Conversations That Create Trajectory Moments

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When Do OUR Words Become Belief

We hear it everywhere…Think positive, keep thinking about you dream, believe in what you are capable of, and belief is the gateway to success.

These statements sure do have a positive impact, i mean we have all left that seminar with high ambition, just juiced with excitement to reach fro our greatness, and even started to take immediate and massive action. When do those words we tell ourselves about what we are capable of start to become a belief?

During a recent interview with Ian Humphrey, this question arose and the answer was one that took quite a bit of thought. Here is a link to Ian’s video about when the words we say to ourselves actually become a belief. Click Here To Watch
words When we are taking new limitless words and applying them to our old paradigms, this process of having them become beliefs is somewhat of a fictitious thing isn’t it? Breaking these long term old paradigms are tough to do.. Did you see the instant connection there? Did you read into that word? Let’s share it again Long Term Old Paradigms.

These paradigms didn’t just appear in your mind overnight, they took a long time to implant themselves through your beliefs, friends, family, and other outside environmental circumstances / situations. So why do we think this would change overnight? Is it because we have become an instant gratification society? Maybe we never really give any tough as to how long it has actually taken to become our belief.

Eiher way, this is what we face. So how do we change these old limiting beliefs into new ones? When do these new found thoughts turn from just thoughts to our new paradigms of possibility? My belief is that this answer hase two ways of looking at it.

  • One is that we need to understand, we have taken time to allow these limiting beliefs into our minds, so in turn we will need to allow time to replace this old belief with new limitless thoughts.
  • Two is that these new thoughts are going to be challenged by your biggest opponent… Your Mind! this opponent is stronger that any superhero you have ever met, will ever meet, or that Hollywood will ever be able to created.

Our mind challenges change, we all know this. Maybe you have tried to meditate before and all of a sudden as you are trying to keep your mind clear, thoughts start to enter and if you allow your mind to play the game it LOVES to play you will see that you shift from one weir thought to another within seconds and this continues until you stop and “think” what the heck was that all about?

Choice is the biggest and most powerful solution to this issue. Make a choice, and unwavering choice to only allow these limitless thoughts into your mind and you will change your beliefs about yourself and what you are capable of.

When do they turn into beliefs. I believe the ultimate answer to be… When you choose for them to become your new beliefs. Will this stop your “Negative Nancy” (sorry to anyone named Nancy!) from popping up? Nope not at first but you will be surprised at the power a true and committed decision can make.

Joy To You In Every Precious Moment.

Breaking Through The Edge Of Uncertainty

Breaking Through The Edge Of Uncertainty

Breaking Through The Edge Of Uncertainty

Have you stepped out on the edge of uncertainty and taken a breath before you jumped lately.. or ever?

DMJ-300Dennis Merritt Jones, author, speaker, and Huffington Post blogger asked that question and it really makes you think, no? How many times do we really step out on the edge of uncertainty and take that leap? not very many times I would think. That edge is the “ledge” of the norm, the ledge of “The same old.” This ledge can be the wall that you never believed to be erected in front of you. This “ledge” can stop you from going after what you really want in life, it can keep you trapped inside the limiting belief cycle that goes something like this…. “Me? I am not meant to reach that height of greatness, that’s reserved for those super successful people.”

What is “that height of greatness” anyway? Have you ever sat down and thought about what success is to you? Not to your friend, spouse, or children but what success means to you. Once you really give this question some serious thought the next step is to go and stand out on the edge of uncertainty and take a deep breath. When you take that deep breath, look around. How is the view? Scary? Possibly it is! How do you think a bird feels?

robin-nestThink about it this way. After the egg hatches, the bird’s mother does everything for them and then they reach that critical moment where they too have to step out into the world on their own. The bird doesn’t need anyone to convince them that they can fly, they trust that their inherent knowing will guide them to the freedom of flight. They stand on the edge of their nest (The edge of uncertainty) They then fall over or if they take too long their mother gives them that motherly love push and forces them into the unknown. They go over the edge and flap their wings as the ground speeds towards them, trying their hardest to defy the laws of gravity, then before they know it they are flying.

