Conversations That Create Trajectory Moments

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Are You Haivng Rainy Days Or Sunny Days – Overcome Adversity, Conquer Fear, And Breakthrough Challenges By Focusing On Sunny Days

Are You Haivng Rainy Days Or Sunny Days – Overcome Adversity, Conquer Fear, And Breakthrough Challenges By Focusing On Sunny Days

Are You Haivng Rainy Days Or Sunny Days – Overcome Adversity, Conquer Fear, And Breakthrough Challenges By Focusing On Sunny Days


We all have our “good” days and our “bad” days, that’s not for debate in this article. The debate is how our internal filters actually decide what truly can be defined as a good or bad day. As the saying goes: when life gives you lemons, make lemon aid. Well that to can be a difficult task in of it’s own.

Rainy-day-sunny-daySo how do we take adversities or challenges we face in life and change then into a positive trajectory moment that can take us further in our educational and personal growth?

We believe that to enable yourself to step out of the moment and find the trajectory moment in every adversity,we first need to understand why we see these challenges and adversities the way we do. Second, we need to be willing to change some of your most cherished beliefs about every situation. Why do we say most cherished beliefs Instead or habits or thought processes? For starters, our beliefs is the first and foremost driving factor to all of our views. If you change your belief about anything, the view you have if it I turn changes as well.

When anyone sets out to change their rainy days into sunny ones, there are parts of the body, mind, and even spirit that are thrown for a pretty big loop so be prepared. Your feelings will be truly challenged and the main reason is that it will feel completely foreign compared to your old paradigm. One point to remember and this usually happens when you have some quiet time to yourself, is that your negative thoughts will come and visit you, they will start to play on your conscious mind and share things like:

  • You can’t do this?
  • Rainy days into sunny days.. Come one.. What are you thinking?
  • Face it, you are done my friend!
  • You have no where to turn, you have no where to go!

We can go on and on, what our mind will say is not the point. The point is that it will start talking and when it does, how are you going to respond? Are you going to allow these rainy day ideas to control how you serve? How you create? How you act? How you love? How you live?

We were created to accomplish remarkable tasks and overcome massive adversity. The biggest challenge you are going to face in your life it the challenge of thoughts. It is within that six to eight inches (depending on how large your head is) that is going to be your biggest ally or greatest enemy. The choice is yours!

In the end of all of this, it boils down to choice. Do you choose to allow your rainy day thoughts to control your destiny? Or are you going to control your rainy day thoughts and take control of your greatness?

Choose to take control! So how can you go about eliminating these rainy day thoughts? Well you never really get rid of them but through practice and effort, they will decrease. Here are a few techniques you can use to help these negative thoughts dissipate for you.

  • Make a list of all of your achievements and when you have a rainy day thought read them aloud
  • post images, little sayings, or even snippets of your list of achievements in the places you usually have these rainy day thoughts.
  • Go get yourself some 3×5 cards and write these achievements down on them, carry them with you and every time you get a chance read them.
  • Get an accountability partner you can share these achievements with who will share them with you during those rainy day moments.

There are of course so many other ideas that you can implement in a split second. Now one thing to take away is that you must be persistent with your inner voice. Your inner negative voice is very persistent, so you must be even more persistent.

Make the choice! Choose Greatness! 

The New Edison

The New Edison

The 21st Century Edison

[dropcap_5]H[/dropcap_5]ere’s guessing that you have heard the statement that Thomas Edison said to a reporter about the amount of times he failed to create the incandescent light bulb. If not, here it is again for you.Thomas Edison

In preperation for this article and for most of the interviews I have done, more than five hours has been used to research these comments from Mr. Edison and the conclusion is this: Depending on where you go, you will see quotes that Mr. Edison had anywhere from 700 to 10,000 “Steps” as he calls them to creating the lightbulb. Most of the stories we were able to find did indicate that it was a New York Times reporter that asked Mr. Edison this question, or something similar to this (depending on where you look).

