Conversations That Create Trajectory Moments

LCT Blog

Ken Dunn

Ken Dunn


Ken Dunn Bio PicKen Dunn

An incredible hunger to learn and teach others has led Ken successfully through five different professional careers in the past 25 years. Currently he is an international speaker, author and sales trainer as well as CEO and Founder of Next Century Publishing and Readers Legacy Inc., a fast moving new-age publishing company based in Las Vegas, Nevada. As an advocate and blogger to the publishing and book-writing industries, Ken has committed himself to providing, all those whose lives revolve around books, with truly unbiased opinions in this market.

Ken has authored 4 books in the writing and selling space. His newest release, The Greatest Prospector in the World, is a parable used to impart the sales training lessons Ken has learned over his lifetime. With the success of earning tens of millions of dollars in sales, and previously selling over 200,000 copies of his books internationally, Ken Dunn is a leader and example of true success in sales for the modern world.

Today, Ken regularly speaks to groups in the direct sales, mortgage, insurance and banking industries. Ken lives in Toronto, Canada, with his wife, Julie, and children Matthew and Laura.

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YOU’RE The Obstacle YOUR Dreams Face – Plain And Simple!

YOU’RE The Obstacle YOUR Dreams Face – Plain And Simple!

YOU’RE The Obstacle YOUR Dreams Face – Plain And Simple!

“When we lie to ourselves and tell ourselves that our true desires can’t happen. We become the only roadblock we need to stay in our comfort zones… Better known as dead zones!”

When it comes to the attainment of our dreams and desires, it is clear that we are our biggest obstacle we need to overcome! Yes, you might be thinking that this post is just like all of the other “Pollyanna” ones out there. The fact is, it’s not!

When you sit back and think of all the “Little Conversations” you have with yourself when you set out on a really big dream. The conversations that go something like…

  • This is going to be really hard.
  • Man, this is going to take a lot of time.
  • I don’t know any of the right people
  • This is going to take a boat load of money

Do you not find it completely absurd that when we look to achieve this idea that has been digging into our minds for the last however many years, our first thoughts are the “reasons” why we CAN’T achieve them? Let’s break down just one of these silly yet, powerful and massively destructive little conversations we have.

This is going to be hard: Let me ask you this… How do you know without a shadow of doubt that this is going to be hard? If you’ve never set out to achieve this particular dream or goal (And I hope this is the case. If you’ve already achieved this goal… Then it’s not really a goal this time around is it?) Then how can you be 100% sure it is going to be so hard?

In my humble opinion, this is one of the most common cop outs of all times, of course it will feel hard… You are growing and stepping out into a new realm of greatness. Let’s think about EVERYTHING of great value you’ve done in the past. All you ladies out there. Was it easy giving birth to your child? Was it easy raising that child? For all you men out there. Was it easy raising your child? Was it easy conceiving that child? (Sorry, had a burst of the funnies there!) really though, these amazing dreams you had as a child of raising a family, came true. Sure, it was a lot of work – Yet, I am willing to bet that you wouldn’t trade it for anything or any amount of money. So then WHY do we think that these dreams that we’ve had kicking around inside of us for years are going to be so hard, we just simply can’t go through with it?

If we really want it, the difficulties seem to disintegrate before our eyes. This is the beauty of desire. When you have a real burning desire to achieve your goal. All these ideas of it being hard, go out the window. Will it still be hard at times, sure it will. However, your perception of “hard” will change. Your conversation will change, then and only then, is when you will break through into the freedom you so greatly deserve.

So when that conversation arises in you, about anything in your life being hard and therefor unattainable. Stop and ask yourself what isn’t hard? Is there really anything on this planet that’s easy? I say no. Some of you might disagree, I encourage you to think of it in a different way. If you believe say coding a website is hard, do you know anyone out there that might know it’s easy? Sure you do, you know that people out there believe it’s easy. Think web developers… So let’s decode this for a second. Is “hard” a perception stance or is “hard” a reality?

I vote, that’s it a perceptual stance. Everything you think is hard, I guarantee there’s someone out there that knows it’s easy.

In his book The Motivation Manifesto, Brendon Burchard says

If we are not responsible for our beliefs and behavior, then someone or something else is- thus, again, we are slaves. And so the great demand is clear: We must become conscious and responsible for our beliefs and behaviors if we are to be free.

In the end, you’re able to sum up all of these false ideas of your not being able to achieve what you truly desire with this:

It all revolves around your perception. If your conversation is negative, change your perception and your conversation will also change!

The Only Conversation That Counts

The Only Conversation That Counts

The ONLY Conversation that counts!

