Conversations That Create Trajectory Moments

Success & Careers | Videos To Help You Overcome Adversity Challenges And Fear With You Success And Career

Joachim De Posada | Don't Eat The Marshmallow Series

Joachim De Posada | Don’t Eat The Marshmallow Series

This is a series if Three videos that walk you through every aspect of The Marshmallow idea.
Joachim De Posada | There Were Three Frogs

Joachim De Posada | There Were Three Frogs

Once upon a time, there were three frogs enjoying their day on Lilly pads. To hear the rest hit play! You'll be glad you did.
Joachim De Poasda | Things You Have To Be Willing To Do Today

Joachim De Poasda | Things You Have To Be Willing To Do Today

It's no secret that the things you do today create your tomorrow. In this video, Joachim goes more in depth about the sacrifices we have to make today to achieve our desires tomorrow.
Joachim De Posada | The Purpose Passion Action Combination

Joachim De Posada | The Purpose Passion Action Combination

There is a trinity of habits and ideas that we will need embrace in order to achieve our desires.
Rene Godefroy | The Five Essential Elements For A Productive Meeting

Rene Godefroy | The Five Essential Elements For A Productive Meeting

Ever been in a meeting that felt like it dragged on for over a year? In this video, Rene shares some remarkable techniques you can use today to have meetings that not only are more productive but result in more productive results as well.
Rene Godefroy | How You Can Impress A Why To Elevate Your Team To New Heights

Rene Godefroy | How You Can Impress A Why To Elevate Your Team To New Heights

How can you impress your Why on your team to elevate them to heights they never knew existed? In this video, Rene Godefroy shares his techniques to help your team reach new heights of success and greatness.
Rene Godefroy | How Do We Prepare Our Team For Change?

Rene Godefroy | How Do We Prepare Our Team For Change?

Nido Qubein said "The only people that enjoy change is babies in wet diapers." It is true that change can stall and sometimes kill team dynamics. In this video, Rene Godefroy shares how we can prepare our team for any upcoming change to flatten the work change curve.
Rene Godefroy | What Is A Why And Why Do You Need It?

Rene Godefroy | What Is A Why And Why Do You Need It?

The Almighty WHY! What is a why and why do we really need it in our lives? This question can be heard in every city on the planet and it does deserve an answer. In this video, Rene answers this massive question!
Rene Godefroy | Why Motivation In Of Itself Is An Illusion

Rene Godefroy | Why Motivation In Of Itself Is An Illusion

Motivation is not all that it's cracked up to be. In this video, Rene discusses why motivation is actually just an illusion. Is it possible that this whole wind storm around motivation is part smoke and mirrors? Watch this video and see!
Rene Godefroy | Essential Guidelines For A Productive Sales Meeting

Rene Godefroy | Essential Guidelines For A Productive Sales Meeting

If you are in sales, you know that a productive meeting can mean a year of greatness or a year of struggling. In sales if most of oyur meetings are productive, do you think you'll sell more and enjoy more of what comes with being a top producer?
Rene Godefroy | How To Promote Inspiration In The Workplace

Rene Godefroy | How To Promote Inspiration In The Workplace

There is a difference between inspiration and motivation. Inspiration lasts and motivation can dissipate. In this video, Rene shares how we can instil inspiration in our work environment to ensure the new idea of greatness sticks like glue.
Rene Godefroy | Why Most People Don't Achieve Their Goals

Rene Godefroy | Why Most People Don’t Achieve Their Goals

There is a common reason why most people never achieve their goals, can you guess what it is? In this video, Rene Godefroy shares the most common reason most people never reach their desired goals. The reason will shock some and create an AHHA moment for others.
Rene Godefroy | Using The Word Because And How It Can Change Someone's Vibration

Rene Godefroy | Using The Word Because And How It Can Change Someone’s Vibration

Did you know that the word "Because" can change the outcome of a question dramatically? In this video, Rene shares how this simple word when used properly can have a drastic affect on an outcome
Joachim De Posada | Keeping Promises

Joachim De Posada | Keeping Promises

Joachim De Posada discusses the importance of keeping your promises to the extent that is in your direct control.
Andrea Waltz | Dealing With Rejection

Andrea Waltz | Dealing With Rejection

Yes rejection, the dream killer! How should we deal with rejection? Should we allow rejection to deal with us or do we control how we deal with it?
Andrea Waltz | The No Statistics

Andrea Waltz | The No Statistics

Lets talk NO Stats. with Andrea Waltz!
Andrea Waltz | Finding The Courage To Fail

Andrea Waltz | Finding The Courage To Fail

Do you have the needed courage to fail? Failure is not a warm and fuzzy feeling fro everyone, it is a step toward success.. That's for sure!
Andrea Waltz | Setting No Goals

Andrea Waltz | Setting No Goals

We all set goals for things we want right? Why not have a set of No goals? Different concept, however, massively impactful!
Andrea Waltz | The Five Levels Of Failure

Andrea Waltz | The Five Levels Of Failure

Maybe you thought there was just a single level of failure! In this video, Andrea takes us through the five levels and focuses on on in particular, the third level of failure.
Andrea Waltz | No Doesn't Mean Never

Andrea Waltz | No Doesn’t Mean Never

When you get told NO, it doesn't mean that client will never buy, the prospect will never be a client, your child will never get the cookie.

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Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
- Napoleon Hill