That inherent or innate knowing is your edge that you must go over and travel to your dreams. Trust your knowing and step out on that edge go for your dreams and remember to take that breath before you go over and enjoy the journey. Will it hurt sometimes? Sure will, everyone who has succeeded has faced that dreaded word “failure”, however, this word is only six letters assembled into a form that people tend to use all to often in life. We should change our inner belief about that word to something like this.

“Failure is simply success with an unintended ending”

Some of the things that we believe to be correct to be truths, sometimes prove to be lies. As we pass from the morning of our lives into the afternoon of our lives, these beliefs we have in the morning become lies and the same goes for that word…..Failure!

Stepping out to the edge of uncertainty and having this idea, goal, situation, or dream not quite turn out the way you wish. Does not mean in any fashion that you have failed.
If you go for your dream, you are already a success. 99% of the population are stuck in their comfort zone of the “norm” where there is no edge, no uncertainty, no such 2074319525_81309da47bthoughts of reaching out to become something better, to reach for the moon and grab a few stars on the way. So that in essence already makes you a leader, a success regardless of the outcome. Keep moving toward your goals learning from every situation you face whether it brings amazing results or something you feel might be less. There is a learning experience in everything we do.

Then release yourself to the belief that the highest power in this universe wants you to succeed. He does this with nature and will do the same with you, by releasing to you everything you will need to succeed, you just have to be willing to see it and accept it as such. A gift of the present!

The past is history, the future a mystery. The gift is now, that’s why it’s called the present. Enjoy the edge and take flight like a baby bird and morph into an eagle. The Eagle is the only bird that doesn’t run for cover when there’s a storm. Eagles fly above the clouds during a storm where it’s still nice and sunny!

The Fight Gets Fierce When You Stand Three Feet From Gold

The Fight Gets Fierce When You Stand Three Feet From Gold

As we start out in life, our path goes in one direction to another to another. When we make the critical and life altering decision to get after what we truly want in life, to really stretch ourselves and see what we are made of. Some remarkable happens… We start to grow in ways we never thought possible, we start to learn, meet new people, and everything starts to come together right?


We travel this road loving the decision we have made, the choice that we either confidently or not so confidently made to live the life we truly want. Sure we have faced a few challenges here and there, a few naysayers, and even a few disbelievers. We have listened to out mentors, educators, spiritual leaders, and experts. We have acted on their suggestions, ideas, and advise. All of this is helping us get to this “final destination” called success, greatness, or our dream.



This path is not a quick one, it seems to be this long winding road. Somedays are great and some seem to hold our hand and take us in a direction that almost seems like it is going in reverse. Those days are the testing days of life, the days where the creator is asking if this is something you REALLY want to do. These days ask you questions like: Are you a believer in your ability?, Do you think this is worth it?, What makes you think you have this in you?, Did I start down a path I am no where near qualified for?

All of these questions and Hundreds more rain down in your mind like an avalanche of negativity. You start to tell yourself that you are worthy, you are going for your dream no matter what. Then more challenges, adversities, and massive obstacles poke their ugly head up. When things start to feel like they are going great, here comes yet Another adversity. Is this meant to humble you even more? Is this meant to share another valuable lesson? Do you feel you have had plenty of lessons on this journey to your greatness? These questions and many others infiltrate your mind just as all those questions of limitation did not that long ago.

Here is where it is time to stand and fight!


It is this time where you stand just Three Feet From Gold this moment of triumph will not come without courage and unwavering belief. Are you set for greatness? Are you ready to walk those Three Feet?


Photo from

As you approach your success make no mistake about one thing. The fight will get even more fierce as you approach your greatness. You will be tested in ways you never thought possible, and you will start to waiver. This is why there are so many people out there today that want more, crave a better life, and never attain it. The reason is that they quit when they are Three Feet For Gold, when they think they have had enough challenges to last five lifetimes. There is one statement that I repeat over an dover again as I face these challenges just like you.


[quote type=”small” align=”left”] I need to succeed at my goal, vision, and dream. I have to succeed as there are so many people on the planet that need what I am about to bring forth. [/quote]


Yo see, you need to succeed at what ever you are going after so you can help someone achieve what they are going for. It is really that simple…. Not easy! don’t ever get those two mixed up!

As you get closer and the battle gets more intense, hold your position, anchor in and fight like you have never fought before. There will be a lot of people out there that will thank you in the end.


Joy to you and have a remarkable week!

