Conversations That Create Trajectory Moments

LCT Blog

What Pushes Obstacles Away?

What Pushes Obstacles Away?

<br /> What makes mountains seem like mole hills?<br />

What turns obstacles that seem like mountains into mole hills?


Could it be Passion, Belief, Faith, Courage, Or Understanding?

Sure it can, but how many of us truly believe that these drives, feelings, and inner thoughts can take us to that promised land? This is a question that many of us think about indirectly. You see when you think thoughts of disbelief, lack, or even failure…(Sorry had to use that word) You are telling yourself that you have no faith, belief, and passion in yourself.

First off, we have all and we all still have these feelings so the statement is not to say that if these thoughts come to mind you are a failure, no not at all. The people who believe these silly self thoughts are the ones that will not get where they truly want to go. These are the people that will allow these thoughts to remain in their head that they are not worthy enough, educated enough, or even just believe

There is no way I could do that, I have no credentials or means to get that going.

When Pig Fly Picture

I believe you could also use the old saying

“When Pigs Fly”

Could you not?

But that does this do to our goals, aspirations, and dreams? It crushes them right? Well how do we turn these mountains of fear, disbelief, and lack in to mole hills that you can roll over without a single thought. I believe that it is as simple as Passion, belief in thyself, and understanding that you really can do what you really want to do in life. Now once again and I have said this MANY times. Simple and easy are not the same thing.

Any one who tells you something like this is easy, well….They have simply never done it before. Plain and “simple”

So lets tale making mountains into mole hills for a while shall we? Mountains represents that seemingly insurmountable wall that fear of failure, that lack, that “what will my friends think” mentality. This mentality is a true fear for most, but with belief and we mean unwavering belief, that mountain starts loosing it’s height.

All the experts that we have spoke to, interviewed, and recorded have similar thoughts on this one subject, it is the the ingrained “I can’t that has been programmed into our sub conscious mind that take us down this path of disbelief. Let me ask you this, as a baby, or even look at any baby around you. Do you think that they believe that they can’t walk when they first fall down? DO they stop after the first time they “fail” to walk? Or course not, they have people all around them telling them that they can do it, and they do.

This is one of the biggest issues we face as adults. Having ourselves surrounded with people that Truly believe in us. Now we say truly because there are many factors here to consider. One is that you have friends and family members right now that say they believe in you but inside they don’t want anything to change, they are happy with YOU right where you are.

How do we get back to the environment that we had as a baby? The environment where everyone you knew believed in you unconditionally? That my friends is the question of the century!

Here is something to REALLY consider

1) Believe in yourself.

2) Understand that your friends will not fully believe in you the way that you think they should.

3) Be prepared the best you can for what ever venture you start out on.

4) STOP listening to the disbelievers…This includes your inner disbelieving self by the way

5) And Your PASSION has to be there. You have to be passionate about what you are going after or at the first sign of trouble, you will abandon your vision and retreat back to the thoughts of…..

Well I never really could have done that anyway, what was I thinking? Man am I ever glad I didn’t tell anon about it, they would be laughing at me now wouldn’t they?

Joy to YOU!


Procrastination Due To Fear

Procrastination Due To Fear

Procrastination Due To Fear

Is your procrastination due to fear?

This question brings out quite a flock of feelings when you really look deep into your soul. Do we tend to procrastinate about doing things we fear? Maybe it is the fear of failing to accomplish these set tasks? Whatever the reasoning is, procrastination can kill our dreams and visions so quick!

Sales people are probably the most hit by tis seemingly horrifying feeling. Why? Well look at it like this, how many people have you spoke to in your life and told them that they would be an amazing sales person? I mean they have the charm, talk (or gift of the gab if you will), sense, product knowledge, and integrity to back it all up. Then you tell them that they should go into sales and what happens?

They seem to slip into a quick coma and then say

Are you kidding me, I could never sell! I don’t have what it takes

What is this IT that they don’t have? could it possibly be the ability to get rejected and keep coming back for more?
Fear can hold us back
If you were to ask most sales people on the planet today, I would hazard a guess that the majority of them do not like cold calling. If you are sales person, do you like cold calling? Personally I used to hate it and one day I sat down and realized that it is the rejection that i hate more than anything.