“Mr. Edison, how does it feel to fail 1000 times?” And Mr. Edison replied to the reporter

“I didn’t fail 1000 times, the lightbulb was a project with 1000 steps.” I know once again there are many other variations of this reply so this is just one source that I chose to take this from. None the less, we could sit and debate this for countless hours. Some even question the legitimacy of the actual event. Thomas Edison to this day holds more patents than any inventor and lets not forget what amazing inventions Mr. Edison did indeed provide the world that has made it a much better place.

Today we are going to discuss in our opinion our 21st Century Edison and we believe that he will become the next icon for people all over the world to help them overcome adversity the same way people have been using Edison’s quote for years. Sir James Dyson
Sir James Dyson: I love to watch some of the shows they air on CNBC, some are quite amazing and there is one in particular that I truly love it is called How I Made My Millions. The concepts in that show are amazing and they dig right into the heart of companies and share how everything comes together, (the ins and outs if you will) with either the originators or key executives of these companies and show us that in the end, they too are just human like us. The difference is they went for their dreams and didn’t let anyone stand in their way, this episodes was no different This particular show was a step up from the original layout, it was called:How I Made My Billions

Sir James Dyson was discussing the beginnings of Dyson, how and why started the company, and what he had to go through to deliver his first prototype to the world. His dream was to produce products that everyday people use but to improve them, to make them easier to use, to increase the user enjoyment rate if you will. Mr. Dyson started to create his prototypes of his first vacum in his garage (sound like a few other people that started these massive companies you see today?). During this interview, he said himself so this is no urban legend, this is concerete right from Sir James himself. He failed 5127 times before his prototype was even ready to show anyone. 5127 times, he said his friends thought he was completely insane, he went to dozens of banks, the Government, and venture capitalists to get funding, only to be turned down multiple times by them all.

[bq_right] With every failure of the prototypes, I learned something fascinating. Each of these “Failures” brought me closer to my goal.
Sir James Dyson

Sir James went to all the major vacum companies like Shop-Vac, Electrolux, etc. You guessed it, he was turned down by them all, they were saying that no one wanted to see the dirt that they just picked up but Sir James believed that the bag-less vacum was not only a more environmentally friendly but the vortex style bag-less suction was also much more powerful.
Sir James Dyson Blade-Less Fan

Since then the Dyson company has grown to exceed revenues of 1.5 Billion in 2011 and they are forecasting greater revenue in 2012. Not only had Sir James reinvented the vacum, Dyson is now making other home products that are taking the world by storm like his blade-less fan and multiple other products that are cleaner, safer, and even more stylish than any of his competitors.

The big takeaway is that if you have a dream, if you believe in yourself, and if you make a choice to overcome ALL adversities that come your way…….
Anything Is Truly Possible Sir James Dyson proves Edison’s theory of his steps to creating the incandescent light bulb, except he is alive today and produces priducts that we might not take for granted like we do lights. Mr. Dyson’s views, beliefs, and perseverance will carry just like Mr. Edison’s did.


Challenge Yourself, Breakthrough The Glass Ceiling You Created

Challenge Yourself, Breakthrough The Glass Ceiling You Created

Do you really challenge yourself? A dear friend Rico Racosky shares the realization that in life and in your daily routine, you only have two choices at any given time. So if that’s a fact, what is your choice? Do you choose to challenge yourself or stay where you are?

The difficulty with every challenge is that all might word “failure”, we seem to attach this word to almost every challenge we face or adversity we hit. The next big challenge is that you just like everyone has done in the past, you have these self imposed glass ceilings over your head that you believe you can’t break. This my friend, is where you are wrong!

Challenge Yourself

So lets start with that nasty word “failure”. Is there such a thing? If you learn something from a mishap, is it a failure? If you learn how not to do something when you are faced with a challenge, is it a failure? The answer to these two questions is all dependant on your perspective. The story you associate with every challenge, adversity, or obstacle will be the determining factor what you take away from any challenge, adversity, or obstacle you face.

Sir Winston Churchill said it best when he said “all men make mistakes, only wise men learn from them.”

This self imposed glass ceiling you throw up over your head is the second and just as intimidating as the fear of failure or success itself. This glass ceiling tells you that you can’t do this, you are not smart enough to do that, what makes you think you have the credentials to change this r change that?, or that will never work.