Truths In The Morning Of Your Life

Truths In The Morning Of Your Life

Have you plugged into Wayne Dyers message in his cd and book entitled Inspiration? There are many sections that we could discuss that bring out many different thought provoking and life changing elements. The one in particular we would like to discuss in this article is moving from the morning of your life to the afternoon of your life. 


This movement Dr. Dyer says that mostly comes around the age 30-40, this is where some of the beliefs you had in the morning of your life, you no longer have in the afternoon of your life. So what does this mean? Well the essence of this is tat the belief system on certain things changes and you decide that these “things” no longer control you, you control them. 



If I could just as Dr. Dyer did in his Inspiration lecture, I would like to share some personal transformations with you. Things like believing that I had to be liked by everyone I met, believing that what people say is the truth, and probably the most memorable one of all is when I realized that going out or being with people in every waking moment when nothing else was going on is how I didn’t need to live. I am able to enjoy myself, alone time, or time just with my family doing nothing at all. 


These belief systems mixed with so many others might be swirling around in your mind as well. Are you sick of some of the drama going on in your life? Maybe you are fed up with some of the people in your life that always seem so negative, all of these are regular issue with most people. Come on, we all know that ”negative Nancy” when they enter the room we just want to leave right? 


So when we enter the afternoon of our lives, the adversity we face can be astronomical. Think about it, as these thoughts start to take form, you will have many different thoughts that roll into feelings, that in turn creates your actions. The trick is to stop and not revert back to the ways that don’t make you happy. This journey called life must be met with joy in as many forms as possible. Steve Rizzo shares in his book Get Your Shift Together that when he goes and speaks on corporate events no matter where in the world. The thing he basically never hears when he asks his audience what they enjoy about business and life is The Journey. This journey is indeed our legacy that we leave to our children. Enjoy the process of moving into the afternoon of your life. 


Think about the beliefs that have started in the morning of your life that today might not be a truth. Harness that truth and expand on it! 

The New Edison

The New Edison

The 21st Century Edison

[dropcap_5]H[/dropcap_5]ere’s guessing that you have heard the statement that Thomas Edison said to a reporter about the amount of times he failed to create the incandescent light bulb. If not, here it is again for you.Thomas Edison

In preperation for this article and for most of the interviews I have done, more than five hours has been used to research these comments from Mr. Edison and the conclusion is this: Depending on where you go, you will see quotes that Mr. Edison had anywhere from 700 to 10,000 “Steps” as he calls them to creating the lightbulb. Most of the stories we were able to find did indicate that it was a New York Times reporter that asked Mr. Edison this question, or something similar to this (depending on where you look).

“Mr. Edison, how does it feel to fail 1000 times?” And Mr. Edison replied to the reporter

“I didn’t fail 1000 times, the lightbulb was a project with 1000 steps.” I know once again there are many other variations of this reply so this is just one source that I chose to take this from. None the less, we could sit and debate this for countless hours. Some even question the legitimacy of the actual event. Thomas Edison to this day holds more patents than any inventor and lets not forget what amazing inventions Mr. Edison did indeed provide the world that has made it a much better place.

Today we are going to discuss in our opinion our 21st Century Edison and we believe that he will become the next icon for people all over the world to help them overcome adversity the same way people have been using Edison’s quote for years. Sir James Dyson
Sir James Dyson: I love to watch some of the shows they air on CNBC, some are quite amazing and there is one in particular that I truly love it is called How I Made My Millions. The concepts in that show are amazing and they dig right into the heart of companies and share how everything comes together, (the ins and outs if you will) with either the originators or key executives of these companies and show us that in the end, they too are just human like us. The difference is they went for their dreams and didn’t let anyone stand in their way, this episodes was no different This particular show was a step up from the original layout, it was called:How I Made My Billions

Sir James Dyson was discussing the beginnings of Dyson, how and why started the company, and what he had to go through to deliver his first prototype to the world. His dream was to produce products that everyday people use but to improve them, to make them easier to use, to increase the user enjoyment rate if you will. Mr. Dyson started to create his prototypes of his first vacum in his garage (sound like a few other people that started these massive companies you see today?). During this interview, he said himself so this is no urban legend, this is concerete right from Sir James himself. He failed 5127 times before his prototype was even ready to show anyone. 5127 times, he said his friends thought he was completely insane, he went to dozens of banks, the Government, and venture capitalists to get funding, only to be turned down multiple times by them all.

