Conversations That Create Trajectory Moments

Archive for the LCT Weekly Blog Category

Psychology Of Positive Quotes

Psychology Of Positive Quotes

There is a lifetime of education behind positive quotes

Ah yes the world of quotes. Are you a big quote person? Do you enjoy positive quotes about possibilities, success quotes, maybe motivation quotes. No matter what kind you like, there is a back entrance that if taken, these quotes become more than just words.

What is that door? It is the psychology that is behind every great quote, in this week’s episode of Little Conversations TV we are using one form the master himself Zig Ziglar. Zig is a legend in positive thinking, sales, and performance and today we look deep into his quote:

Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will

In this video, we share three key ingredients that we feel go into understanding this particular quote and share some great ideas to help you not only start to think positive but to create a vortex of positive thoughts that can help you go vertical toward your dreams and true desires.  Just like this week’s blog post on the vortex of positive thoughts shares vortexes go both ways.

The Words That You Speak On The Inside Will Eventually Manifest On The Outside

The Words That You Speak On The Inside Will Eventually Manifest On The Outside

Overcome Your Negative “Little Conversations” Of Fear, Adversity, And Challenge


Have you picked up a copy of Greg S Reid’s new book entitled Stickibility? If not, we suggest you get a copy as soon as you can, in fact GO HERE Greg Reid has written a book that if studied and applied, can truly change your life. Now if you have followed us for a while, read our blogs,a dn watched some of our expert videos. You will know that we believe in books. There is more transformational information sitting on people’s book shelves doing nothing than I would even care to try to figure out. As they say, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink. We see books as troughs of water and we are the horses. How many troughs do you have in your reach?

Recently, we had the great pleasure of having a telephone conversation with Greg S Reid. Greg co-authored Three Feet From Gold (The book that essentially started our stickibility-book-blogLittle Conversation Movement) and Greg sent us a copy of his new book entitled Stickibility. This is a trough you are going to want to drink out of everyday! As the second day of reading this book approached, we decided to look back and see how much information we highlighted and pinned out to discuss with Greg when we had our interview and to be completely transparent…. We have no idea here to start. As we approached the end of Chapter 4 we realized that there are 36 tags, over 400 places with highlights, and 40 ideas to bring to life.

So how do you start to choose to discuss something or write a blog like we are doing now on a single topic or sentence of a book of this magnitude? Well, that came to us just as it was supposed to. We started to read page 63 and the idea at the top of the page says it all

You have to protect your mind and how you are responding to your thoughts, because the words you speak on the inside will eventually manifest on the outside

Need we say anymore? No we need not! Our burning desire is to change the “Little Conversations” you have with yourself when you are faced with adversity, challenges, and to help you breakthrough those ideas of lack and limitation. Your inner world does in fact control your outer world, we don’t have to go very far in our research to prove that. So how do we start to progress toward controlling out inner world, our inner “little conversation”?

The first step is what we call the A of the A,B,C,D’s of our Little Conversations.

A: Acknowledge that you in fact do have a dream that you want to accomplish, a burning desire that you want to bring to the world.

  • How: You must write your dream, desire, goal, or what ever you want to call it out on paper: A dream not written down is just a mere wish. 
  • Why: When you write your burning desire down on paper, your world and everything it will expand. When you are writing down you desire, make sure to add in as much detail as possible, be specific, and be positive about it. Use words like: Now that I am, I am so happy and grateful now that, I have, I am, I love it now that, and so on. Using these words in the present tense as if your desire has already been met will create a new perspective in your mind. 
  • When: There is only one time for doing anything and that time is now! Plain and Simple!

B: Believe in your abilities to achieve your hearts desire. Believe in your abilities no matter where your starting point is.

  • You Can Achieve Your Hearts Desires: The thought of doing what it is you want to do would have never entered your mind if you were not able to accomplish it. This you must believe!
  • Belief will create a positive “little conversation” Which will in turn help you achieve your desire. Our minds are the first and last stop for true success
  • Write down your belief statements these will help you on those days where that devil of negativity pops his ugly head. Stopping your disbelief quick will allow you to get back no track in no time. Getting derailed will happen but it’s not about the knockdown, it’s about the get up.