This glass ceiling needs to be broken before you will ever have the breakthrough you really want. This ceiling is not easy to shatter, there is no doubt about it. The funny thing is, when you do break it, you will wonder why you hadn’t done it earlier. The freeing feeling is like none that you have felt before. Know that where you presently think you peak out, is only just the beginning. Your potential extends far beyond where you presently think it maxes out.

Stretch and reach for what your heart desires.

[bq_left]All men make mistakes, only the wise learn from them.[/bq_left]

One Of Those Days

One Of Those Days

<br /> One Of Those Days<br />

Have you ever had “one of those days”?

You know the kind when everything appears to be going wrong. You’re late for a meeting and all the closest parking spots are gone. You decide to go out of your way to get another thing off the “to do” list only to find when you get to your destination you don’t have with you what you need. You run out of gas on the way home because you decided not to get gas before the meeting that you were running late for. There’s no one to call to come get you…and do you really want to in this circumstance?

Fear Pic

Just a little embarrassing. So you decide to walk. It’s about 10 degrees below seasonal temperature and the north winds are blowing. We’ve all had “those days”. As I was walking, I thought to myself how grateful I was that the sun was shining. I thought how grateful I was that I made it not too far from home and that I can now walk off the 6 almonds that I just ate. I thought how grateful I was that I was wearing my running shoes and not my three-inch heel boots. I thought how grateful I was that I had nowhere else pressing to be within the next couple hours.

The wind stopped momentarily and I felt the warmth of the sun on my legs. I rounded the last bend and the winds roared once again. I thought how grateful I was that l had my house key since I left the garage opener in the vehicle. I unlocked the door and the phone rang. I had just received wonderful news that I had been waiting for! Have you been grateful today?

Christine Hyder

Your Challenge Is Your Legacy

Your Challenge Is Your Legacy

<br /> Your Challenge Is Your Legacy<br />

We all want to leave a legacy when we go, don’t we? Either for our children or the population in general. Is the legacy that someone leaves behind nothing more than the story associated with every challenge they faced? This question deserves looking into.

If you look at the legacy of Henry Ford for example. Is his legacy based on the challenge of making the V8 engine work or is it based on building cars? It can go either way right? Yes he did introduce us to this new way of traveling but would his legacy have been so great if he gave up on the challenge of building that ole V8? This engine is just one of the legacy lessons Henry Ford left behind right? Possibly, that also depends on your perception. Maybe Mr. Ford’s biggest legacy was the millions of single style cars he built with the Model A. Maybe it was his determination to be the best. Go ahead and research other great inspirational leaders like Winston Churchill for example.

Fear Pic

Was Mr. Churchill’s legacy the inspiration he left behind from overcoming a particular challenge he faced? Maybe his legacy to you is the way he overcame multiple challenges. In fact with Mr. Churchill is he faced many, many adversities that would have sent most into hiding for the rest of their lives. However, Mr. Churchill prevailed over all of them and that made him the great person he still is by living through his legacy you her about today and will hear about once again tomorrow.

You can find similar stories in all of our leader’s legacies and the leaders of today that are creating their legacies. All of them overcome challenge to bring you these breakthroughs and the benefits you get to take on and enjoy.

Embrace the challenge, leave a legacy for others to learn from. Pay it forward!

Own The Adversity – Own The Breakthroughs

Own The Adversity – Own The Breakthroughs

<br /> Own The Adversity Own The Breakthroughs<br />

Adversity is like death and taxes, it’s given! If you are breathing, you are going to face adversity. The challenge is how do we experience our life breakthroughs when face adversity?

If you want to expire nice breakthroughs like never before from any adversity you face. The first lesson is to take ownership of your adversity. You got it. Own the adversity and you will own your breakthroughs. This will entail you checking your unhealthy ego at the door. Now this could be difficult for some and understandably so. Owning your adversity is to the easiest thing to do. Owning your breakthroughs on the other hand is an awesome feeling isn’t it?

Breakthrough Adversity

What if you can change the beliefs you have with your adversity to create the same pleasure you have when you own your breakthroughs as you do when you own your adversity? You might just have the winning formula no? I am willing to be you will my friend.