As we feel comfortable with people, we tend to be ourselves. when we cold call we tend to be someone else, this person does not like rejection! Could it be because there are other factors at play?

Say like the possibility that if we don’t sell we don’t get paid?

This fear of rejection and failing can cause us to procrastinate in so many ways fro such amazing lengths of time. Why? why do we let this happen? see have done it before, I mean we have clients now or we have had clients in the past right, these new prospects are no different are they?

All of these questions don’t seem to have any effect on us at the time do they? We still procrastinate don’t we?

This goes for al the times where we have wanted to share our vision, joy, dreams, and new found passion with people doesn’t it? We procrastinate about going for it because the economy isn’t in a good spot, pour relationship is in turmoil, our kids are off on summer holidays, our spouse is in a mood, or I am not going to do it tonight because my boss was on my back all day and I just need to rest. All of these


are simply other ways to procrastinate.

Make a decision today that you will look procrastination in the eye and act on your passion, dreams, excitement, and love. Sure you will hit times that you are scared to death about the outcome, we all have… (little secret)


has been faced with seemingly insurmountabe obstacles and when they believed in themselves and their accomplishments, they came through from fear to freedom.

Move from fear to freedom today and stop procrastinating

LCT Introduction Podcast


Overcoming fear and failure one podcast at a time

Welcome to LCT’s First Podcast


We would like to welcome you to Little Conversations Today’s Podcast. This is our first of many to come that we hope you will find inspiration to start heading up the mountain of conquering your fear of failure.


Change Your Story Blog

Change Your Story Blog

Change Your Story

Changing Your Story, What’s it all about?

We would like to suggest that before you start reading this blog, you head over and watch Richard Kaye’s video where the inspiration for this blog came from. It is an eye opening video that had a massive impact on myself and we are hoping the same will happen for you. Here is the link Richard Kaye: Change Your Story.

When Richard shared this valuable piece of advise, I wrote it down and knew that this would be a valuable tool to help people overcome the seemingly insurmountable obstacles they face. So what is the “Change Your Story” all about?

The way that I took it and was later explained in further detail by Dr. Kaye is like this: We all come to a conclusion on every aspect, conversation, situation, argument, circumstance, and happening in our lives. Every part of our life really has a story that you can associate with it. So when we associate these stories to our lives a few things happen.

1) We take the story we associate to it and call that the truth

2) We believe that this is the only possible outcome.

But are these correct without a shadow of a doubt? I believe that is a yes and no answer, please allow me to explain. Your perspective is in fact reality, we all know that but as a mentor of mine Bob Proctor says

“If you look at something from a different angle, your perspective will change”

Bob Proctor

So what can change is Every situation ewe encounter? Is is possible that we can change the story to everything that happens to us simply by changing the way we look at it? I believe that is the biggest


that there could be.

Is this easy NOT EVEN CLOSE. This is going to be one of the most difficult things you have done in a long time, hands down!

Before you give it a try, understand that you can’t just give it a try! Make a decision that you will from now on look at everything that transpires in your life from at least two to three angles, then respond to it and

Change Your Story

Richard Kaye

If you do, there are a few things that will transform your life into what ever you want. You can choose to make these stories go one of two ways!


or negative.

What’s your choice? How would you like to live your life? What’s going to be your legacy?



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Attitude Of Gratitude

Attitude Of Gratitude

Attitude Of Gratitude

Attitude Of Gratitude

Why is it that as we go through this game called life, we all have times where we are so grateful for things that happen to us…BUT why is it only when they’re positive things?

Please allow me to explain…..

The last few two weeks have been probably the hardest weeks my family and I have faced if not ever, it certainly has been such a long time that I can’t remember what would beat this pain, emotional stress, and outpour of tears.