C: Choose to achieve this desire and Choose to believe you can!

  • Something remarkable happens when you make a choice Choices are like this unreal reality check as things become so much easier when you make an irrevocable choice. Remember making a choice should be like burning the ships at sea, there is no going back when it comes to your true burning desire. No matter how rough the going gets, you burnt your ships so there’s no retreat!
  • Reaffirm your choices daily Doing this will help you in the long run to stay on track and not jump in a dingy and try to paddle back home! There is nothing worse than being as sea without a big ship! Do this by witting down why you made this choice: List all of the positives that achieving your burning desire will hold and share them with yourself in a mirror everyday as if they had already happened, just like your Acknowledgement statement!
  • Keep Telling your new story By telling our new story to ourselves, we turn on a new and exciting vibration that manifests from inside out! This vibration will drive your life toward your burning desires.

D: Determination In other words you need STICKIBILITY! 

  • Determination, Perseverance, Stickibility, All create a life long choice of accomplishment. When you first set out toward your hearts desire, you will find that perseverance is tough. When you accomplish one of your goals along the way, the frame in which you see Stickibility, perseverance, or determination will change forever. This is when your contemplation about these steps stops and turns into true belief.
  • The drive in which you hold yourself to will directly drive you toward your desire. Maintaining your push forward no matter what circumstances arise is where true growth takes shape.
  • Your inner world controls your outer world If you have determination inside, the outside will follow!
You have to protect your mind and how you are responding to your thoughts, because the words you speak on the inside will eventually manifest on the outside
It is up to you. You have now just been led to water, are you going to drink? Are you going to drink just today or are you going to hydrate yourself for the rest of your life? The choice is yours. Are you ready to experience the power of perseverance first hand? Are you ready to conquer your fear and stop procrastinating?

Here are a few more drinking spots for you to help you with your journey. We go through just about a book a week so we thought we would share with you the most influential books we have read lately in the hope that they will help you on your journey.


  1. Stickibility
  2. Everything I Know About Success I Learned From Napoleon Hill
  3. You Unstuck
  4. Go For No
  5. Just 2 Choices

If you would like a list of our favourite books, send us an email and we would be happy to share the books and more importantly, the reasons why we enjoyed them so much.




Overcoming Your Negative Little Conversations With Information From Books

Overcoming Your Negative Little Conversations With Information From Books

Books, a wealth of knowledge for overcoming your negative Little Conversations

If we were to take a fraction of the information on your book shelf and apply it in our lives, where do you think you could truly be? In our opinion, books are some of the greatest resources for information and lets face it, the price can’t be beat!

This week we are looking at Greg Reid’s book Stickibility. We have discussed it in our LCT Weekly Blog HERE we discussed the words or conversations we have on the inside make their way to the outside. We elevate a bit on that with this LCT TV episode. Today we discuss how we respond when times are tough.

We can all say great things, smile, and laugh when times are great, it is when we face adversity that we see what our true colours are. How do you respond to adversity? Do you even respond, or do you react? We hope this episode Of LCT TV helps.

Remember to leave a comment below and sign up for our newsletter to be the first notified when new experts arrive!



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Terry Brock’s Little Conversation About Social Media And How To Create Value While Raising Your Klout Score

A Candid Conversation With Terry Brock About Social Media!


As we share our message with the world, there is no better place to become what most call “an overnight success” (If there is even such a thing) Many people have made an undeniable impact on our world through social media outlets like You Tube, Facebook, Twiter, Vimeo, And So On And So On And So On…. If you are twittering, Instagramming, Facebooking, or whatevering! Knowing the ins and outs of each of these platforms is the key to gaining a tribe of people who first and foremost enjoy your content and believe in your message.

So we recorded a video that sits just about 27 minutes in length with Terry Brock, social media guru and discussed many of the platforms and how we should go about posting, interacting, and building these traffic generating powerhouses.

If you don’t know Terry Brock, he is the co-author of the best selling book Klout Matters. Make sure to check this book out, it can truly increase your effectiveness when using social media to driver traffic or share your message.



