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Posts Tagged procrastination

Procrastination Due To Fear

Procrastination Due To Fear

Procrastination Due To Fear

Is your procrastination due to fear?

This question brings out quite a flock of feelings when you really look deep into your soul. Do we tend to procrastinate about doing things we fear? Maybe it is the fear of failing to accomplish these set tasks? Whatever the reasoning is, procrastination can kill our dreams and visions so quick!

Sales people are probably the most hit by tis seemingly horrifying feeling. Why? Well look at it like this, how many people have you spoke to in your life and told them that they would be an amazing sales person? I mean they have the charm, talk (or gift of the gab if you will), sense, product knowledge, and integrity to back it all up. Then you tell them that they should go into sales and what happens?

They seem to slip into a quick coma and then say

Are you kidding me, I could never sell! I don’t have what it takes

What is this IT that they don’t have? could it possibly be the ability to get rejected and keep coming back for more?
Fear can hold us back
If you were to ask most sales people on the planet today, I would hazard a guess that the majority of them do not like cold calling. If you are sales person, do you like cold calling? Personally I used to hate it and one day I sat down and realized that it is the rejection that i hate more than anything.

As we feel comfortable with people, we tend to be ourselves. when we cold call we tend to be someone else, this person does not like rejection! Could it be because there are other factors at play?

Say like the possibility that if we don’t sell we don’t get paid?

This fear of rejection and failing can cause us to procrastinate in so many ways fro such amazing lengths of time. Why? why do we let this happen? see have done it before, I mean we have clients now or we have had clients in the past right, these new prospects are no different are they?

All of these questions don’t seem to have any effect on us at the time do they? We still procrastinate don’t we?

This goes for al the times where we have wanted to share our vision, joy, dreams, and new found passion with people doesn’t it? We procrastinate about going for it because the economy isn’t in a good spot, pour relationship is in turmoil, our kids are off on summer holidays, our spouse is in a mood, or I am not going to do it tonight because my boss was on my back all day and I just need to rest. All of these


are simply other ways to procrastinate.

Make a decision today that you will look procrastination in the eye and act on your passion, dreams, excitement, and love. Sure you will hit times that you are scared to death about the outcome, we all have… (little secret)


has been faced with seemingly insurmountabe obstacles and when they believed in themselves and their accomplishments, they came through from fear to freedom.

Move from fear to freedom today and stop procrastinating

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Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
- Napoleon Hill