“When it comes to living the life we want, the conversations we have with ourselves can be our greatest asset or worst enemy!”

There is but one conversation you can have that can change the way you look at EVERYTHING. This is the most important one, the one you have with yourself. It is, in the end, The Only Conversation That Counts.

Why? You can have the greatest ideas on the planet, the greatest friends surrounding you with their support, and the greatest financial backing available. If you continue to have negative conversations with yourself in those quiet moments, talking about things like…

  1. What you’re not “apparently” capable of.
  2. What your product or service, “apparently” isn’t capable of
  3. That your dream simply isn’t “apparently” possible

You’re never going to achieve the dreams you’re going after. The reality is that we never seem to have a lack of thoughts that share with us, what we’re not capable of. When we give into these “Completely Stupid” ides, we then create a vibration that rings throughout the universe and in the end, returns to us exactly what we ask for.

positive-thinking-takes-workI believe, there is but one single source that has destroyed more dreams than anything. It’s our own defeating thoughts. Once your thoughts defeat us, there’s no coming back my friend.

Have you ever accomplished something in a very short period of time, looked back in complete amazement after it was all done and thought to yourself “wow, how did all that happen?”. I can remember one such experience I had during our annual Christmas and New Year Specials where we get usually 5 experts together and they share their ideas and beliefs on Gratitude during the Christmas week, then during the week of New Years, we discuss how to create a Revolution in our lives for the upcoming year. This particular year, I had a BIG idea…

Why not get 20 experts together for this year’s event?”

Did I mention that it was the 10th of December? Yeah… Trying to get 20 experts to give up an hour of their time two weeks before Christmas, not to mention, I would have to record and produce the 40 videos, create 40 new pages on the site, and have enough time to promote it all.

When it was all done, my wife asked me how I was able to pull it off. My first response was… “Why would I not be able to?”. See, I never gave it a single thought that I wouldn’t pull it off. The mix of her question and my answer sunk in and in just a few short seconds, it hit me… I pulled off something that most people would call impossible.

That’s when it really hit me… When it comes to living the life we want, the conversations we have with ourselves can be our greatest asset or worst enemy! Of course, this is just one such example. I am sure you, just as I do, have more examples of things just like this happening.

So why is it that when we set out to achieve our goals, do we start to waiver and let out “Little Conversations” tell us that it’s simply not going to happen, just because it might notabstract figures be happening in the timeline we had <em”think” it should happen in?

I wish I had some magic bullet to give you or share some instant insight that will eliminate these limiting conversations you have. Unfortunately, there is no such thing. Here are three suggestions that I use and find work extremely well.

  1. Think of a time you accomplished a great task without having all the needed skills. I once won a sales competition when I was relatively new at a company and had way less skill and knowledge than some of the veterans I beat out.
  2. Write out both the skills you have and the ones you believe you’ll need to accomplish your goal. When I started Little Conversations Today, I had a dream of what I wanted it to look like, share, and how it would all flow. I was missing a few pieces of the puzzle. First, I had no coding skills and second I knew nothing about photoshop or image manipulation. So I hit You Tube and taught myself how to write code and use photoshop. You need to work to develop the skills you need to accomplish your goal while using the skills you already have to take the next step toward your finish line
  3. Surround yourself with people that have big beliefs. In other words, hang out and associate with people that have a positive outlook and support your dream.

When our thoughts and conversations focus on what’s possible, we keep the passion alive and driving forward. Don Green shared a great video on how both success and failure are simply states of mind. When our mind is focused on what is possible, our conversations follow. When your mind is focused on what’s impossible, our conversations also follow.

When a negative conversation arises, use the ideas from these three suggestions. So let’s say that you’re in bed tonight and as you’re waiting to fall asleep, your mind starts sharing all of those wonderful “You can’t do this and that” thoughts. Say something like.

I remember when I beat out all of those veterans at my company when they had all the skill and industry knowledge. When I started Little Conversations Today without any html coding knowledge, experts lined up, or connections. I still created something really special for everyone who experiences it. My friends know I can do it, why do I doubt myself? I have proved that I was capable of so much in the past, I’m going to do the same thing now. I will succeed.

Sometimes all it takes is a shift in perspective. Here is what Napoleon Hill said to a doctor when he was in the hospital after his son Blair was born and the doctor advised Napoleon Hill that he would be a deaf mute his whole life. Napoleon disagreed and after the doctor said that there were some things in life that no one has control over. Napoleon Hill replied:

Doctor. There is nothing in this world that I can’t do something about, even if it’s nothing more than adjusting myself to an unpleasant situation so it doesn’t destroy my spirit

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Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
- Napoleon Hill