[bq_right] With every failure of the prototypes, I learned something fascinating. Each of these “Failures” brought me closer to my goal.
Sir James Dyson

Sir James went to all the major vacum companies like Shop-Vac, Electrolux, etc. You guessed it, he was turned down by them all, they were saying that no one wanted to see the dirt that they just picked up but Sir James believed that the bag-less vacum was not only a more environmentally friendly but the vortex style bag-less suction was also much more powerful.
Sir James Dyson Blade-Less Fan

Since then the Dyson company has grown to exceed revenues of 1.5 Billion in 2011 and they are forecasting greater revenue in 2012. Not only had Sir James reinvented the vacum, Dyson is now making other home products that are taking the world by storm like his blade-less fan and multiple other products that are cleaner, safer, and even more stylish than any of his competitors.

The big takeaway is that if you have a dream, if you believe in yourself, and if you make a choice to overcome ALL adversities that come your way…….
Anything Is Truly Possible Sir James Dyson proves Edison’s theory of his steps to creating the incandescent light bulb, except he is alive today and produces priducts that we might not take for granted like we do lights. Mr. Dyson’s views, beliefs, and perseverance will carry just like Mr. Edison’s did.


Challenge Yourself, Breakthrough The Glass Ceiling You Created

Challenge Yourself, Breakthrough The Glass Ceiling You Created

Do you really challenge yourself? A dear friend Rico Racosky shares the realization that in life and in your daily routine, you only have two choices at any given time. So if that’s a fact, what is your choice? Do you choose to challenge yourself or stay where you are?

The difficulty with every challenge is that all might word “failure”, we seem to attach this word to almost every challenge we face or adversity we hit. The next big challenge is that you just like everyone has done in the past, you have these self imposed glass ceilings over your head that you believe you can’t break. This my friend, is where you are wrong!

Challenge Yourself

So lets start with that nasty word “failure”. Is there such a thing? If you learn something from a mishap, is it a failure? If you learn how not to do something when you are faced with a challenge, is it a failure? The answer to these two questions is all dependant on your perspective. The story you associate with every challenge, adversity, or obstacle will be the determining factor what you take away from any challenge, adversity, or obstacle you face.

Sir Winston Churchill said it best when he said “all men make mistakes, only wise men learn from them.”

This self imposed glass ceiling you throw up over your head is the second and just as intimidating as the fear of failure or success itself. This glass ceiling tells you that you can’t do this, you are not smart enough to do that, what makes you think you have the credentials to change this r change that?, or that will never work.

This glass ceiling needs to be broken before you will ever have the breakthrough you really want. This ceiling is not easy to shatter, there is no doubt about it. The funny thing is, when you do break it, you will wonder why you hadn’t done it earlier. The freeing feeling is like none that you have felt before. Know that where you presently think you peak out, is only just the beginning. Your potential extends far beyond where you presently think it maxes out.

Stretch and reach for what your heart desires.

[bq_left]All men make mistakes, only the wise learn from them.[/bq_left]

One Of Those Days

One Of Those Days

<br /> One Of Those Days<br />

Have you ever had “one of those days”?

You know the kind when everything appears to be going wrong. You’re late for a meeting and all the closest parking spots are gone. You decide to go out of your way to get another thing off the “to do” list only to find when you get to your destination you don’t have with you what you need. You run out of gas on the way home because you decided not to get gas before the meeting that you were running late for. There’s no one to call to come get you…and do you really want to in this circumstance?

Fear Pic

Just a little embarrassing. So you decide to walk. It’s about 10 degrees below seasonal temperature and the north winds are blowing. We’ve all had “those days”. As I was walking, I thought to myself how grateful I was that the sun was shining. I thought how grateful I was that I made it not too far from home and that I can now walk off the 6 almonds that I just ate. I thought how grateful I was that I was wearing my running shoes and not my three-inch heel boots. I thought how grateful I was that I had nowhere else pressing to be within the next couple hours.

