Conversations That Create Trajectory Moments

Posts Tagged Overcoming

Challenge Yourself Breakthrough Your limiting Beliefs

Challenge Yourself Breakthrough Your limiting Beliefs

<br /> Challenge Yourself Breakthrough Your Limiting Beliefs<br />

It is time you entered the challenge zone! When was the last time you challenged yourself to do something better? Made the internal challenge to create or do something that scares the hell out of you? Or experienced breakthroughs that took your breath away.

To challenge yourself and create breakthroughs with your present limiting beliefs is one thing that in my opinion, you should do as often as possible. Breakthroughs come in all shapes and sizes, the key is to see them. This can prove to be a little more difficult that you might think. In today’s world, we are moving at such a high speed, you might miss many of your daily breakthroughs that can lead to higher self confidence that will intern lead to more breakthroughs.

Challenge Yourself

So challenge yourself to be aware of your daily actions and you will soon see that breakthroughs are a daily experience for you. Have you ever walked through the door and when your spouse asks you how your day went, you have this reply. “We’ll it was really busy, but it was one of those days were I felt like I got nothing accomplished.”

Yeh, we have all had those days haven’t we? What is you were to try to write down your wins everyday? Write down all the breakthroughs you have in a day! This challenge we present to you today can make a massive difference in your productivity at both work and your home. Share this with your spouse or children and tomorrow at the dinner table, share your breakthroughs with your family as they share theirs.

Limiting beliefs are only as powerful as you make them. If you are limitless so are your beliefs. This exercise is also really good for your “bad days”, when you are having a day she your moral, energy, or mood are below par. Go back though your breakthroughs and you will see your energy, moral, and mood change as you relive the memories of your breakthroughs and smile as you realize that you have take your challenge by the horns and you are conquering your limited beliefs.

Overcoming Adversity

<br /> Overcoming Adversity<br />

Adversity can be devastating..If you let it! Adversity can help you find your way…If you believe in underlined gold nuggets! Adversity can educate us in so many ways…If you see the positive side of the obstacle!

I guess the big question we all have to answer in this vortex we call adversity is, “How do we overcome adversity and move closer toward our goals, dreams, and aspirations?”.

That question can send you down many different roads it’s completely mind boggling to say the least. For me the answer was a book I read. You see, I faced an adversity of a calibre that I never thought even existed, it ripped me from the inside out, from top to bottom. Four years of trial and error, refinement, education, and money were spent on a program that was going to make a difference in so many lives. When the time came to share it with the world, there was not one single sale. Not one single purchase.

Depending on what post or web page you read, they say that Edison failed from 1000 to over 10,000 times before he created a lasting version of the incandescent light bulb. This single example can be found in almost every personal development book in the world today. Now if you are reading this and thinking the same thing I used to think,

“another person using the same old stuff that everyone and their brother uses”.

Well you are right and you’re wrong!

Edison’s quote on quote “Failures” were simply stepping stones to success, that in the end as you are fully aware illuminated the world. The flip side of this is what we personally experienced.

Before I go any further, there are two roads that you will take from this point forward. one road is the road of disbelief and the second road is the road of connection. What do we mean by these two roads?

Well if you have never given so much time, energy, effort, money, and sacrifice to something that you have believed was your almighty mission, the reason you were put on this planet and had it’s first sign turn out to be a complete “Failure” then you will simply just disagree with what we are relaying here. If you have had this experience, this WOO (Window of opportunity moment) then you will simply connect with what we are relaying through these words on. There are usually a few places that we tend to turn when we are looking to overcome an adversity.

  1. This is a really common place most people look to overcome adversity, prayer! We seem to believe that god is at our beck and call, that he is something of our cosmic bell boy that will run to us when we call. Why is it that most only seem to pray to the almighty when we need something and not to just say hi?
  2. We might turn to that book that shared some valuable and life altering information. Where is that book now? Has it met the same fate as most books, the fate that goes from self help to Shelf Help? We tend to read something that we feel will change our thoughts and beliefs only to loose that pump if you will and retreat back into our single most destructive zone…Our comfort zone.
  3. Those personal development CD’s or DVD’s that promised you a life altering experience and life changing information.

