Conversations That Create Trajectory Moments

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Are We Really Doing Everything We Can?

Are We Really Doing Everyting We Can In Our Life?

“Are you bold, fierce, and unrelenting in chasing your dreams?”

Are we? Do you sit back and say “I want a better life.”? I want more of the good things, better personal relationships, better jobs, better friends, more respectful children, and then go back to doing the “same old, same old” that to this point in your life?

We do not have to look far to see that change is necessary for almost every facet of life. However, we also know (if we choose to see it consciously) that where there is an issue or challenge, there is also a lot of good and opportunity.

Where you are today, whether you like it or not, is all your doing. It is the decisions you have made in the past, the limiting beliefs or “little conversations” that you continually replay, and the paradigms encasing you. These factors are the reasons we are where we are. So, what are you doing to ascend to the next level? What do you continue to do even on the toughest days?

Recently, I have had a revelation of sorts. People say they want a better life, yet, on most occasions; they are not willing to put in the work. They are not prepared to make the sacrifices to get to the next level. You see, it is easier to have or create excuses than to create your own luck and consistently move toward your authentic desires.

Let me ask you this. Do you own every action you take? Do you own every choice you make? Do you own the challenges and opportunities you encounter?

Do you take ownership of your life as it is right now? Wait… Let me add to this before you answer! If you have had a tragedy occur in your life, do you still own it? If you have had massive health challenges, do you still own it? If you have had limiting results from employment, do you still own it?

Taking ownership of your life means there is no passing the blame. It is not a companies fault that you cannot pay your bills. It is not Gods fault that you have that health challenge, it is not your spouse’s fault that you are always in a bad mood, and it is not your children’s fault you are losing your hair.

It is your life, take charge of it. You are the CEO, the captain of your ship. Act like it!

Why do I ask if we are doing everything we possibly can to make our lives the way we want them?Everything They Had Went Into The Coliseum Just put. It is much work, and if you decided to ascend to the next level of awareness, it takes a lot of drive, work, dedication, and emotional attachment. The reality is that most people are not willing to put in the effort and dedication to make their dreams happen.

All of the tools are out there in the world, readily available for the taking.

Should you want it bad enough. Think about this picture for a moment. Did the people that build the Coliseum give it their best? Yes, they did! Do we admire this structure to this day? We sure do! Something to really think about no?

Joy to you!

Dan Deigan

Bob Burg The Go-Giver Extended Sales Edition

Bob Burg The Go-Giver Extended Sales Edition

Bob Burg | Extended Edition Sales Focused

In this video, Bob Burg author of multiple books including Adversaries Into Allies and Endless Referrals, gives us an in-depth look into the extended edition of The Go-Giver. This in-depth look Bob shares will assist all of you in sales and customer service career. Bob Burg is one of the most sought after experts in sales and shifting the outcomes of your interactions to help everyone win.

Over the course if this 45 minute video, your sales tools and techniques will be amplified ten folds simply through Bob’s. He pulls back the preverbal curtain and lays all of his secrets out on the table for you to pick up and run with.



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Energizing Ourselves To Pursue Our Dreams

Energizing Ourselves To Pursue Our Dreams

We all need to energize ourselves to pursue our dreams

“Our little conversations can destroy our energy needed to pursue our dreams. The trick is perspective!”

So there you are, holding your hands up in the air with a feeling of total euphoria, the world is now your playground, you now see life in a clearer perspective, you’re going to ROCK IT. Why? You’ve just given birth to the most amazing idea you’ve ever had. This idea is right in line with those dreams and desires. It’s the idea that you’ve had at the back of your mind growing, knocking on the door of your consciousness, asking to be released into this world.

At first glance, you’re unstoppable. This idea is going to change your life and the life of so many other people. For the next few weeks, you’re hard at work formulating, researching, reading, and compiling all of the creative material needed to complete this magnificent dream.

Then… It happens… You allow a little conversation about impossibilities, about a lack of any kind you have, about your past failures, about why this amazing idea just simply can’t happen. Then over the next few weeks, you do very little, you find your motivation decreasing, your energy draining, and your brilliance diminishing.

What is this reverse in energy, motivation, and drive? It is simply a shift in perception. I was listening to my copy of Napoleon Hill’s The Philosophy Of Personal Achievement. In it, he discusses before a live audience, how we need to keep our mind so busy with the glorious side of our dreams. The side that lets us know how many people we’re going to help, the abundance, we’re going to receive, the unlimited service we’re going to render, and the joy that it will bring us when we do.

When we keep our mind filled with these ideas, there’s no room for the negative. So in essence, if you’re having these ill thoughts and feel that lack of desire to achieve your dream. You just need a change in perspective.

In his book The Motivation Manifesto Brendon Burchard says

By deeply contemplating higher aims, we energize ourselves to pursue them.

Brendon shares another great truth when it comes to the Little Conversations we have during our “quiet times”. Usually (meaning most of the time) when we lack motivation for the continued pursuit of our dreams, we don’t believe that we’ll realize our dream. We lack the expectancy to achieve our desires. This all stems from a little conversation we have with ourselves about not being able to accomplish our hearts desire.

Doesn’t this sound so silly? So immature? YES, scream it at the top of your lungs right now… I WILL NOT LET ME TALK MYSELF OUT OF LIVING MY DREAM!.

Everyone that has ever achieved heights of true greatness has experienced a little conversation that told them they couldn’t do it. Have experienced times of what feels like a depression. Have experienced times of deflation, doubt, distraction, and even disconnection to their dream. The trick that they use and the trick that you will need to use is a perspective shift.

Changing your perspective will be easier for some than others, your perspective is just a view you have of any given situation. You’ve heard things like “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”. This is so true, how can you look at your challenge from a different angle? How can you find the gold nugget in every challenge? Does this situation help you prove your philosophy? Will it be great content to share on stage of in a group that might help others shift their thinking?

Ask yourself this: What will my dream provide the world, my family, my life, my legacy?. Sit down and write for a minimum of 10 minutes. Answer this question, then you’ll find all the motivation you’ll need.

Joy to you in every precious moment!


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Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
- Napoleon Hill