When you own your adversity and come to the realization that you in fact attracted this adversity into your life. That you and only you are responsible for this adversity. Then and only then can you truly own it and turn the beliefs you have related to this adversity around and create your breakthroughs. If you own your adversity, you will own your breakthroughs!

Check your unhealthy ego at the door. Unhealthy egos have no place in the classroom called growth. Own your adversity and you will own your breakthroughs. Unhealthy egos cause you to cast blame, anger, and attitude toward your adversity or people that might be included in your adversity and there are no breakthroughs for you in that scenario.

The responsibility is yours for the taking, go ahead take it and enjoy it! Learn something new about yourself. Own your adversity and you will own all your breakthroughs.

Finding Your Purpose

Finding Your Purpose

<br /> Finding Your Purpose<br />

Do you have a skill? Sure you do! Do you have a knack for something that is unique? Sure you do! Do you have something locked up inside of you that you have always wanted to share? Sure you do!

We all have something that we are either really good at, know well, or even have developed as a part of our everyday life. This “thing” that you have could be just what someone is looking for, just what someone needs to help them in some way shape or form. If that’s the case, why not share it? Why is it that deep inside we feel that these forums, stages, or programs if you will are for the people we consider experts in our world.

Now please don’t get me wrong here. We have experts in every field, these experts like the experts on Little Conversations Today have studied their craft for many years, helped many people, and shared many positive experiences to help people.

What’s stopping you from doing the same? Now granted it might not be in the personal development field, however, there is a field for what your true purpose, true desire, or true beliefs revolve around. What is that in you? How can we find our true passion? These my friend are AMAZING questions that deserve answers.

Grab a piece of paper and answer the following questions in as much detail as possible.

[list type=”arrow teal”] [li] What are you good at and have been good at your entire life?
[/li] [li] Does any of those gifts or talents stand out to you?
[/li] [li] The one that your eye keeps coming back to, does it excite you?
[/li] [li] Can you write 10 things down for each talents or gifts that you posses that would help others?
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When you are answering those questions, please make sure to keep in ind that there are MANY different ways to find your purpose. These four questions and trying to list the 10 ways my gifts or talents will help people is just the way I have found my true purpose and passion so I thought I would share the same method with you?

When you complete the above exercise, please make sure that you chew on the answers for a day or two. After you have chewed on the answers and you start having the glorious thoughts that come with starting to find your true passion and purpose. Make sure to take action on your ideas even if it is just a single simple step.

[bq_right] Inch by inch, any things a cinch

Implementing Information In Books

Implementing Information In Books

How can we turn the information we read into life changing paradigms?

Use the information in books to better your life

[dropcap_5]B[/dropcap_5]ooks are packed with information that if applied in the manner in which the author intended it to be applied, you would be following the precise structure they did to get where they are. So why is it that the typical place for books is on someone’s book shelf and not beside them at all times and used somewhat as a life manual?

We have posted blogs before about this topic but today, I would like to share with you a realization I had as I was reading an amazing book by Bob Burg and John David Mann called The Go-Giver Sells More.

Go Govers Sell more Book

Yesterday during a conversation with Bob Burg, we discussed this exact issue that faces most of the population and he suggested that I read Psycho-Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell Maltz (So Keep an Eye out for that blog and book review)

The conversation started just like this. Bob, you have sold over 200,000 copies of the book that inspired Go Givers Sell More, called The Go-Giver (see the Little Conversations Today book review of the Go-Giver HERE and the question that i had was why is there not 200,000 new people using this life changing information to create the life they want. This question goes way beyond both Bob and I, it goes way beyond any personal development or life coach you have ever or will ever meet. This question can spark a more heated conversation that most political debates!

WHY?, why would this conversation be a hard one to have. If we can take responsibility for our actions and really that’s what we have to do, then why can’t we take responsibility for reading a good book, getting a great “pump” if you will out of it, telling ourselves and possibly family members we are going to change our lives, and then using all this glorious information for a week and then reverting back into our life of “The Usual”.

