Conversations That Create Trajectory Moments

Wealth | Videos That Help You Overcome Adversity Challenges And Fear About Wealth In Your Life

Kimanzi Constable | Identify Your Dreams

Kimanzi Constable | Identify Your Dreams

Identifying Your Dreams is the first step to success. How do you know when you arrive at your greatness, if you don't have a destination?
Kimanzi Constable | Get Fit For Your Dreams

Kimanzi Constable | Get Fit For Your Dreams

Getting in shape for your health is certainly important. Another step just as important is getting fit for your dreams. We tend to focus this package we call our body more than we focus on the inside preparation.
Kimanzi Constable | What You Choose To Do

Kimanzi Constable | What You Choose To Do

It is funny how they have said for years. It's all about choice and whether you decide to or decide not to, you have still made a choice.
Kimanzi Constable | The Importance Of A Truthful Environment

Kimanzi Constable | The Importance Of A Truthful Environment

Your environment is a MASSIVE part of your success system. Having an environment that is not completely Truthful, will actually bring you further away from your dreams.
Kimanzi Constable | Putting Your Best Foot Forward

Kimanzi Constable | Putting Your Best Foot Forward

In this video, Mr. Constable shares the importance of putting your best foot forward. By not giving your best to every venture, you will not get the best out. You get out of life what you put into it.
Kimanzi Constable | Believing You Can Do it

Kimanzi Constable | Believing You Can Do it

Do you believe that you can accomplish anything you want? We don't mean think you can, we mean believe you can!
Kimanzi Constable | Giving Your Best

Kimanzi Constable | Giving Your Best

In this video, Kimanzi speaks about the need to give your goals your best. He shares what happened when he really didn't give his vision, goal, and dream his absolute best effort.
Judy Lawrence | Seemingly Insurmountable Obstacles

Judy Lawrence | Seemingly Insurmountable Obstacles

Facing obstacles in life is a given. Facing those seemingly insurmountable obstacles can not only be scary but they can send you back into your comfort zone, which doubles as the CONFINEMENT zone.
Judy Lawrence | Changing Your Perspective

Judy Lawrence | Changing Your Perspective

We all have perspectives and our perspective tells us what we believe the situation to be, either in health, wealth, success and relationships. Change your perspective and the thing you face changes.
Josh Hinds | Where Should We Focus Our Thoughts

Josh Hinds | Where Should We Focus Our Thoughts

Just like trying to control a situation that is completely out of our control, we also tend to focus our thoughts on things that will get us nowhere
Josh Hinds | What Can I Change In This Situation

Josh Hinds | What Can I Change In This Situation

We have all been there. Staring into the depths of a situation, allowing it to consume us. When the real fact is that deep in our hearts, we know we have no control over it.
Josh Hinds | The Work Around Conclusion

Josh Hinds | The Work Around Conclusion

We are coming to the end of the work around video. Here is the conclusion.
Josh Hinds | The Work Around

Josh Hinds | The Work Around

When you are facing a wall of adversity, there is only two things you can do. One is to give up and never go after your dreams or two, you can find a work around.
Josh Hinds | Success Points

Josh Hinds | Success Points

When you are traveling down the road to your dreams, do you ever seem to slip off track? Sure, we all do.
Josh Hinds | Internal And External Motivation

Josh Hinds | Internal And External Motivation

In this video Josh Hinds discusses the two types of motivation, internal and external.
Jane Bluestein | What Our Thoughts Tell us

Jane Bluestein | What Our Thoughts Tell us

In this video, Jane brings to the surface a really important but overlooked tool that we can all use to help us overcome that inside voice that always tells us something is not possible, not doable, or that we are not good enough.
Jane Bluestein | Talk About Adversity

Jane Bluestein | Talk About Adversity

In this video, Jane shares a story about some adversity that she faced that will just blow your mind. Her decision to look at the underlined gold nugget in the face of adversity is outstanding. Dr. Bluestein truly walks her talk.
Jane Bluestein | Procrastination Leads To What?

Jane Bluestein | Procrastination Leads To What?

Does procrastination stem from a fear of adversity. If so, what does procrastination lead to?
Ian Humphrey | Thrive In A Negative Environment

Ian Humphrey | Thrive In A Negative Environment

Do you thrive or dive when you are in a negative environment with regards to your health, wealth, success, or relationships?
Ian Humphrey | How Do We Change Our Beliefs

Ian Humphrey | How Do We Change Our Beliefs

Having people tell you that you can change your beliefs about money, health, success, and relationships is one thing. Doing it it is a different stories!

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Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
- Napoleon Hill