On June 29th @ 3:15 PM we put our family dog to rest after 15 wonderful years of friendship, energy, joy, laughter, frustration, silliness, and most of all unconditional LOVE. Blue was a good looking boy and remained a puppy till he went on to do what he loves most which is chase/chew his kong and run after rabbits for the rest of time.

(I bet you are running faster than you ever imagined my boy, you are the best puppy ever. Love from all of us puppy boy!)

During this whole process, the big question remained internally eating at my soul…Did we do the right thing? Was he in pain or did I mis-diagnose his pain?

Let me explain: You see Blue was diagnosed with cancer in his bladder a little over eight weeks ago and we agreed as a family that we would not let him suffer even for a second. Then something hit me on Tuesday the 26th of June that I will never forget.

When saying good night, Blue looked at me and deep inside I felt his pain. It was a feeling that I have never felt before and I would not wish on the worst person to walk this wonderful planet.

Blue was in pain and it was up to us to make sure he lived the way he always wanted to…Running and playing with the people he loved most. For those of you that are animal lovers and have been through this, you will understand. If you are not an animal lover or haven’t been through this you won’t understand the internal questioning that happens when you decide to lay your family pet to rest that is not on their death bed.

Friday night was a night of ages if that is even a way to describe the worst night you could possible imagine. All I was thinking was

Did we do the right thing

This feeling was overwhelming, so I did what most of us do when we are not sure we made the right decision… I asked for a sign, I asked Blue to give me a sign that he was better now than he was here and that he was in fact happier now and not in pain anymore.
BOY DID I GET A SIGN! at the time it was not only confusing but it was very painful.

The entire day Saturday I was fully present looking for a sign that could put my questioning to rest and let me tell you, I thought I found many. Some were great signs that he was in fact really happy now that the pain had stopped and he could run for as long as he wanted without having to take a nap in-between KONG tosses.

Until Sunday July 1st. I was operating a table saw in my driveway and something happened. I managed to put my hand through the saw. Within minutes a wonderful afternoon turned into a nightmare of mammoth proportions.

While I was being rushed to the hospital, all I could think about was how Blue just gave me my sign! It was an unmistakeable sign I must say…. Or was that really my sign?

Without getting into too much detail as I don’t quite know how much your stomach can take. I figured that the “A” word was going to have to happen. I thought that I was going to have to get a finger amputated and was certain that skin graphs, plastic surgeon appointments were a guarantee in my future.

As I lay in the hospital with my wife Christine, I told her about my asking for a sign.

(Christine was my rock like you have never seen a rock before..Bigger than the alps she was! She stood strong as I crumbled.. LOVE you soooo much baby)

But Blue did give me a sign. The doctor arrived and asked me to bend my finger and hand in a bunch of different ways push on things (the best I could) he then stopped, he looked at Christine, then looked at me and said…

Man you are one luck person, you put your hand through a table saw and not one tendon or nerve ending got hit. Ya it looks very ugly but you are going to be just fine.

WOW, I wish that I could post a picture of my hand but most of you will most likely loose your breakfast, lunch, or supper…What ever time it is when you read this…

I know, what about the gratitude part of this blog, your probably saying…You’ve made me cry so can you give me a little joy Dan… Right?

I was so grateful that I was not going to loose a finger. The stress was just wild thinking that loosing body part was possible. Now I know people loose fingers, toes, and limbs all the time, so please don’t think that for a second that this is bragging in any way because I’m not, I am simply sharing my inner thoughts and gratitude.

Do you know what the first thing I said to the doctor after he told me I was going to be alright?

Thats amazing Doc. Do you know when I will be able to get back to the gym?

WHAT, come on Dan! You were just sitting there prying to not loose a digit and now within seconds of getting the news, you are being so vein by asking about working out again… COME ON! right?

But don’t we all do that? I am sure that we can all think of times where we were praying that the worst case was not going to play out and when it didn’t play out the worst possible way… We just immediately started on the next path without being grateful for what just happened.

All we do is go Whoo, that was close, what’s next….. Right?