These are all really good places to look to overcome whatever adversities might come your way but they’re only good places to go if you re willing to act, if you re willing to take action on what you have learnt.

There are key elements when we gather information that most people start implementing but never really complete it. If they did, let’s just say that there would be many more people living the life they dream of instead of the life they have.

Please allow us to share four important principals that will help you develop and harness the power of to overcome adversity.

[list type=”arrow teal”] [li] You need to believe in yourself and your dream: This key secret is used almost in all books, cd’s, keynotes, and seminars because it is the biggest part of the adversity connection equation. This internal street light will help you move forward or stop you quicker than any exterior obstacle.
[/li] [li] Understand that you are going to hit walls that seem insurmountable. You will need to dig deep, start to climb, and never look down until you are over the wall.
[/li] [li] Have an action plan. An action plan can be one of your greatest assets.
[/li] [li] Start today and don’t delay. Starting toward your dreams today will make for a better tomorrow.
[/li] [/list]

If you take these four action steps and apply them today, you will see a better tomorrow. Remember that the first step is belief. You are still going to have days where your belief may waiver, when that happens make sure your internal “Little Conversation” ends with you believing in yourself and what you are truly capable of.


The Road To Amazing Isn’t Always Clear At The Start

<br /> The Road To Amazing Isn’t Always Clear At The Start<br />

Have you ever put so much effort into something only to have it seemingly blow up in your face?

This question we ask quite a few people, we ask experts through our Three Feet From Gold Interviews, we ask family members, friends, and even people that have written us asking for help. It all seems to make such great sense does it not? Well in essence it sure does, find that nice beautiful “Gold Nugget” Inside every adversity right?

Well this post is all about that but it is about something even deeper. I read Josh Hind’s bok recently, you can actually check out the book review on it HERE if you wish. Josh HInds It's Your Life LIVE BIG Book CoverIn lesson 7 Josh shares a vital ingredient in all adversity, this ingredient is pretty simple but so often overlooked. Before we get to that principal, I would like to share a quick story with you.

Just last week Josh and I got on a video call to record his expert interview scheduled to launch on November 18th. Our interview was filled with excitement, joy, I know it is what everyone says but AWESOME content and it was jam packed with everything you love. So as we completed the interview, I knew that it would be at least a week before I would be able to get to the editing portion (I was coding the members area for all of ya!) Not a member yet, click HERE so as we stood on November 6th 2012, I was just getting to the editing portion of Josh’s interview. I have to tell you I was really excited to see the video as I used this new recording device that had proven to be amazing for all our radio shows, the audio was superb in every call.

Here in lies the adversity! I went to look at the specs of the video and it was recorded at 10FPS. What? Now for all of you who work in video or have dipped into it at some point, you will know that 10 FPS is not a very high frame rate at all. Out expert videos are recored and produced between 25 and 29.97 FPS. Needless to say and so as not to go into some pretty “Geeky” stuff. The videos were pretty much useless.

[bq_left] The challenge is that in order to benefit from the lesson adversity has in store for us, we must first be willing to accept there’s a lesson in the first place -Josh Hinds –

I had to do that you would never really want to do. I had to call Josh and explain that I didn’t do my proper homework and I was not as prepared as I thought I was. Next was to ask for him to once again take time out of his busy schedule to record another expert interview. As the gentalman he is, it was no issue. Which brings us full circle to the point behind this post. During our conversation, I had said to Josh that I believed it was a useless piece of video and he asked how the audio was. “Well it is really good” I said.Josh then came up with thsi idea. Below is segments of our interview for you to listen to.

What an amazing idea, see in everything, EVERYTHING that happens to us, there is always an opposite. Napoleon Hill and Josh Hinds are both right. Mr. Hill said that “With every adversity is planted the seed of an equal or greater benefit” Josh Hinds said “The challenge is that in order to benefit from the lesson adversity has in store for us, we must first be willing to accept there’s a lesson in the first place”, both of these statements will go down officially into history.

Please enjoy these Audio recordings of the interview that went from Horrible to amazing in 5:34 Minutes (That was the length of the call with Josh)


[two type="separate"] Josh Hinds Interview Thumbnail

Definition Of Success

In this audio recording, Josh Hinds shares what is most likely the biggest element ni reaching what you determine to be success. Even though it is the most important element, it is the element that most overlook and under appreciate. That element is: What's YOUR definition of success? Is your definition YOURS and yours alone or are you trying to live someone else's "Success Definition"?