The wind stopped momentarily and I felt the warmth of the sun on my legs. I rounded the last bend and the winds roared once again. I thought how grateful I was that l had my house key since I left the garage opener in the vehicle. I unlocked the door and the phone rang. I had just received wonderful news that I had been waiting for! Have you been grateful today?

Christine Hyder

Breakthroughs With Your Family

Breakthroughs With Your Family

<br /> Breakthroughs With Your Family<br />

The feeling you get through your breakthroughs is like nothing else, except if you share your breakthroughs with your family. Having family breakthroughs can change not only your thoughts, feelings, and actions about certain elements of your life but they can change your families dynamics is amazing and mystical ways.

Breakthroughs of any great magnitude change you for life, if you could take those changes and apply them within your family, would you not want to? Of course you would. They are fairly simple to arrange, the action and completion on the other hand can be quite difficult, however, with the power of a family. The power of people that truly care for you and want you to breakthrough. There is but only one thing that can stop you and that thing is YOU.

Fear Pic

Sit down with your family, lay out your goals over the next three months. What do all of you want to accomplish and how can you help each other with your breakthroughs? Children and our “better halves” have such a magnificent effect on us it is incredible.

You can move mountains for your family and at the same time move them for yourself. Many people today have fears about the breakthroughs they really want. Until that is their children breakthrough and share their amazing tales of adventure with you. Then what are you going to do? You guessed it….breakthrough yourself.

By sharing your breakthroughs you will give others the confidence to breakthrough themselves. Share the joy and energy that comes from breaking through from fear to freedom, from failure to faith, from confinement to freedom and take your family with you.

Change today for a better tomorrow!

Your Challenge Is Your Legacy

Your Challenge Is Your Legacy

<br /> Your Challenge Is Your Legacy<br />

We all want to leave a legacy when we go, don’t we? Either for our children or the population in general. Is the legacy that someone leaves behind nothing more than the story associated with every challenge they faced? This question deserves looking into.

If you look at the legacy of Henry Ford for example. Is his legacy based on the challenge of making the V8 engine work or is it based on building cars? It can go either way right? Yes he did introduce us to this new way of traveling but would his legacy have been so great if he gave up on the challenge of building that ole V8? This engine is just one of the legacy lessons Henry Ford left behind right? Possibly, that also depends on your perception. Maybe Mr. Ford’s biggest legacy was the millions of single style cars he built with the Model A. Maybe it was his determination to be the best. Go ahead and research other great inspirational leaders like Winston Churchill for example.

Fear Pic

Was Mr. Churchill’s legacy the inspiration he left behind from overcoming a particular challenge he faced? Maybe his legacy to you is the way he overcame multiple challenges. In fact with Mr. Churchill is he faced many, many adversities that would have sent most into hiding for the rest of their lives. However, Mr. Churchill prevailed over all of them and that made him the great person he still is by living through his legacy you her about today and will hear about once again tomorrow.

You can find similar stories in all of our leader’s legacies and the leaders of today that are creating their legacies. All of them overcome challenge to bring you these breakthroughs and the benefits you get to take on and enjoy.

Embrace the challenge, leave a legacy for others to learn from. Pay it forward!

Failure, The Other Form Of Success

Failure, The Other Form Of Success

<br /> Failure, The Other Form Of Success<br />

If failure was the final point, where would our world as we know it be? If failure was final, what do you think the great inventions that changed the word would look like? If there was not a single part of failure to learn from, what would things like cars, the space shuttle, vacuums, t.v’s, or tablets look like? Would they even exist?Where would they be? Not in our hands or available for us to use as we know of them today, that is certain!

Challenge Yourself

Failure is a part of life, finding the learning lesson in this word is really what has created everything around you. So in essence, failure is a really good thing. It allows us to see where we went “wrong” and correct it. Failure is simply success with an unintended ending. It is the emotions and story that we associate with this “F” word that creates our thoughts, feelings, and actions about it.

The story is the key, the story is the gold nugget of every “failure.” When experience one of these learning moments, what story do you associate with it? Is it a story of blame? Is it a story of defeat? Or is it a story of learning? A story of faith? A story of joy to have had the pleasure of this educational moment?

Granted, sometimes when we hit these educational times, finding that educational moment is not always the easiest thing to do. Believe it or not, it can serve as the greatest breakthrough you have ever experienced. Change your story, change your life in every way.

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Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
- Napoleon Hill