kind! This is a step that you must understand in any category of life.
Dave Arnold | How Quickly We Forget

Dave Arnold | How Quickly We Forget

We do forget quite quickly don't we? Why?
Dave Arnold | Rise Up

Dave Arnold | Rise Up

Rise Up and take charge of what you are meant to do! Create the life you want not the one you are settling for!
Dave Arnold | How Do We Bless

Dave Arnold | How Do We Bless

To bless does not mean only in a holly or religious way, it could be a wish of greatness as well.
Dave Arnold | Game Plan

Dave Arnold | Game Plan

If you are going to change you life and your results, it starts with a goal and begins with a game plan!
Dave Arnold | Comfort Zones

Dave Arnold | Comfort Zones

In order to create change in your life, you will need to step outside your comfort zone. In this video, Dave shares the importance of stepping out of your comfort zone and create a new lasting life!

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Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
- Napoleon Hill