The shame is that this “Life of the usual” is most likely one that you don’t really care for, that you really would like to change. So as we step forward into the realm of challenging ourselves to change. my belief is that we need to try to keep these three key points at the fornt of our minds, they can help you stay out in the challenge zone instead of retreating back into “The Comfort Zone”.


[list type="arrow blue"] [li]

Realize before you even try to implement this new found information, it is going to be different. This change can be the biggest change you have ever had to face in life. It can take you to places emotionally that you have never been, it can create fear like you have never experienced, and it can be the best thing you have EVER done in your life. Why? Well, when you break the bond of normal and reach for the stars, you will develop a new found fire that will carry you anywhere you want to go.

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Take note that as you progress on this new journey, you will start to see things differently. This does not mean that you are any better than anyone else, all it means is that your thoughts, feelings, and actions toward many situations, or people in your life can and most likely will change.

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This new attitude, this new belief, this new composition of your thoughts, feelings, and actions are not just something you can practice today and expect tomorrow to have a complete turn around in your life. We have said many times "Make a decision today, to change your tomorrow." This does not meant hat you are going to wake up and everything on the outside will have changed. What this means is that the irrevocable decision you make today (As long as it is irrevocable and not just a "well alright I will give it a try" decision) will change your tomorrow. The power of a decision can do so much for you, it is uncanny.


The beautiful thing about a book is that when you read it, you can take what applies to you in your life. What information are you going to pull out of that book you are reading now? If you aren't reading a book, I would suggest that you get one and start. Take the information that you feel you connect with. There have been many books that I felt I didn't connect with, does that mena they are bad books? No not at all. All that means is that at this point in my life I am either on a plane of understanding above or below that particular book.

Being on a different plane of understanding is not a bad thin either. Think of it like this, as we learn our understanding and thought process changes. Have you ever read a book for the second time and found amazing story lines or information that you swear wasn't in there the first time?Matrix Movie Poster
What about seeing a movie like The Matrix? I remember the first time I saw that movie, I loved the story and how inside the Matrix all you had to do was believe and you coud do anything. Watching Neo go through his training and the moment when he started to believe in what he was truly capable of. The second time I watched it I saw so many different things that I could have sworn were never there the first time I saw the movie.

Just a few weeks ago I had finished Sylvia Lafair's book called Don't Bring It To Work.Sylvi lafair's Book Don't Bring It To Work
She describes a scene in the Matrix when Mr. Andersen is in his bosses office after the night out on the town following the ole white rabbit. that completely changed my understanding and perspective of that scene. I saw it as something totally the opposite as she described it but after watching that scene again but operating with a different understanding, I now realize that she described the scene perfectly.

[bq_left] Make a decision today to change your tomorrow!
Dan Deigan

Are You Shy

Are You Shy

“Many great ideas have been lost because the people who had them could not stand being laughed at.” – Author Unknown

Psychologist Jonathan Creek of Wellesley College says that “situational shyness, such as feeling shy around a new co-worker or person of the opposite sex to whom we’re attracted to, can help to facilitate cooperative living; it inhibits behaviors that are socially unacceptable.” In this case, shyness can be a good thing; it prevents us from making fools of ourselves, or from hurting others’ feelings.

Are you afraid to take a risk? Perhaps you always anticipate the worst and fearing the outcome; you avoid the pain by avoiding the situation altogether. It could be simply fear of the unknown. Sometimes a single bad experience can grow into a habit as you continue to choose to flee or avoid any situation in which you feel uncertain.

The shy person can actually handicap themselves with negative thoughts and wind up using their shyness as a crutch and an excuse for not pursuing more social occasions, “I can’t handle these kinds of situations because I’m so shy.” Of course the more they tell themselves things like this, the harder it becomes to socialize, make friends, and establish relationships, both personal and professional. It becomes a self-defeating behavior.

Rather than dwell on the negative part of being shy, try seeing yourself in a more positive way. Shy people are less likely to gossip or brag; they are generally not overbearing or pushy, and definitely not aggressive or antagonistic. Once the shy person makes a friend, they are very loyal and dependable. They are more discreet than the more outgoing kind of personality. They tend to be much less controlling in most circumstances, and very willing to let others do what they want.