Just in case you didn’t get a chance to really see the whiteboard, here is a picture of my masterpiece after Terry and I hung up on Skype!


You can check out Terry’s blog HERE

Thoughts Become Things When They Expand With Brian Biro

Thoughts Become Things When They Expand With Brian Biro

As we continue our conversation from our show on Voice America’s Empowerment show Little Conversations Brian and I discuss how our thoughts truly become things. If you think predominately bad or limiting thoughts, this is the life you will land up living! If you think positive limitless thoughts… guess what? That’s right! Good things are going to arrive in your path to your greatness!

Enjoy the audio session.

Happiness A Way To Breakthrough Your Challenges And Change Your Little Conversations

Happiness A Way To Breakthrough Your Challenges And Change Your Little Conversations

Happiness and the reasons why we can create a happy life through Brad’s bite size guide


If you didn’t heard Brad Montgomery’s show on Little Conversations Today, please click here Brad shares today’s episode with Bob Burg. Brad had to go and never got to finish his thought and action plan about creating a life filled with happiness. So we did what any good host would do. We got back on a recording with brad after our show and completed his action plan for you to listen to right here right now.

We hope that you enjoy this recording.



To listen to the entire show: make sure to click here

Perception: The Choice In How You See Everything

Perception: The Choice In How You See Everything

There is no truth. There is only perception.
– Gustauve Flambert –

You don’t have to go very far to find all sorts of different perceptions on anything. We all have our own perceptions about almost everything, that’s what makes us unique.  Or at least our perspectives of any given situation, challenge, or outcome unique! In Bob Burg’s new (At the date of this post) book entitled Adversaries Into Allies Bob shares in quite a few places about ensuring that when we are perceiving a situation to always try to look at it from another lens. Another filter of thought if you will.

This is a fantastic way to put it. We do need to examine every situation positive or negative from a different angle or lens and in turn that situation will change. So many of todays thought leaders share with us that “If we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change”. So how do we go about changing our perception of a situation? First we must understand that our perception is based on our beliefs. So in fact we do not need to change our perceptions of a situation we need to concentrate on our beliefs about that given situation would you not agree? 


Beliefs run the entire spectrum in which you perceive something. Beliefs cause you to see something as the truth or fiction, beliefs control how you respond to any given situation. If you have been programmed with a certain set of beliefs about say cars. So all your life your parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, pretty much everyone in your entire family said that Fords sucked, what would you think about Ford vehicles? If you grew up in a family that was racist to any given creed that we share this planet with, what would be your perception of that particular creed when you got older? Your perception would follow this belief system that has been instilled in you would it not? Of course it would. 

Not only do we see the world from our own set of beliefs but we assume that everyone else see the world the same exact way. – Bob Burg –

Marcus Aurelius whom I believe to be a great Philosopher (Ah, see that??? My perception of him. Some might think he was a ruthless ruler who murdered people to gain power) was quoted as saying “Everything we hear is an opinion, not fact. Everything we see is perspective, not truth.” Marcus was referring to the same lens that Bob refers to in his book. This is the lens in which we live our life.What lens to do you live with? Are you really looking at your life in the right context?  Bob shares another piece of defining wisdom in his book, he says “Not only do we see the world from our own set of beliefs but we assume that everyone else see the world the same exact way.”

To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.
– Tony Robbins –
So you don’t have to go to far to see how perception and beliefs can control how we actually see things happening and not happening in our lives. How do we go about changing our perception of situations, here is a list that I live by and I truly hope that you can find some pearls of wisdom in it as well.

  • I always consider the source of the situation or information. A lot of the time I see that the source of the situation is one that will never be content with the outcome or see that the source of the negative situation always seems to be the source of negative situations. That’s when it is time to move on. No need to waste everyone’s time when the source is never going to change. From my perspective:)
  • Stop and think about the situation you are in from a few angles. I use this method. 1) My immediate Thoughts 2) If another person is involved, I try to look at it from their side. When these two are sitting in front of me, I then compare both sides. When you do this you MUST take ALL emotion you might be carrying around out of the equation. 
  • Define with yourself why you feel the way to feel. Is the feeling you have because of past programming? If it is can you accept that you need to change it?