Make gratitude part of your attitude! Be grateful for everything, share your gratefulness with people. By sharing how grateful you are, you will keep that feeling and spirit alive and this gratitude will create more gratitude.

May I share what I am grateful about? Blue did give me a sign, he said…

Daddy, it is time to stop thinking you did something wrong, I am fine and you know what…Now you have to worry about not getting your hand infected. You will need some pain killers that put you to sleep so now you can no longer stay up at night crying about loosing me.

But most importantly, Blue was sharing the very important lesson of Gratitude. He made us realize that we are so grateful to have had such a wonderful friend, companion, and teacher as we had in Blue.

Be grateful for what you have had in the past and what you do have now, never forget that PLEASE!



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The Actor Observer Effect

The Actor Observer Effect

The Actor Observer Effect

The Actor Observer Effect

Recently I read an amazing little book by Dr. Suzanne L. Davis, this book is entitled Ten Interesting Things About Human Behavior.

There is a section that I would like to share and dive a bit deeper into. Chapter 8 is called

-We Use Double-Standards When We Judge Ourselves Relative To Others-

Dr. Davis goes on to use an example of dropping off some wedding invitations and says “ I didn’t mail the wedding invitations because my boss made me stay late again.” Dr. Davis goes on to explain that we make excuses for ourselves and usually

-Give ourselves a break –

Then Dr. Davis says “However, we don’t give others a break. When we judge someone else’s actions, as a general rule we attribute their behavior to internal factors (“but you drive right past the post office on the way home. You didn’t mail the invitations because you are having second thoughts about the marriage aren’t you?)

Does this sound like something you can do or have done in the past. Now obviously not with wedding invitations but I am sure you can think of other things or situations where you have not given others a break. When I was reading that chapter, a smile just came over my face and I had to shake my head.

Why is it that we do that? Why do we give ourselves so many breaks and let ourselves except all these personal excuses but when other people look for the same thing, we jump all over them with other possible scenarios except the real one that maybe they just created their own excuse and stuck to it, as we ALL have done right?

So lets try to give others a break too shall we? How do we do that, well I am in the same boat here. As I said, I just learnt the same thing you did… Wild isn’t it?

Here is what I am going to do. Not try, do! They are two completely different things remember?

Stop and really think about what the other person’s excuse is and think…”Would I have used that one?” look at it from their point not yours.

Not give myself so many breaks, I really don’t deserve them…….

And lastly, I am going to judge myself just as I would others

(This one is going to be tough!!!)



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FOCUS: Follow One Course Until Success


The Midas Touch Book Cover

I am almost through reading The Midas Touch by Robert T. Kiyosaki and Donald Trump. This book is amazing, the topics that they have chose to write about are up everyone’s alley it is just remarkable.

(Quick sneak peak: We will be doing a book review on it, so keep an eye out)

The one topic in particular we are going to focus on in this blog is of course the title…. FOCUS.

Mr. Kiyosaki defines focus as:

Follow / One / Course / Until / Successful….

Now that is a powerful statement do you not agree? How many times do we just loose focus of our vision, goals, objectives, priorities, or Life? I would wager that most of us would loose track very quickly in just a single day in our lives if we tried to keep track.

This is a word most people take for granted, they believe that they have a massive amount of focus, but do they? Robert talks about a time when he was in training for missions in Vietnam and when he was flying during a practice run his instructor was hitting him with a plastic bat. Now the fist time he did turn and the instructor advised him that he now killed everyone on the chopper. He was focused on the goal at hand, to pass the training simulation but just like the life most of us live with, something came out of nowhere and interrupted him. He lost focus, now not all scenarios are as dyer as flying a chopper into the battlefield in Vietnam but it is a great way to look at it.

So just stop and think of the amount of times that you might have lost focus on a particular project or goal. The big question is, did you miss a WOO? Did you miss a Window Of Opportunity by not remaining focused?

Did the fear of possible “failure” takeover and helped you loose focus? Opportunities come to us each and every day, we just have to be ready and focused on seeing them. What goals are you seeking to achieve? Are you laser focused on your prize? Nickelback has a song called If Today Was Your Last Day and some of the lyrics go like this.

Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind and try to take the path less traveled. That first step you take is the longest stride.

It Today Was Your Last Day Single CoverDid you have enough focus to take that first stride? When we look at it, none of us know how long that first stride will be BUT the people who are focused will be the ones that persevere. Are you that individual? Are you going to focus and succeed?

Both Robert and Donald talk throughout the book about the power of focus. They tell stories about goals that took over five years but with focus and determination, they succeeded. By reading this book, you can’t help but think…

Can I focus for five years on a single project without getting off track?

Focus can be the determining factor, the big piece of the puzzle that you might be missing if your success is just out of reach. Concentrate on developing your focus and see if that improves your outcome.

Against the grain should be a way of life, whats worth the prize, is always worth the fight.

-Nickelback- From the song If Today Was Your Last Day.



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Failure Or So It Seems

Failure Or So It Seems

Failure Or So It Seems: What do you believe?

Failure (Or so it seems)

Today’s blog post is near and dear to my heart. It is all (I guess the title gave it away) about failure…. Or at least what seems to be failure at the time. Before we begin, I have a question to ask you.

Do you believe in failure?

I believe failure is a word that was created to use when we don’t accomplish a task or goal. Let me share an example wit you.

Here we are, we have set a goal for ourselves and said that we will have it done in three months, we gave ourselves 90 days to pull it off. So we start our journey, the 60 day mark goes by and we are close but not there yet. Now we are approaching thew 90 day mark and we feel that we’re not that far past the 60 day mark when it comes to the progress we’ve made.

What do we do?

We force the goal to manifest, don’t we? Of course we all do. Now we hit the 90 day mark where we wanted to accomplish our goal and we didn’t do it, we missed our timeline. That means we’ve failed!

But did we?

Failure is such a final and conclusive word don’t you think? I mean it’s the final point to any sentence, there is not buts after that word because it’s final in everyone’s mind, however, this shouldn’t be!

The word failure should be at the minimum, the beginning of the education cycle. When you think you have failed at anything, make it the beginning of educating yourself on something new and exciting. Make it the stepping stone to greatness, achievement, and success.

After we get up from temporary defeat ang dust ourselves off, a new found spark is ignited and a new burning desire is internally created that will propel us faster than we could have ever imagined toward our goal. So if time is the factor in our example above, instead of using the F word. Why not just extend the time frame that you’ve set for yourself?

I used to believe in failure, I have not accomplished things in my life that I thought I wanted to accomplish but when you sit back and really look at the F word. It really can’t be used for any goal, accomplishment, or desire. Now I know that is a very bold statement but it is true, let me explain.

We will use Thomas Edison to drive this example home. Now I know you’ve all heard the stories about Thomas Edison. You know, the famous quote about the amount of times he failed at creating the incandescent light bulb.

We have researched the number of times he failed for this article and have found countless people that say between 500 to 10,000 times that he failed. The amount of times in not as important as his answer. So lets just arbitrarily use 1000 times for this example!

Thomas Edison said

I did not fail 1000 times, I successfully discovered 1000 ways NOT to make a lightbulb

Now that is the answer we all need to keep at the forefront of our minds. The F word is not permanent unless YOU allow it to be.

When you are hit with temporary defeat, simply stand back for a moment and look at your situation from another angle. Give yourself a little more time, re-focus, and even restructure the short term, mid term, and long term goals that will get you to the success you are reaching for.

If you want a new outlook on life, start with the F-word. If you seem to meet it, look into the issue or cause and learn from it. If you have learned something can you really consider it a failure?

If you are learning, you are growing! Don’t ever forget that!



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Reacting VS Responding

Reacting VS Responding

Are You reacting or responding?

Reacting Vs Responding

He absolutely blew a gasket. The reaction of this man was as if I just cut them off to the point that they had to drive on the sidewalk.

He started throwing me the bird, screaming absolutely disgusting profanities that R rated movies can’t repeat. Screaming at the top of his lungs while my 7 year old daughter is watching with the most astonishing look I have ever seen on her face.