Let’s face it, some people are born talkers who can get along with just about anyone and everyone, and some people are not. More evidence is showing shyness to be an inborn trait or distinguishing quality. Shy people have difficulty making conversation and become very nervous when they feel they have to be congenial with strangers; they simply do not know what to say.

So, ask yourself these questions:

• Does the thought of meeting new people make you uneasy?

• Do you find it a struggle to come up with something to say to new acquaintances?

• Do you sometimes become tongue-tied around strangers?

• Do you avoid social gatherings where you’re certain to get left on your own?

• Do you have trouble speaking in large groups?

• Do you have trouble making eye contact when meeting someone new?

• Do you find it difficult to make new friends?

• Does talking to a member of the opposite sex make you nervous?

• Is dating nerve wracking to you?

• Are you at a loss for a retort when someone makes a wisecrack at your expense?

• When people take advantage of you, do you find it difficult to be assertive with them?

• Do you have trouble saying no to people?

• Do you fail to take compliments graciously?

Do you think you’re shy?

The Power Of Habit

The Power Of Habit

The Power Of Habit And it’s Effects On Us

How Much Of A Role Does Habit Play In Our Lives

An interesting question raised to the forefront of my mind last week when something very interesting happened. As I stood outside my house, the day was like any other really, except a mini van drove by and as it stopped, an old neighbour that have moved some two weeks earlier rolled down his window.

Of course I said the usual “Hello” thinking that it was really nice of him to drive by and say hi! But did he? NO he actually stopped to laugh with me about this being the 10th time he had drove by his old house simply out of habit. He had been driving the same route to and from work for so many years he had programmed his mind to simply go on auto pilot, to drive to that house. Funny isn’t it? Funny how we can input something so far into our subconscious that even the excitement of owning a new house does not overpower the habit that we have ingrained. Has this ever happened to you? Now of course it might be a different situation all together.

How Habits Control Us Image

I mean we have all been there right? We’ve all been behind the wheel of our car driving somewhere, myself it used to happen all the time on the way to and from work. I had about an hour and a quarter driver to and from work everyday. Most days I would all of a sudden pull into the office parking lot and I would stop and think… How Did I Get Here? never really giving any thought to the lights, speed, traffic, or pretty much anything else. I just seemed to be on Auto Pilot. So if we do it with these pretty crucial things like hhhmmm, let me think DRIVING YOUR VEHICLE

It brings up some BIG question does it not? Like:

  • What beliefs about adversity are we making into habits?
  • What are we driving into our subconscious mind that is hindering our growth, our life, or our family?
  • What negative thoughts are we drilling into the abyss of “I can’t do that”

These questions have to be addressed, could they be what is holding you back from really going after what you want? Are they key factors in the adversity that always seems to hit you? These questions can spawn so many others that the list will just keep going on and no and on.

  • So what’s the solution?
  • What do we need to do first to start down the road to achieving OUR goals?
  • How do we overcome these internal forces that always seem to control our thoughts and feed us with the:

“I can’t do that because I don’t have the skill, time, finances, health, youth, or knowledge!”

Here ar a few key steps you can start walking today that will bring you to a brighter tomorrow.

  1. Understand that these thoughts do exist and when they come out during those “Little Conversations” you have with yourself. Create a trigger to eliminate them. I use “Switch” I simply yell …SWITCH…. in my mind to clear it. It works like a charm for me.
  2. Create a daily routine where you add new and vibrant ideas into your mind about what you are truly capable of. Start a journal of these amazing things, I personall do one in the morning and before I go to bed. I once heard from Jack Canfield that writing these wonderful thoughts and feelings out before you go to bed allows the “Interweb” (Your internal internet service) to work on them as you sleep. SO you mind has already started to work on the solutions, people, and situations to help you solve your adversity.
  3. And Finally, take ACTION I you want to ease the negative thoughts that come into your mind that have been place dthere through habit or any other way for that matter. YOU,/strong> and only you have the ability to beat it.

Motion Creates Emotion

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Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
- Napoleon Hill