Conversations That Create Trajectory Moments

Posts Tagged GRATITUDE

One Of Those Days

One Of Those Days

<br /> One Of Those Days<br />

Have you ever had “one of those days”?

You know the kind when everything appears to be going wrong. You’re late for a meeting and all the closest parking spots are gone. You decide to go out of your way to get another thing off the “to do” list only to find when you get to your destination you don’t have with you what you need. You run out of gas on the way home because you decided not to get gas before the meeting that you were running late for. There’s no one to call to come get you…and do you really want to in this circumstance?

Fear Pic

Just a little embarrassing. So you decide to walk. It’s about 10 degrees below seasonal temperature and the north winds are blowing. We’ve all had “those days”. As I was walking, I thought to myself how grateful I was that the sun was shining. I thought how grateful I was that I made it not too far from home and that I can now walk off the 6 almonds that I just ate. I thought how grateful I was that I was wearing my running shoes and not my three-inch heel boots. I thought how grateful I was that I had nowhere else pressing to be within the next couple hours.

The wind stopped momentarily and I felt the warmth of the sun on my legs. I rounded the last bend and the winds roared once again. I thought how grateful I was that l had my house key since I left the garage opener in the vehicle. I unlocked the door and the phone rang. I had just received wonderful news that I had been waiting for! Have you been grateful today?

Christine Hyder

Challenge Yourself Breakthrough Your limiting Beliefs

Challenge Yourself Breakthrough Your limiting Beliefs

<br /> Challenge Yourself Breakthrough Your Limiting Beliefs<br />

It is time you entered the challenge zone! When was the last time you challenged yourself to do something better? Made the internal challenge to create or do something that scares the hell out of you? Or experienced breakthroughs that took your breath away.

To challenge yourself and create breakthroughs with your present limiting beliefs is one thing that in my opinion, you should do as often as possible. Breakthroughs come in all shapes and sizes, the key is to see them. This can prove to be a little more difficult that you might think. In today’s world, we are moving at such a high speed, you might miss many of your daily breakthroughs that can lead to higher self confidence that will intern lead to more breakthroughs.

Challenge Yourself

So challenge yourself to be aware of your daily actions and you will soon see that breakthroughs are a daily experience for you. Have you ever walked through the door and when your spouse asks you how your day went, you have this reply. “We’ll it was really busy, but it was one of those days were I felt like I got nothing accomplished.”

Yeh, we have all had those days haven’t we? What is you were to try to write down your wins everyday? Write down all the breakthroughs you have in a day! This challenge we present to you today can make a massive difference in your productivity at both work and your home. Share this with your spouse or children and tomorrow at the dinner table, share your breakthroughs with your family as they share theirs.

Limiting beliefs are only as powerful as you make them. If you are limitless so are your beliefs. This exercise is also really good for your “bad days”, when you are having a day she your moral, energy, or mood are below par. Go back though your breakthroughs and you will see your energy, moral, and mood change as you relive the memories of your breakthroughs and smile as you realize that you have take your challenge by the horns and you are conquering your limited beliefs.

An Amazing Adversity Story About A Hero In His Field And His Massive Adversity

An Amazing Adversity Story About A Hero In His Field And His Massive Adversity

An Amazing Adversity Story About A Hero In His Field And His Massive Adversity

[dropcap_2]L[/dropcap_2]iving in Quebec most of my life and being born in Ontario, I guess some would say that it is natural for me to “love” snowmobiling right? I mean the joke has always and I believe still is that we live in igloo’s up here in the ole Great White North right?

Snow Storm

Maybe so I guess if you believe in those Urban Legends. Now speaking of legends, this blog is going to focus on a legend that most of you will have never heard of. If you have Well then… You are a “Sledneck” just like Christine and I are. Even though at this point our weekends and extra time is taken up by our children and their social lives, extra curricular activities, and their School work. None the less we still are “Slednecks” to the bone!

I guess first off, what is a Sledneck? A Sledneck is a group of people that ride snowmobiles to the ultimate EXTREEM. Not just the extreem, we mean it when we say the ULTIMATE Extreem. Have a look here at a video from You Tube.

Now that is extreem snowmobiling!
This is also where our story of overcoming adversity begins!

[dropcap_2]H[/dropcap_2]ere is another accomplishment above and beyond what you saw in the video on Paul Thacker. Paul holds the world record for the longest snowmobile jump, he flew over 300 feet from ramp to ramp. He is an icon in the snowmobiling world, he is fearless AND he is also now overcoming one of the biggest adversities anyone of us can face. Here is the video of his world record jump.

On November 18th 2010, Paul was practcing for the upcoming season when he had an accient. Read the whole story Here. Paul now has no feeling from the chest down, he is now facing the biggest and most challenging moment in his life. What is it that takes us from the top of the world down into a place where you need to choose to either create a legacy of fall away into the darkness? My personal belief is “A Decision”.