T Harv Eker said “Consciousness is observing your true thoughts and actions so that you can live from true choice in the present moment rather than being run by programming from the past.”

Now those are some great words to think about aren’t they?



Using The Law Of Attraction Wrong When You Think You’re Using It Right

Using The Law Of Attraction Wrong When You Think You’re Using It Right

Of Course I’m Using The Law Of Attraction Right!

Famous last words that took just about three years to realize. This realization (As you will read about below) is over Three Years In The Making!

When we created Little Conversations Today back in 2010 we focused (And still do but with a few adjustments) on helping everyone we touched with ideas, techniques, and strategies to overcome adversity when it hits their lives. The fact that we all face adversity in our lives no matter your status, race, culture, or lifestyle is not up for discussion. It is a part of life, if you are breathing, you have and will continue to face adversity. It is how you respond to these challenges that matters.

On December 18th 2013 while having a call with Belinda Phillips something completely shell shocking arouse. Belinda Phillips is a Theta / Spiritual Healer (Who by the way is just fantastic, we recommend you connect with her if you have blocks in your life!) Do so here.

Belinda said something that started a chain reaction of thoughts, transformations, and the most incredible Ahha! moment. The idea that since we started Little Conversations Today, the focus has been placed on Adversity has actually brought more adversity into our lives than ever before. IT HAS! To quote my kids OMG!…. Revolution time for sure. It took about a minute of thinking and the chain reaction sequence of events set in, we realized what we had to do immediately… 

  • Change In Tag Line
  • Change In The focus Of The Upcoming Radio Show On Voice America Radio (NOT CONTENT JUST THE FOCUS OF ADVERSITY)
  • Change in our thinking

We changed all of these three key areas to now focus on Conversations. Those “Little conversations” we have while we lay in bed trying to fall asleep, driving your car, walking the path to your greatness, or even just in those quiet times of self reflection. All of these moments and thousands more are where our dreams, visions, and aspirations either flourish or die.

These Three seemingly simple changes has spawned a multitude of positive occurrences that we are so grateful for and the most important ones are the education, skills, and thought transformation that has now occurred. The most important thing that we now realize that we never did before is that. This universe doesn’t hear some words that you ask it for but hears others. By us talking about adversity all of the time, we in turn were attracting it into our lives. Everyday we discuss adversity with sometimes 10 people, experts, future experts, friends, and family. When you operate a site that focuses on overcoming something, don’t you spend most of your time discussing that particular thing? Of course you do!

So without realizing it, we have been drawing so much adversity into our lives. What you focus on expands

You become what you think about or in other words: what you focus on grows in your life and from what you take your focus away from diminishes.


Now thats quite a navel tickler isn’t it. The reason I share this is that since we have started helping people all over the world with tips, tools, techniques, and strategies to better their lives and overcome adversity, we were drawing more adversity than we have ever faced into our lives. The entire time this was going on, we thought that it was more of a “As you get closer to your goal, the fight gets fierce” idea. We even wrote a blog post on it! Check it out here: Fierce Fight I mean REALLY! REALLY! Can this be?

SURE CAN my friends, sure can. Be VERY careful about what you think about and the context in how you think about it. Let our experience over the last three years be a massive eye opener to you. Here are some strategies that we have just started implementing this week and already have proven to be quite a powerful set of ideas.

  1. If you feel that what is going on with you at this present moment feels like it’s…  “Not your life”  … Then sit down with a pad and paper and think critically about where your most dominant thoughts lye. Are they on what you don’t want to happen? Or are they like us, on a topic that could hurt your movement and growth?
  2. Contact Belinda, she would love to help in anyway possible! Once again Click HERE to go to Belinda’s site
  3. When you find out your most dominant thoughts, ideas, and concepts. Make sure to eliminate the negative ones that you feel might be hindering your development and abundance.

We hope that this video helps you as much as it helped us creating it. Joy to you in every precious moment my friends!


From An Idea To A Chance To Help Hundreds Of Thousands People

From An Idea To A Chance To Help Hundreds Of Thousands People

From Idea, To Paper, To Reality: This Stuff Really Works!