[/two] [two_last type="separate"] Josh Hinds Interview Thumbnail

The Evolution Of Success

Josh likes to this as success begets success and he is so right. Success does not have tobe monumental, your success points along your route to your ultimate goal will help you expand and grow. Our opportunity to choose are beautiful and monumental moments.



[two type="separate"] Josh Hinds Interview Thumbnail

Belief In The Underlined Gold Nugget

Napoleon Hill said in his historic book Think And Grow Rich "With EVERY adversity is planted the seed of an equal or greater benefit" You will be very hard pressed tro find anyone that thinks positively to say Mr. Hill is totally wrong. There is a big but here, it is that YOU have to believe there are these seeds of an equal or greater benefit in every adversity or else, are you going to find something that you don't believe is there?


[/two] [two_last type="separate"] Josh Hinds Interview Thumbnail

The Work Around

You have heard the saying about the 100 ways to skin a cat right? Well this is nothing about that although it is about working around obstacles by thinking possibility thoughts, brainstorming, and believing in the single most important person in the world...YOU..Oh ya and YES I did call it a "Walk Around" Not a work around when I was asking Josh. So I already know I messed up! JOY!!



The Power Of Habit

The Power Of Habit

The Power Of Habit And it’s Effects On Us

How Much Of A Role Does Habit Play In Our Lives

An interesting question raised to the forefront of my mind last week when something very interesting happened. As I stood outside my house, the day was like any other really, except a mini van drove by and as it stopped, an old neighbour that have moved some two weeks earlier rolled down his window.

Of course I said the usual “Hello” thinking that it was really nice of him to drive by and say hi! But did he? NO he actually stopped to laugh with me about this being the 10th time he had drove by his old house simply out of habit. He had been driving the same route to and from work for so many years he had programmed his mind to simply go on auto pilot, to drive to that house. Funny isn’t it? Funny how we can input something so far into our subconscious that even the excitement of owning a new house does not overpower the habit that we have ingrained. Has this ever happened to you? Now of course it might be a different situation all together.

How Habits Control Us Image

I mean we have all been there right? We’ve all been behind the wheel of our car driving somewhere, myself it used to happen all the time on the way to and from work. I had about an hour and a quarter driver to and from work everyday. Most days I would all of a sudden pull into the office parking lot and I would stop and think… How Did I Get Here? never really giving any thought to the lights, speed, traffic, or pretty much anything else. I just seemed to be on Auto Pilot. So if we do it with these pretty crucial things like hhhmmm, let me think DRIVING YOUR VEHICLE

It brings up some BIG question does it not? Like:

  • What beliefs about adversity are we making into habits?
  • What are we driving into our subconscious mind that is hindering our growth, our life, or our family?
  • What negative thoughts are we drilling into the abyss of “I can’t do that”

These questions have to be addressed, could they be what is holding you back from really going after what you want? Are they key factors in the adversity that always seems to hit you? These questions can spawn so many others that the list will just keep going on and no and on.

  • So what’s the solution?
  • What do we need to do first to start down the road to achieving OUR goals?
  • How do we overcome these internal forces that always seem to control our thoughts and feed us with the:

“I can’t do that because I don’t have the skill, time, finances, health, youth, or knowledge!”

Here ar a few key steps you can start walking today that will bring you to a brighter tomorrow.

  1. Understand that these thoughts do exist and when they come out during those “Little Conversations” you have with yourself. Create a trigger to eliminate them. I use “Switch” I simply yell …SWITCH…. in my mind to clear it. It works like a charm for me.
  2. Create a daily routine where you add new and vibrant ideas into your mind about what you are truly capable of. Start a journal of these amazing things, I personall do one in the morning and before I go to bed. I once heard from Jack Canfield that writing these wonderful thoughts and feelings out before you go to bed allows the “Interweb” (Your internal internet service) to work on them as you sleep. SO you mind has already started to work on the solutions, people, and situations to help you solve your adversity.
  3. And Finally, take ACTION I you want to ease the negative thoughts that come into your mind that have been place dthere through habit or any other way for that matter. YOU,/strong> and only you have the ability to beat it.