[bq_left] Hello all! Its PT checkin in! Wow things are crazy as usual! I have been traveling all over. I have been doing physical therapy daily and rehab like you read about! Things are really going well. Things are improving and I am doing my best not to let this injury slow me down one bit.

To the left is a segment of a post that Paul added to his blog. (Check Out Paul’s Blog Here).

If you have had or especially if you have yourself been through anything like this. No one can really every even begin to imagine the feelings and emotions that would shoot through you like a lightning bolt. To one day have full use of your body, then the next not is something above and beyond anyone’s imagination unless you are living it. There are two roads you can take if you hit a trajectory point in life such as this.

One road can lead to great things such as helping others believe in themselves, achieve their dreams, understand how they too can overcoem the adversity they face, and give people JOY, Inspiration, excitement, and mos tof all belief.

Then there is a second road you can take, this is the road to defeat, the road to darkness, the road to a place, I believe, none if us really want to go. So you can:


[list type="arrow teal"] [li] You can choose to be defeated, to lay down and let what ever is going to happen happen.[/li] [li] You can begin a new chapter (As difficult as it will be), you can start creating YOUR legacy to leave with the world [/li] [/list]


Paul Thacker has taken the road less traveled, the road to leaving not only his legacy in the snowmobile industry but his new and even more profound legacy.

The legacy of not letting an accident control his life

Paul knows he is the CEO fo his life and he has made an irrevocable decision to help others and be their inspiration. Today Paul is on the road with Ekso Bionics sharing his story and providing hope, inspiration, and most of all belief that you too can overcome


adversity that hits you, with everyone he meets. You can see all that Paul is doing on his site Here

The Power Of Habit

The Power Of Habit

The Power Of Habit And it’s Effects On Us

How Much Of A Role Does Habit Play In Our Lives

An interesting question raised to the forefront of my mind last week when something very interesting happened. As I stood outside my house, the day was like any other really, except a mini van drove by and as it stopped, an old neighbour that have moved some two weeks earlier rolled down his window.

Of course I said the usual “Hello” thinking that it was really nice of him to drive by and say hi! But did he? NO he actually stopped to laugh with me about this being the 10th time he had drove by his old house simply out of habit. He had been driving the same route to and from work for so many years he had programmed his mind to simply go on auto pilot, to drive to that house. Funny isn’t it? Funny how we can input something so far into our subconscious that even the excitement of owning a new house does not overpower the habit that we have ingrained. Has this ever happened to you? Now of course it might be a different situation all together.

How Habits Control Us Image

I mean we have all been there right? We’ve all been behind the wheel of our car driving somewhere, myself it used to happen all the time on the way to and from work. I had about an hour and a quarter driver to and from work everyday. Most days I would all of a sudden pull into the office parking lot and I would stop and think… How Did I Get Here? never really giving any thought to the lights, speed, traffic, or pretty much anything else. I just seemed to be on Auto Pilot. So if we do it with these pretty crucial things like hhhmmm, let me think DRIVING YOUR VEHICLE

It brings up some BIG question does it not? Like:

  • What beliefs about adversity are we making into habits?
  • What are we driving into our subconscious mind that is hindering our growth, our life, or our family?
  • What negative thoughts are we drilling into the abyss of “I can’t do that”

These questions have to be addressed, could they be what is holding you back from really going after what you want? Are they key factors in the adversity that always seems to hit you? These questions can spawn so many others that the list will just keep going on and no and on.

  • So what’s the solution?
  • What do we need to do first to start down the road to achieving OUR goals?
  • How do we overcome these internal forces that always seem to control our thoughts and feed us with the:

“I can’t do that because I don’t have the skill, time, finances, health, youth, or knowledge!”

Here ar a few key steps you can start walking today that will bring you to a brighter tomorrow.

  1. Understand that these thoughts do exist and when they come out during those “Little Conversations” you have with yourself. Create a trigger to eliminate them. I use “Switch” I simply yell …SWITCH…. in my mind to clear it. It works like a charm for me.
  2. Create a daily routine where you add new and vibrant ideas into your mind about what you are truly capable of. Start a journal of these amazing things, I personall do one in the morning and before I go to bed. I once heard from Jack Canfield that writing these wonderful thoughts and feelings out before you go to bed allows the “Interweb” (Your internal internet service) to work on them as you sleep. SO you mind has already started to work on the solutions, people, and situations to help you solve your adversity.
  3. And Finally, take ACTION I you want to ease the negative thoughts that come into your mind that have been place dthere through habit or any other way for that matter. YOU,/strong> and only you have the ability to beat it.

Motion Creates Emotion

Attitude Of Gratitude

Attitude Of Gratitude

Attitude Of Gratitude

Attitude Of Gratitude

Why is it that as we go through this game called life, we all have times where we are so grateful for things that happen to us…BUT why is it only when they’re positive things?

Please allow me to explain…..