So here we were sitting in bed on November 28th. Thinking about what we could do for our visitors, subscribers, and clients that would speak so loud to our message.

goal-blogThen it hit us! Why not gather say 10 experts to join us on somewhat of a top 10 gratitude and revolution talk throughout this holiday season. Then the idea that is now being but into affect…. Well if we are going to get 10, why not get 20? Right? I mean why not, if we are going to dream, dream big! So we did. We officially have the top 20 and we didn’t stop there. Our goal is to have 50,000 people… Yes you read correctly… We want to have 50,000 people the week of December 22nd to December 29th and another 50,000 from the 29th to the 5th of January. 


Why? Why did we set such a “Pie In The Sky” goal? Well that’s easy my friend. If we touch 100,000 people over the next 14 days and they touch even 2 people each with the ideas, techniques, and strategies our experts have so graciously shared. That’s quite a fewpeople on this planet that will start 2014 with gratitude and an unbelievable goal, mission, and vision. Now that’s overcoming adversity!

So is this goal scary? Sure is. Do we sometimes feel that it might not happen? Sure do. Do those “Little Conversations” In our heads sometimes tell us it’s not possible? Sure they do, everyone gets those nasty conversations going on. Are we going to push forth with this goal anyway? SURE ARE!


An Idea To Help Others Overcome Adversity, Creates More Than Was Even Imaginable

An Idea To Help Others Overcome Adversity, Creates More Than Was Even Imaginable

So here we sit, December 2013. Almost into the third year after the conception of Little Conversations Today. Just in case you are not aware, Little Conversations Today started due to an adversity we faced that at that times seemed completely insurmountable.

There was a long period of disbelief and then the feeling of complete failure set in and all of the other feelings that go with it. Through this journey, we were introduced to a book entitled Three Feet From Gold. This is the book that gave birth to the idea of this site and just recently a dream came true and truly created a new belief system inside of us.

three-feet-from-goldHave you ever taken a step outside of yourself and been in awe about an action and where it led to? An idea that turned into something great? A chance meeting that turned into the most remarkable relationship ever? Or even a conversations that turned into the most valuable learning lesson in your life. These circumstances are no coincidence, this is the universe just lining up what is to be the next step in your life.

On December 12, 2013 this happened to us. We got the opportunity to interview the gentleman that gave birth to the idea that in turn changed our lives forever. We were honoured to interview the great Mr. Don Green, CEO of The Napoleon Hill Foundation and originator of the idea behind Three Feet From Gold.


Asking Mr. Green to share his Three Feet From Gold Story was a moment that we will never forget, being able to spend over two hours with Mr. Green discussing his book Everything I Learned About Success I learned From Napoleon Hill.

Today we bring you a snippet of what is to come on February 2nd 2014. This is when we release the fullseries of Mr. Green’s videos.  When we do, please make sure that you come back and see them, you will be so moved by the most incredible wisdom of Mr. Green.

Today and since the 12th, there has been a single statement rolling around in our mind and the statement goes like this:

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve” -Napoleon Hill-  This past week this statement along with the idea of having a definite purpose in life can’t become any clearer. Having a definite purpose of sharing the ideas our expert lay out in an

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.
environment that is comfortable “In our experts homes or places of business” is complete joy and bliss for us, ensuring that anyone who faces adversity that seems so insurmountable in their life can come here and find FREE information from some of the most magnificent minds in the world, and helping to bring to the world resources to use and not just sit on the shelves of offices and homes all over the world is our DEFINITE PURPOSE! Thank you so very much Mr. Green and without further delay, we bring you Mr. Don Green’s Three eFeet from Gold Video!


[genericbox color=””]Thank you Mr. Green for giving birth to this remarkable idea of Three Feet From Gold. Thank you for writing Everything I Know About Success I Learned From Napoleon Hill. Just these two pieces of legendary writings will continue the legacy of the great Napoleon Hill. This in conjunction with the countless other pieces of literature, video, and audio Mr. Hill has recorded, written, and produced will ensure that the message continues to travel long after we are gone.[/genericbox]



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Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
- Napoleon Hill