Conversations That Create Trajectory Moments

Posts Tagged BEHAVIOR

Failure, The Other Form Of Success

Failure, The Other Form Of Success

<br /> Failure, The Other Form Of Success<br />

If failure was the final point, where would our world as we know it be? If failure was final, what do you think the great inventions that changed the word would look like? If there was not a single part of failure to learn from, what would things like cars, the space shuttle, vacuums, t.v’s, or tablets look like? Would they even exist?Where would they be? Not in our hands or available for us to use as we know of them today, that is certain!

Challenge Yourself

Failure is a part of life, finding the learning lesson in this word is really what has created everything around you. So in essence, failure is a really good thing. It allows us to see where we went “wrong” and correct it. Failure is simply success with an unintended ending. It is the emotions and story that we associate with this “F” word that creates our thoughts, feelings, and actions about it.

The story is the key, the story is the gold nugget of every “failure.” When experience one of these learning moments, what story do you associate with it? Is it a story of blame? Is it a story of defeat? Or is it a story of learning? A story of faith? A story of joy to have had the pleasure of this educational moment?

Granted, sometimes when we hit these educational times, finding that educational moment is not always the easiest thing to do. Believe it or not, it can serve as the greatest breakthrough you have ever experienced. Change your story, change your life in every way.

Failure To Launch

Failure To Launch

<br /> Failure To Launch<br />

Failure to launch your dream life can be a crushing feeling. In his book Fail Up, Tavis Smiley shared a statement that had an extremely impactful emotional attachment. He said ” success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go.” What a dynamic statement.

Stopping three feet from gold is so common today. The failure to launch your life can be as fine as a razors edge. Hanging onto your dreams and not letting them fall to the waste side can be a minor adjustment in your thoughts which control your feelings, which in turn create your actions, which then create your results right?

Faulure To Launch

Failure is not the end all of you. Failure means one thing and one thing only. You never found that growth lesson It’s that simple. If you never give up, meaning if you take the growth moment from every “failure” you will find that this word “failure” is just another word in your vocabulary that has this negative belief around it.

The problem with this word is the meanings you have associated with it. The meanings or beliefs about what it means to face it head on and “lose”.

Failure is what you make it, it is what you believe it is. In her book Conquer Fear, Lisa Jimenez shares this profound statement that will make you change these thoughts.

“Change your beliefs-and you change your behaviors, change your behaviors-change your results, change your results-change your life.”

Digest that statement for a while and you will should come to the conclusion that this word failure is just what we believe it is, nothing more. Change your belief about failure and your failure will change as well. Change into what? Great question! What do you believe it will change into?

Self Talk And Thinking

Self Talk And Thinking

<br /> Self Talk And Thinking<br />

The importance of self talk is nothing new, I am sure that you have heard about it before. If you are reading this article, blog, or post. You know about self talk! For the past 20 years learning and growing with personal development leaders, teachers, and friends. One thing remains so apparent that it just has to be said again and again.

We become what we think about. Now do you realize that 90% of our thoughts are unconscious, we don’t even know we are having these “Little Conversations” with ourselves. This self talk, self thoughts are so powerful and controlling it is unbelievable.

The mass of the population believe they are speaking to themselves in a positive manner but they are doing the exact opposite. I have just recently finished Ryan C. Lowe’s book called Get Off Your Attitude. For those reading this that have not had the honor of reading his book, please do your self a favor and get it. What an amazing read.

In it he discusses self talk and he has a paragraph that I would love to share and discuss in further detail it goes:

I was once told by a friend.”You know, there’s no way I would let other people say to me what I say to myself. I wouldn’t let other people call me fat or ugly, but that’s what I call myself all day long.”

Now, before you go any further, please just digest that for a moment and apply it to your life, to things that you say to yourself when no one else but the most important person in your life is listening….YOU.

Are you critical of the things you do? Do you say you can be better but when the time comes to do it, you retract all the positive things you “say” you believe? Do you ever do just as Ryan’s friend says he does, do you say things to yourself that you would never in a million years let others say to you?

These are really deep questions aren’t they? The second big realization of this is that the single biggest law of this universe is that “You become what you think about” and if we are thinking the complete opposite of what we should be thinking, then why are we so surprised when more of the “same” comes to us?

I took this page on Ryan’s book and had to of read it about 20 times. The information we get in books – I know, I have said it a many times in our expert videos, interviews, many other blogs, and almost daily in my life speaking with people, BUT I will say it again. The information we get in books is so valuable but yet most do nothing with it.

Start To Use The Information You Get Today To Help You Create A Better Tomorrow!

The Actor Observer Effect

The Actor Observer Effect

The Actor Observer Effect

The Actor Observer Effect

Recently I read an amazing little book by Dr. Suzanne L. Davis, this book is entitled Ten Interesting Things About Human Behavior.

There is a section that I would like to share and dive a bit deeper into. Chapter 8 is called

-We Use Double-Standards When We Judge Ourselves Relative To Others-

Dr. Davis goes on to use an example of dropping off some wedding invitations and says “ I didn’t mail the wedding invitations because my boss made me stay late again.” Dr. Davis goes on to explain that we make excuses for ourselves and usually

-Give ourselves a break –

Then Dr. Davis says “However, we don’t give others a break. When we judge someone else’s actions, as a general rule we attribute their behavior to internal factors (“but you drive right past the post office on the way home. You didn’t mail the invitations because you are having second thoughts about the marriage aren’t you?)

Does this sound like something you can do or have done in the past. Now obviously not with wedding invitations but I am sure you can think of other things or situations where you have not given others a break. When I was reading that chapter, a smile just came over my face and I had to shake my head.

Why is it that we do that? Why do we give ourselves so many breaks and let ourselves except all these personal excuses but when other people look for the same thing, we jump all over them with other possible scenarios except the real one that maybe they just created their own excuse and stuck to it, as we ALL have done right?

So lets try to give others a break too shall we? How do we do that, well I am in the same boat here. As I said, I just learnt the same thing you did… Wild isn’t it?

Here is what I am going to do. Not try, do! They are two completely different things remember?

Stop and really think about what the other person’s excuse is and think…”Would I have used that one?” look at it from their point not yours.

Not give myself so many breaks, I really don’t deserve them…….

And lastly, I am going to judge myself just as I would others

(This one is going to be tough!!!)



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Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
- Napoleon Hill