The last few two weeks have been probably the hardest weeks my family and I have faced if not ever, it certainly has been such a long time that I can’t remember what would beat this pain, emotional stress, and outpour of tears.

On June 29th @ 3:15 PM we put our family dog to rest after 15 wonderful years of friendship, energy, joy, laughter, frustration, silliness, and most of all unconditional LOVE. Blue was a good looking boy and remained a puppy till he went on to do what he loves most which is chase/chew his kong and run after rabbits for the rest of time.

(I bet you are running faster than you ever imagined my boy, you are the best puppy ever. Love from all of us puppy boy!)

During this whole process, the big question remained internally eating at my soul…Did we do the right thing? Was he in pain or did I mis-diagnose his pain?

Let me explain: You see Blue was diagnosed with cancer in his bladder a little over eight weeks ago and we agreed as a family that we would not let him suffer even for a second. Then something hit me on Tuesday the 26th of June that I will never forget.

When saying good night, Blue looked at me and deep inside I felt his pain. It was a feeling that I have never felt before and I would not wish on the worst person to walk this wonderful planet.

Blue was in pain and it was up to us to make sure he lived the way he always wanted to…Running and playing with the people he loved most. For those of you that are animal lovers and have been through this, you will understand. If you are not an animal lover or haven’t been through this you won’t understand the internal questioning that happens when you decide to lay your family pet to rest that is not on their death bed.

Friday night was a night of ages if that is even a way to describe the worst night you could possible imagine. All I was thinking was

Did we do the right thing

This feeling was overwhelming, so I did what most of us do when we are not sure we made the right decision… I asked for a sign, I asked Blue to give me a sign that he was better now than he was here and that he was in fact happier now and not in pain anymore.
BOY DID I GET A SIGN! at the time it was not only confusing but it was very painful.

The entire day Saturday I was fully present looking for a sign that could put my questioning to rest and let me tell you, I thought I found many. Some were great signs that he was in fact really happy now that the pain had stopped and he could run for as long as he wanted without having to take a nap in-between KONG tosses.

Until Sunday July 1st. I was operating a table saw in my driveway and something happened. I managed to put my hand through the saw. Within minutes a wonderful afternoon turned into a nightmare of mammoth proportions.

While I was being rushed to the hospital, all I could think about was how Blue just gave me my sign! It was an unmistakeable sign I must say…. Or was that really my sign?

Without getting into too much detail as I don’t quite know how much your stomach can take. I figured that the “A” word was going to have to happen. I thought that I was going to have to get a finger amputated and was certain that skin graphs, plastic surgeon appointments were a guarantee in my future.

As I lay in the hospital with my wife Christine, I told her about my asking for a sign.

(Christine was my rock like you have never seen a rock before..Bigger than the alps she was! She stood strong as I crumbled.. LOVE you soooo much baby)

But Blue did give me a sign. The doctor arrived and asked me to bend my finger and hand in a bunch of different ways push on things (the best I could) he then stopped, he looked at Christine, then looked at me and said…

Man you are one luck person, you put your hand through a table saw and not one tendon or nerve ending got hit. Ya it looks very ugly but you are going to be just fine.

WOW, I wish that I could post a picture of my hand but most of you will most likely loose your breakfast, lunch, or supper…What ever time it is when you read this…

I know, what about the gratitude part of this blog, your probably saying…You’ve made me cry so can you give me a little joy Dan… Right?

I was so grateful that I was not going to loose a finger. The stress was just wild thinking that loosing body part was possible. Now I know people loose fingers, toes, and limbs all the time, so please don’t think that for a second that this is bragging in any way because I’m not, I am simply sharing my inner thoughts and gratitude.

Do you know what the first thing I said to the doctor after he told me I was going to be alright?

Thats amazing Doc. Do you know when I will be able to get back to the gym?

WHAT, come on Dan! You were just sitting there prying to not loose a digit and now within seconds of getting the news, you are being so vein by asking about working out again… COME ON! right?

But don’t we all do that? I am sure that we can all think of times where we were praying that the worst case was not going to play out and when it didn’t play out the worst possible way… We just immediately started on the next path without being grateful for what just happened.

All we do is go Whoo, that was close, what’s next….. Right?

Make gratitude part of your attitude! Be grateful for everything, share your gratefulness with people. By sharing how grateful you are, you will keep that feeling and spirit alive and this gratitude will create more gratitude.

May I share what I am grateful about? Blue did give me a sign, he said…

Daddy, it is time to stop thinking you did something wrong, I am fine and you know what…Now you have to worry about not getting your hand infected. You will need some pain killers that put you to sleep so now you can no longer stay up at night crying about loosing me.

But most importantly, Blue was sharing the very important lesson of Gratitude. He made us realize that we are so grateful to have had such a wonderful friend, companion, and teacher as we had in Blue.

Be grateful for what you have had in the past and what you do have now, never forget that PLEASE!



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Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
- Napoleon Hill