My crime, I just swerved a little while I was looking into the back seat at my daughter when she was asking me a question and my vehicle moved about a foot to a foot and a half into his lane.

Sound familiar? Ever happened to you?

This is a reaction that we see all to much these days. People absolutely loosing their cool over something that in the grand scheme of things is totally irrelevant. These people choose to react instead of respond.

We have all been there at some point in our lives but where has it got you? Did it change the situation for the better or did you say or do something that makes you wish that you could turn back the clocks of time and change your “reaction”?

Me too! Reacting is simply letting your emotions control you not the other way around. By taking a step back or even if you want to look at it like taking a step out of your body and changing the way you are looking at the situation….You will find the situation will change.

If the gentleman that was loosing his cool over a car swerving slightly into his lane would have simply put his internal body filter up and not lost his cool, he most likely would have said to himself “Ya I’ve been there, it is so simple to just loose that line when you are doing something other than driving.

I mean we have all done it and when we correct ourselves and get back in our lane, our heart is pounding and all of a sudden you are paying better attention to the road than you have in ages. Why? Well for starters most of us driver through Paradigms but that is another post.

It scares us just as much as it scares the drivers around us right? When we react to something instead of respond we will miss so many of the benefits that come out of any situation.

With every adversity is planted the seed of an equal or greater benefit

– Napoleon Hill –

Napoleon Hills quote is not only true it is something that you should repeat anytime you are faced with a situation that you face that you feel is an adversity.

Now responding comes from a calm mind, a quite thought, and the chance to look at any situation from at least (I believe anyway) two other angles before you respond to it. Now this could be sleeping on an email that really got your juices flowing, waiting a few second to respond to a friend asking your advice, smiling at the gentlemen that is screaming at you for moving over into his lane, or even disciplining your children.

All situations can wait for a response rather than a reaction. No matter how severe you believe the situation to be, you can help by responding not reacting.

Think of what you say every time you speak. Remember, you can take the words back but not the feelings that the person you were speaking to felt when you said them.

Watch your words, respond don’t react, and have a great day!



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A New Page

A New Page

The time is now to turn a new page in your life

A New Page

As I sit here, coffee in toe on this crisp, calm, beautiful summer morning. Looking across the street watching the sun rise into the clear blue sky over top of the tree line I am reminded of a new beginning, a new start on life that only a new day can bring.

Dr. Wayne Dyer said “The morning breeze has secrets to tell” but what secrets can the morning tell us? Maybe it is the secret Bob Proctor always shares with all of his audiences “Each day is a new beginning, a fresh sheet of paper, you can make it what ever you want”

So if the morning breeze is telling us secrets and a key secret is that everyday is a new beginning, a fresh new start, a blank sheet, and a new day filled with new opportunities. What are we going to do with it?

Demosthenes said “small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises”

We encounter countless small opportunities everyday, the unfortunate thing is that we ALL miss so many of them. We all miss them, if you sit back for a few minutes and think about how many times that you could have seized a WOO, seized a beautiful Window Of Opportunity like Making someone smile, hugging your spouse or child, holding the door for someone at the mall, giving that extra little bit of effort to someone, letting that someone special in your life how you really feel about them, or helping a person in need.

It just blows your mind doesn’t it, BUT, there is some good news…..Today is a new day, here is your fresh sheet to make what ever you want come alive with excitement, joy, and love. Forget about yesterday and all the lost WOO moments, today you can seize them and make them yours.

By keeping the mindset of making each day a new page, a fresh start, or a new beginning if you will, we help our mind release the old and make room for the new. This new page that you have just made room for can get better and better everyday, all you simply have to do is make a promise to yourself, make a decision to creating a better day than yesterday.

Turn onto your new page and start a beautiful new day filled with energy, excitement, joy, passion, and love. Seize the moment, make it yours and always remember the great quote from Zig Zigglar

“If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.”
– Zig Zigglar –

Turn your page today!



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Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
- Napoleon Hill