Motion Creates Emotion

What Pushes Obstacles Away?

What Pushes Obstacles Away?

<br /> What makes mountains seem like mole hills?<br />

What turns obstacles that seem like mountains into mole hills?


Could it be Passion, Belief, Faith, Courage, Or Understanding?

Sure it can, but how many of us truly believe that these drives, feelings, and inner thoughts can take us to that promised land? This is a question that many of us think about indirectly. You see when you think thoughts of disbelief, lack, or even failure…(Sorry had to use that word) You are telling yourself that you have no faith, belief, and passion in yourself.

First off, we have all and we all still have these feelings so the statement is not to say that if these thoughts come to mind you are a failure, no not at all. The people who believe these silly self thoughts are the ones that will not get where they truly want to go. These are the people that will allow these thoughts to remain in their head that they are not worthy enough, educated enough, or even just believe

There is no way I could do that, I have no credentials or means to get that going.

When Pig Fly Picture

I believe you could also use the old saying

“When Pigs Fly”

Could you not?

But that does this do to our goals, aspirations, and dreams? It crushes them right? Well how do we turn these mountains of fear, disbelief, and lack in to mole hills that you can roll over without a single thought. I believe that it is as simple as Passion, belief in thyself, and understanding that you really can do what you really want to do in life. Now once again and I have said this MANY times. Simple and easy are not the same thing.

Any one who tells you something like this is easy, well….They have simply never done it before. Plain and “simple”

So lets tale making mountains into mole hills for a while shall we? Mountains represents that seemingly insurmountable wall that fear of failure, that lack, that “what will my friends think” mentality. This mentality is a true fear for most, but with belief and we mean unwavering belief, that mountain starts loosing it’s height.

All the experts that we have spoke to, interviewed, and recorded have similar thoughts on this one subject, it is the the ingrained “I can’t that has been programmed into our sub conscious mind that take us down this path of disbelief. Let me ask you this, as a baby, or even look at any baby around you. Do you think that they believe that they can’t walk when they first fall down? DO they stop after the first time they “fail” to walk? Or course not, they have people all around them telling them that they can do it, and they do.

This is one of the biggest issues we face as adults. Having ourselves surrounded with people that Truly believe in us. Now we say truly because there are many factors here to consider. One is that you have friends and family members right now that say they believe in you but inside they don’t want anything to change, they are happy with YOU right where you are.

How do we get back to the environment that we had as a baby? The environment where everyone you knew believed in you unconditionally? That my friends is the question of the century!

Here is something to REALLY consider

1) Believe in yourself.

2) Understand that your friends will not fully believe in you the way that you think they should.

3) Be prepared the best you can for what ever venture you start out on.

4) STOP listening to the disbelievers…This includes your inner disbelieving self by the way

5) And Your PASSION has to be there. You have to be passionate about what you are going after or at the first sign of trouble, you will abandon your vision and retreat back to the thoughts of…..

Well I never really could have done that anyway, what was I thinking? Man am I ever glad I didn’t tell anon about it, they would be laughing at me now wouldn’t they?

Joy to YOU!


Procrastination Due To Fear

Procrastination Due To Fear

Procrastination Due To Fear

Is your procrastination due to fear?

This question brings out quite a flock of feelings when you really look deep into your soul. Do we tend to procrastinate about doing things we fear? Maybe it is the fear of failing to accomplish these set tasks? Whatever the reasoning is, procrastination can kill our dreams and visions so quick!

Sales people are probably the most hit by tis seemingly horrifying feeling. Why? Well look at it like this, how many people have you spoke to in your life and told them that they would be an amazing sales person? I mean they have the charm, talk (or gift of the gab if you will), sense, product knowledge, and integrity to back it all up. Then you tell them that they should go into sales and what happens?

They seem to slip into a quick coma and then say

Are you kidding me, I could never sell! I don’t have what it takes

What is this IT that they don’t have? could it possibly be the ability to get rejected and keep coming back for more?
Fear can hold us back
If you were to ask most sales people on the planet today, I would hazard a guess that the majority of them do not like cold calling. If you are sales person, do you like cold calling? Personally I used to hate it and one day I sat down and realized that it is the rejection that i hate more than anything.

As we feel comfortable with people, we tend to be ourselves. when we cold call we tend to be someone else, this person does not like rejection! Could it be because there are other factors at play?

Say like the possibility that if we don’t sell we don’t get paid?

This fear of rejection and failing can cause us to procrastinate in so many ways fro such amazing lengths of time. Why? why do we let this happen? see have done it before, I mean we have clients now or we have had clients in the past right, these new prospects are no different are they?

All of these questions don’t seem to have any effect on us at the time do they? We still procrastinate don’t we?

This goes for al the times where we have wanted to share our vision, joy, dreams, and new found passion with people doesn’t it? We procrastinate about going for it because the economy isn’t in a good spot, pour relationship is in turmoil, our kids are off on summer holidays, our spouse is in a mood, or I am not going to do it tonight because my boss was on my back all day and I just need to rest. All of these


are simply other ways to procrastinate.

Make a decision today that you will look procrastination in the eye and act on your passion, dreams, excitement, and love. Sure you will hit times that you are scared to death about the outcome, we all have… (little secret)


has been faced with seemingly insurmountabe obstacles and when they believed in themselves and their accomplishments, they came through from fear to freedom.

Move from fear to freedom today and stop procrastinating

Failure Or So It Seems

Failure Or So It Seems

Failure Or So It Seems: What do you believe?

Failure (Or so it seems)

Today’s blog post is near and dear to my heart. It is all (I guess the title gave it away) about failure…. Or at least what seems to be failure at the time. Before we begin, I have a question to ask you.

Do you believe in failure?

I believe failure is a word that was created to use when we don’t accomplish a task or goal. Let me share an example wit you.

Here we are, we have set a goal for ourselves and said that we will have it done in three months, we gave ourselves 90 days to pull it off. So we start our journey, the 60 day mark goes by and we are close but not there yet. Now we are approaching thew 90 day mark and we feel that we’re not that far past the 60 day mark when it comes to the progress we’ve made.

What do we do?

We force the goal to manifest, don’t we? Of course we all do. Now we hit the 90 day mark where we wanted to accomplish our goal and we didn’t do it, we missed our timeline. That means we’ve failed!

But did we?

Failure is such a final and conclusive word don’t you think? I mean it’s the final point to any sentence, there is not buts after that word because it’s final in everyone’s mind, however, this shouldn’t be!

The word failure should be at the minimum, the beginning of the education cycle. When you think you have failed at anything, make it the beginning of educating yourself on something new and exciting. Make it the stepping stone to greatness, achievement, and success.

After we get up from temporary defeat ang dust ourselves off, a new found spark is ignited and a new burning desire is internally created that will propel us faster than we could have ever imagined toward our goal. So if time is the factor in our example above, instead of using the F word. Why not just extend the time frame that you’ve set for yourself?

I used to believe in failure, I have not accomplished things in my life that I thought I wanted to accomplish but when you sit back and really look at the F word. It really can’t be used for any goal, accomplishment, or desire. Now I know that is a very bold statement but it is true, let me explain.

We will use Thomas Edison to drive this example home. Now I know you’ve all heard the stories about Thomas Edison. You know, the famous quote about the amount of times he failed at creating the incandescent light bulb.

We have researched the number of times he failed for this article and have found countless people that say between 500 to 10,000 times that he failed. The amount of times in not as important as his answer. So lets just arbitrarily use 1000 times for this example!

Thomas Edison said

I did not fail 1000 times, I successfully discovered 1000 ways NOT to make a lightbulb

Now that is the answer we all need to keep at the forefront of our minds. The F word is not permanent unless YOU allow it to be.

When you are hit with temporary defeat, simply stand back for a moment and look at your situation from another angle. Give yourself a little more time, re-focus, and even restructure the short term, mid term, and long term goals that will get you to the success you are reaching for.

If you want a new outlook on life, start with the F-word. If you seem to meet it, look into the issue or cause and learn from it. If you have learned something can you really consider it a failure?

If you are learning, you are growing! Don’t ever forget that!



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Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
- Napoleon Hill